Edu Delight Tutors 

Subject : Civic Education

Term : First Term

Week: Week 2

Class : SSS 1

Previous lesson : Revision on previous lesson

Topic : Our Values

Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able

  • to mention what are those things that we cherish, honour, respect and value as a nation.
  • Say What are our values
  • Mention types of values
  • List out the importance of values

Instructional Materials :

Wall charts


Related Online Video

Flash Cards


Methods of Teaching :

Class Discussion

Group Discussion

Asking Questions


Role Modelling

Role Delegation

Reference Materials :

Scheme of Work

Online Information





Any of these definitions can serve.

  • Values are thing that are important to us
  • Values are things we love, admire or cherish
  • Values are ideas and beliefs we hold as special
  • Values are traits or qualities that are considered good.
  • Values are the motive power behind purposeful actions

Values are the ends to which we act. Without them, life would be impossible. Value specifies a relationship between a person and a goal. The goal to which ore aims is called the ‘value’ but the relationship is always required. Your values are made of everything that has happened to your life. They include influences from your parents and family, your religious affiliation your friends and playmates, your education, your reading etc.


Everything has a price and ore has to pay the right price to get ones need satisfied. We value the things based on our needs and the needs depends on the basis our of value system.

a. Individualistic Values: – every human being values himself or herself over everything in the world. The modern world has been moving more and more towards individualistic values were the interest of the individual is considered to be right and must be protected. Everybody supports freedom because he or she has the right to decide what is good for himself or herself.

Examples of individualistic values are adoration, affection, beauty, brilliance, cleanliness, freedom, fun, honesty, discipline, eagerness, enjoyment, contentment, respect, self-control, etc.

b. Family values: – Every child cannot survive on his own. The support of the family is needed for the growth of the child. Every member of the family lives like or unit and supports a new born child till he becomes strong enough. The family is considered as the basic unit of every society. The entire family value is maintained by custom, tradition and trust. Examples of family values are wealth, wisdom, unity, fame, neatness resect, meekness etc.

c. Professional Values: – In the government and non-government organisations, people work in them. They all have functions they perform and so a set of value is needed to keep them going. The workers develop these values in their professions. The values, for example, of a policeman are different from the values of a medical doctors or a teacher. Examples or these professional values are achievement, bravery, calmness, courtesy, discipline, integrity, punctuality etc.

d. National Value: – The world today is divided into a number of countries and each country is sovereign and independent. The values of the country are often produced in laws or in the constitution. These laws seek to grant equality and justice to all citizens. The violation of the country’s values is treated as criminal acts which are punished by the government. Nigeria has some values which include discipline, integrity, patriotism, religious tolerance, the national flag, national anthem, national pledge and the currency.

e. Moral Value: – Moral values are the standards of good and evil which govern an individual behaviour and choices. When you separate right from wrong, good from bad, you are talking about morals. The moral values are passed on from one generation to another by tradition. The moral values are often more powerful to keep person on the right path than the law. Examples of moral values are friendliness, kind brave, obedient, dignity, trustworthy, honesty, loyal, care etc.

f. Spiritual values: – Spiritual values are values that are not created by man but by God. The spiritual values do not change while human values can spiritual values unite all human beings in this world. The spiritual values cannot be eliminated from man and these are everywhere. Examples of spiritual values are love, compassion, justice, truth, holiness, faith, devotion, trust, thankfulness, visions, spirituality etc.


a. Support and direction: -Values provide the essential needs of a person and the society. Without values, it will be difficult to take decisions. For example, if a person value is diligence, he will take decisions that relate to this value.

b. Attitudes and Behaviours: Value influence a person’s attitudes and behaviours. The values describe the special way people in an organisation work and relate to one another. Again, values describe the personality or character of a person. For example, if your value is cleanliness, you will try to be neat always.

c. Priorities: Values are priorities that tell us how to spend our limited resource. When we discover our priorities or basic needs, time can be allocated to them and wastages will be reduced.

d. Easy Identification: The value a person has will assist in determining the position of that person on any matter. For example, if a person is honest, sincere, reliable, it is easy to know is position or stand on case of bribery and corruption.


Presentation :

The Topic is presented step by step

Step 1 : The class teacher revises the previous topic

Step 2 : The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3 :  The class teacher allows the students to give their own contributions and he or she corrects them when the needs arise



  • What are values
  • What are family values
  • What are moral values
  • Mention four types of values
  • Write out five importance of values



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