Rules and Regulations Primary 1 Civic Education

Subject: Civic Education

Class: Primary 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 9

Topic: Rules and Regulations

Sub-topic: Understanding the Importance of Rules and Regulations in School

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students are expected to recall some rules they follow in the classroom and playground.

Key Words:

  • Rules
  • Regulations
  • Follow
  • School
  • Playground

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define the terms “rules” and “regulations.”
  2. Identify and list rules they follow in school.
  3. Understand the importance of following rules.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Communication
  • Critical thinking
  • Following instructions

Learning Materials:

  • Flashcards with key words
  • Pictures depicting rules and regulations
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Examples of school rules



Rules and Regulations

  1. Listen to the Teacher 🤔
    • Follow the teacher’s instructions in class.
  2. Raise Your Hand 🙋‍♂️
    • Raise your hand if you want to speak or answer a question.
  3. Share and Take Turns 🔄
    • Share toys and take turns during activities.
  4. Walk, Don’t Run 🚶‍♀️
    • Walk calmly in the classroom and corridors.
  5. Use Inside Voices 🗣️
    • Speak softly inside the classroom.
  6. Keep Classroom Clean 🧹
    • Throw trash in the bin to keep the classroom tidy.
  7. Say “Please” and “Thank You” 🙏
    • Use polite words like “please” and “thank you.”
  8. Wash Your Hands 🤲
    • Wash your hands before and after eating.
  9. Use Polite Words 🗣️
    • Say “excuse me” and “sorry” when needed.
  10. Respect Others’ Space 🤝
    • Give others space and respect their belongings.
  11. Follow the Schedule ⏰
    • Stick to the timetable for different activities.
  12. Wear Uniform Properly 👕
    • Wear your school uniform neatly.
  13. Share Play Equipment 🏀
    • Share sports equipment during playtime.
  14. Stay in Line 🚶‍♀️
    • Stay in a line when moving from one place to another.
  15. Ask for Help 🤲
    • Don’t hesitate to ask the teacher for help.

Following rules and regulations helps everyone have a happy and safe learning environment! 🌟

  1. Listen to the teacher and follow instructions in ________ (a) Silence (b) Class (c) Playground (d) Lunchtime
  2. Raise your hand if you want to speak or ________ (a) Run (b) Sleep (c) Answer (d) Eat
  3. Share toys and take turns during ________ (a) Homework (b) Lunch (c) Activities (d) Sleep
  4. Walk calmly in the ________ and corridors (a) Zoo (b) Classroom (c) Playground (d) Forest)
  5. Speak softly inside the ________ (a) Playground (b) Classroom (c) Library (d) Cafeteria)
  6. Throw trash in the bin to keep the ________ (a) Classroom (b) Playground (c) Toilet (d) Garden) clean
  7. Use polite words like “please” and ________ (a) Thank you (b) Goodbye (c) Stop (d) Jump)
  8. Wash your hands before and ________ (a) After eating (b) Before sleeping (c) During class (d) In the evening)
  9. Say “excuse me” and ________ (a) Sleep (b) “Sorry” (c) Sing (d) Dance) when needed
  10. Give others space and respect their ________ (a) Lunch (b) Sleep (c) Belongings (d) Games)
  11. Stick to the timetable for different ________ (a) Play (b) Lunch (c) Activities (d) Sleep)
  12. Wear your school uniform ________ (a) Neatly (b) Backwards (c) Inside out (d) Upside down)
  13. Share sports equipment during ________ (a) Homework (b) Playtime (c) Lunch (d) Storytime)
  14. Stay in a line when moving from one ________ (a) Room to another (b) Playground to classroom (c) School to home (d) House to garden)
  15. Don’t hesitate to ask the teacher for ________ (a) Trouble (b) Help (c) Punishment (d) Food)

Remember, following rules and regulations makes our learning environment better for everyone! 🌟

Step 1: (The teacher revises the previous topic which was “Respecting Others in the Classroom”)

  • Briefly discuss the key points from the previous lesson.
  • Connect the concept of respecting others to the new topic on rules and regulations.

Step 2: (The teacher introduces the new topic)

  • Define the terms “rules” and “regulations” in simple language.
  • Show pictures depicting examples of rules in the school environment.

Step 3: Teacher’s Activities

  1. Engage students in a discussion about rules they follow daily.
  2. Use flashcards with key words to reinforce understanding.
  3. Display examples of school rules and discuss them with the pupils.
  4. Explain the importance of rules for a safe and organized learning environment.

Learners Activities

  1. Participate in the discussion by sharing rules they follow.
  2. Practice using flashcards to reinforce key words.
  3. Identify and discuss examples of school rules shown by the teacher.
  4. Reflect on why following rules is important.


  • Observe students’ participation in the discussion.
  • Ask questions to check their understanding during the lesson.
  • Assess their ability to identify and discuss school rules.

Ten Evaluation Questions Related to the Topic:

  1. What are rules?
  2. Can you name a rule we follow in the classroom?
  3. Define regulations.
  4. Why is it important to follow rules in school?
  5. Give an example of a school regulation.
  6. What do we use rules for?
  7. Mention a rule we follow in the playground.
  8. Why do we need regulations in school?
  9. What happens if we don’t follow rules?
  10. Draw a picture showing classmates following a school rule.

Conclusion on the Topic:

  • The teacher goes around to mark and assess pupils’ activities.
  • Emphasize the importance of following rules for a better and safer learning environment.


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