Citizenship : Meaning, Types and Conditions Necessary To Become A Citizen

Subject : Social Studies



TopicCitizenship : What are the conditions that are to be met before you can become a Nigerian Citizen  



Class : Primary 4



Term :  Second Term


Week : Week 1


Previous Knowledge : Pupils have previous knowledge of

All the topics that have been taught in First term 

that have been taught in their former lessons and classes


Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to

  • say the meaning of citizenship
  • say what is takes to become Nigerian citizen
  • explain how to become a Nigerian citizen
  • list out the benefits of being a Nigerian Citizen



Methods Of Teaching 

  • Discussion
  • Explanation
  • Dramatization
  • Dialogue
  • Story telling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Role Modelling



Instructional Materials 

  • Wall Charts
  • Pictures
  • Online materials
  • Textbooks
  • Scheme of work
  • Workbooks





Who is a citizen  ?

A citizen is a member of a country .A citizen is someone that lives in a city or country . It is the legal right of a person to enjoy all the benefits, entitlement or rights  that are therein in living in a particular entity that is called a country . Citizenship is the right of being a citizen of a country. A Nigerian citizen is a person whose parents come from Nigeria or obtained Nigerian citizenship by registration or naturalization. Nigerian citizens are called Nigerians . Roman citizens are called Romanians . America citizens are called Americans


What are the names given to citizens of various countries ?

What are the names given to citizens of various countries ?

Names of Countries Names of Citizens
Nigeria Nigerians
Ghana Ghanaians
America Americans
Togo Togolese
Brazil Brazilian
Cameroon Cameroonian
Egypt Egyptian
Iran Iranian, Persian
Turkey Turkish



What Does It Take To Become A Citizen Of A Country ?

Actually it does not really take any serious vigorous steps to become a citizen of  a country . Some of the steps are natural ways . These are the ways to become a citizen of a country

  1. By Birth : This is the most natural way of becoming a citizen of a country . Anybody whose parents are members of a particular country and that child is birthed in that country , that child automatically becomes a citizen of that country . Say for instance my Dad and mum are Nigerians and i am birthed in Nigeria, then automatically i have become a Nigerian by birth.
  2. By Marriage or Registration : Marriage is the legal union between a man and a woman to become husband and wife . If a Nigerian man decides to marry an Egyptian lady and such marriage is registered in Nigerian Registry , then that Egyptian lady has automatically becomes a Nigerian by marriage or registration .
  3. By Naturalization or Honourary  : This simply refers to the people that become a citizen of a country by being awarded that privileged through honour  because they have distinguished themselves in the area of commerce , sports , science or other walks of lives.  At times such people would have lived in the country of their choice for some years without any criminal records . They must have also contributed positively towards the development of that country of choice .




Benefits Of Becoming A Citizen Of A Country

These are the benefits that are inherent in being a citizen of a particular country or Nation

1. There is freedom of movement from your old country to that new country that you have just acquire its citizenship

2. You can vote and be voted for in your country . You can aspire to any political position in your country that you are a citizen . Former President Obama is a living example

3. There is freedom of speech and right of association and disassociation

4.  There is issuance of passport with ease or without stress

5. The person enjoys job great opportunities

6. If you are a citizen of a country , you enjoy security and protection in that country




The topic is presented step by step

Step 1 : He revises the previous topics

Step 2 : The class teacher introduces the new topic

  1. Citizenship refers to the legal status of an individual who is recognized as a member of a particular country or state, with all the accompanying rights and obligations.
  2. A citizen of a country is someone who has been legally recognized as a member of that country through birth, descent, marriage, or naturalization.
  3. The citizens of these countries are commonly referred to as:
  • Afghanistan: Afghan or Afghanistani
  • Benin: Beninese or Beninois
  • Canada: Canadian
  • Denmark: Dane or Danish
  • Jamaica: Jamaican
  1. Three ways by which someone can become a citizen of a country are:
  • Birthright: If someone is born within the territory of a country, they may automatically acquire citizenship at birth.
  • Descent: If someone has a parent who is a citizen of a country, they may be eligible to acquire citizenship through their parent.
  • Naturalization: If someone meets the legal requirements for naturalization, such as residency, language proficiency, and passing a citizenship test, they may be able to acquire citizenship through a legal process.

Step 3 : The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and he or she corrects them when the needs arise





1. What is citizenship

2. Who is a citizen of a country

3, What names do you call the citizens of these countries

  • Afghanistan      _____________________
  • Benin                ____________________
  • Canada             _____________________
  • Denmark          _____________________
  • Jamaica            _____________________

4. Mention three ways by which someone can become a citizen of a country

  1. What is citizenship? a) A legal status granted to a person by their country of birth b) The status of being a citizen of a country c) The process of acquiring nationality through naturalization
  2. Who is considered a citizen of a country? a) Someone who is born in that country b) Someone who has parents that are citizens of that country c) Someone who has been naturalized as a citizen of that country
  3. What are the benefits of being a citizen of a country? a) Access to education and healthcare b) Ability to participate in political processes c) Both a and b
  4. What are the obligations of being a citizen of a country? a) Paying taxes b) Serving in the military c) Both a and b
  5. What is dual citizenship? a) The legal status of being a citizen of two countries at the same time b) The legal status of being a citizen of a country and a permanent resident of another c) The legal status of being a citizen of a country and having a visa to another
  6. What is naturalization? a) The process of becoming a citizen of a country through birthright b) The process of acquiring citizenship of a country through descent c) The process of becoming a citizen of a country through a legal process
  7. How many countries allow dual citizenship? a) None b) A few c) Many
  8. What is the difference between citizenship and permanent residency? a) Citizenship gives you the right to vote and hold public office, while permanent residency does not b) Citizenship gives you the right to work and travel freely, while permanent residency does not c) Citizenship is a legal status while permanent residency is a visa status
  9. Can a person have citizenship in more than two countries? a) Yes b) No c) It depends on the country’s laws
  10. Can a person lose their citizenship? a) No, citizenship is permanent b) Yes, if they commit a serious crime c) Yes, if they leave the country for an extended period of time




The class teacher gives out a short note and he or she goes round to do the necessary marking .



Please kindly prepare for the next lesson by reading about


Right of a citizen

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