TESCOM Recruitment Past Questions and Answers



Oyo State TESCOM Recruitment Past Questions and Answers

General Knowledge/Current Affairs Past Questions

  1. The ultimate goal of curriculum of planning is to


  1. Develop programmes for society
  2. Develop individual skills
  3. Establish more schools
  4. Guide educational programmes
  5. Design teachers’ programmes
  6. Curriculum design differ primary in


  1. Teaching and learning involves
  2. Principles of teaching and learning
  3. Method, content and structure
  4. Methodology and application
  5. Scope and
  6. Broad – field curriculum design is usually criticized because


  1. It is difficult to organize
  2. Of its cumbersome nature
  3. It does not include fieldtrips
  4. It does not take care of student’s
  5. Subject demarcations still
  1. Activity curriculum does not require
  2. A lot of instructional materials.
  3. Co-curricula activities
  4. Game and sports
  5. Planned activities
  6. Infrastructure and equipment
  7. Tyler’s curriculum planning process has
  8. 6steps
  9. 5steps

c . 4steps

  1. 3 steps
  2. 2 steps




  1. The common features of most curriculum models are


  1. Learning experiences and content
  2. Objectives and learning
  3. Objectives and evaluation
  4. Organization of content and learning experience
  5. Content and evaluation


  1. The new UBE curriculum emphasizes
    1. Society-centred
    2. Teacher-centred learning
    3. Child-centred learning
    4. Parent-centred learning
    5. Government-centred.

8     Which of the following is not a method of teaching?

  1. Discussion method
  2. Project method
  3. Interactive method
  4. Power point presentation
  5. Distraction method
  6. Agencies of curriculum planning and innovation in Nigeria include
    1. NERDCand NAFDAC
    2. NERDCand TRCN
    3. NUCandlCPC
    4. NCCE and NBTE
    5. ICPCandEFCC


  1. An importance of a lesson plan is that it


  1. Guides the teacher in the delivery of the lesson
  2. Evaluated the learners in the classroom
  3. Guides the school in implementing its programmes
  4. Guides the teacher in planning


  1. THE guiding principle of the Nigeria traditional education was




  1. Functionalism
  2. Naturalism
  3. Idealism
  4. Realism
  5. Existentialism
  1. Islamic Education was introduced to Nigeria in the


  1. 12th century
  2. 14th century
  3. 10th century
  4. 13th century
  5. 16th century
  1. Which of these was not a problem in the implementation of early colonial education programmes?


  1. Lack of central school laws
  2. Lack of standard qualification for teachers
  3. Emphasis on conversion to Christianity
  4. Emphasis on the future leaders
  5. Lack of common syllabus
  1. Which of the following was not provided for in the Nigerian Education ordinance of 1887?
  2. Board of Education
  3. Grant-in-aids to schools
  4. Parents’ right to choose religion of instruction
  5. Certification of teacher
  6. Power of Governor to establish and maintain schools
  7. The UPE scheme was launched in the Western and Eastern regions of Nigeria in
  8. 1955 and 1958 respectively
  9. 1955 and 1957 respectively
  10. 1954 and 1958 respectively
  11. 1952 and 1953 respectively
  12. 1950 and 1959 respectively




  1. Which of the following was not a major problem in the implementation of the 1976 Universal Primary Education? Language policy …
  2. Political discrepancies
  3. Financial problem
  4. Girl-child education
  5. Public enlightenment
  6. Which of these is not one of the functions of philosophy?
    1. Analytic function
    2. Speculative function
    3. Inspirational function
    4. Prescriptive function
    5. Descriptive function
  7. Philosophy can be described as an activity in three modes or styles namely
  8. Speculative, metaphysics and prescriptive
  9. Speculative, prescriptive and analytic
  10. Speculative, analytic and epistemology
  11. Metaphysics, analytic and Prescriptive
  12. Prescriptive, epistemology and axiology
  13. Area of Philosophical inquiry include
    1. Metaphysic, epistemology
    2. Metaphysic and mechanism and epistemology
    3. Metaphysics, axiology and materialism
    4. Epistemology, axiology and mechanism
    5. Metaphysics, materialism and
  14. The school of philosophy of education associated with the concepts of freedom, choice responsibility and self-reliance is
    1. idealism
    2. realism
    3. existentialism
    4. naturalism
    5. Marxism




  1. A factor that is not directly responsible for examination malpractices in school is
    1. Lack of committed teachers
    2. Religious intolerance
    3. Inability of teachers to make lessons interesting
    4. Inability of school managers to motivate teachers
    5. Student desperation for


  1. In the study of society, the family value commonly emphasized is


  1. Polygamy
  2. Polyandry
  3. Serial polygamy
  4. Continuity
  5. Monogamy
  1. A theoretical perspective that i? not emphasized in sociology of education is


  1. Conflict
  2. Interactionism
  3. Feminism
  4. UBE
  5. Marxism
  1. The major consequence of the Western education in Nigeria


  1. Decentralization of the system
  2. Lack of teacher preparation
  3. Destruction of indigenous cultures
  4. Centralization of the system
  5. Corruption
  1. Which of the following is not a factor that holds society together?


