Solving the problems of housing In Nigeria

Subject : Social Studies

Topic :

Solving the problems of housing In Nigeria

Class :

Primary  3 / Basic 3

Term :

2nd Term / Second Term

Week :

Week 11

Instructional Materials :

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Textbooks On Social Studies
  • Online Materials
  • Picture Charts



Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have been taught 

Housing Agencies In Nigeria 

in their previous lesson


Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

Mention some housing problems in Nigeria

Write out some of the solutions to housing problems in Nigeria




Solving the problems of housing

Government cannot provide houses for everybody. However, government can help more people to build their own houses. Government can also help to improve the quality of houses. There are several ways of doing these two things. They include the following:


1 Import  duties on building materials should be reduced, to make them cheaper.


2 People should be encouraged to use local materials, which may not cost as much as imported materials.


3 Government should provide land for people where there are already roads, gutters, water and electricity. This also lowers the cost of building houses by individuals.


4 The Town Planning Authority should draw good plans and enforce them. This way, people will build good houses set out in good order, with playing and recreation areas.


5People can form building groups to help one another to own houses. For example, cooperative societies can give loans to their members for building purposes.


6 Some of the existing houses are not fit for people to live in. Some have no good windows, while others are built along rivers. Also, some other houses have weak foundations. Such houses should be pulled down and rebuilt with adequate facilities to fortify their foundations.
















The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


Evaluation :



1, What is a house ?

2. Write out five types of houses in Nigeria

List three problems of housing in Nigeria

Write out three solutions to problems of housing in Nigeria





Conclusion :

The class teacher gives out ó brief note that is based on the topic that has just been taught.


Assignment :

Revision And Examination

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