  1. Participation and interaction
  2. Cohesion
  3. Conformity




  1. Politics
  2. Co-operation
  1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the secondary group in the socialization process?


  1. Impersonal behavior
  2. Intimate relationship
  3. Indirect contact
  4. Limited face to face contact
  5. Formal behavior
  1. The Management of secondary schools in a State is the responsibility of the
    1. Schools Board
    2. Ministry of Education
    3. Executive Council
    4. Education committee
    5. NUT
  2. Which of the following is a line – staff in a school system?
    1. The teacher
    2. The bursar
    3. The administrative officer
    4. The secretary
    5. The executive officer


  1. Which of the following is not part of the acronym “POSDCORB”?


  1. Coordinating
  2. Commanding
  3. Organizing
  4. Reporting
  1. Which of the following constitute the administration of school?
    1. Men and women
    2. Staff and students
    3. Academy and non academy staff




  1. Money and materials
  1. The Log book keeps records of
    1. Staff movement
    2. Financial transactions
    3. School activities
    4. Students’ activities
    5. Teachers’ promotion
  2. The control of unity school in Nigeria is the responsibility of the
    1. Universal Basic Education Commission
    2. Federal Ministry of Education
    3. Parent-teachers Association of Nigeria
    4. All Nigeria Conference of principals of secondary schools
    5. State Ministries of Education
  3. Which of the following is the primary purpose of school supervision?
    1. To determine the competence of teachers
    2. Quality assurance in education
    3. To check student attendance and learning
    4. Quality measures for school management
    5. Quality control in teaching method
  4. The supervision of school by an external agent is referred to as


  1. Quality control
  2. Inspection
  3. Evaluation
  4. Monitoring
  5. Which of the following is not a type of school inspection?
    1. Routine inspection
    2. Follow-up inspection
    3. Recognition inspection
    4. Visitation inspection
    5. Full inspection
  6. Modern supervisory technique does not include




  1. Consultation
  2. Participation
  3. Coercion
  4. Dialogue
  5. Cooperation
  6. Which of the following is not a major reason for conducting research?
  7. Advancing of knowledge
  8. Creation ideas
  9. Exploring areas of difficulties
  10. Searching for book
  11. Sparking of knowledge
  • A study in which the effectiveness of a particular teaching method is investigated is referred to as
  1. Experimental study
  2. Ex-post factor research
  3. Non-experimental research
  4. Historical research
  5. Survey study
  6. Action research is one in which
  7. A detailed guide of how to solve a problem is provided
  8. Line of action for solving a problem is articulated
  9. Observable actions are demonstrated by the sample
  10. Recommendations are made for solving a problem
  11. A theory is tested to demonstrate its | efficacy
  • The design in which a selected unit of a population is studied and the findings assumed to be the same for members of the population is known as
  1. descriptive survey
  2. ethnographic design
  3. historical design
  4. qualitative design
  5. qualitative survey
  6. Which of the following would least influence the choice of a research topic in education?
  7. Education relevance
  8. Feasibility of the study




  1. Meeting graduation requirement
  2. Personal competence of the investigator
  3. Research ability of the problem
  4. Which of the following is a primary data?
  5. Questionnaire response
  6. Textbooks content
  7. Newspaper report
  8. Journal article
  9. Mimeograph
  10. Which of the following response formats is most suitable for quantitative analysis?
  11. Binary choice
  12. Close response
  13. Extended response
  14. Likerttype
  15. Semantic differential
  16. Measurement is often defined as
  17. The interpretation of test scores
  18. Manipulation of statistical process
  19. Qualification of behavioural traits
  20. Systematic approach to issues of education
  21. Systematic assignment of numbers to attributes
  22. The scale of measurement that uses numbers or signs for the identification of a group is
  23. Interval scale
  24. Ordinal scale
  25. Magnitude scale
  26. Ratio scale
  27. Nominal scale
  28. Which characteristic feature of continuous assessment ensures that the date, time and nature of assessment to be conducted is scheduled?
  29. Descriptive
  30. Comprehensive
  31. Cumulative
  32. Guidance-oriented




  1. Systematic
  2. The number located in the middle when all the number in a distribution are arranged in either ascending or descending order of magnitude is the
    1. Mean
    2. Median
    3. Mode
    4. Standard
    5. Variance


  1. Which of the following is a psychological requirement for conducting a test?


  1. Comfortable furniture
  2. Light
  3. Legible prints
  4. Pleasant weather
  5. Ventilation
  1. The statistic used in determining the signification of the difference between two sets of scores is


  1. Chi square test
  2. Man-whitey U test
  3. One-way analysis of variance
  4. Person correlation
  5. The ‘T-test’.
  1. Which of the following is a disadvantage of objective tests?
    1. Absence of bias in the scoring process
    2. Coverage of wide content area
    3. Discouragement of superficial study habit
    4. Prompt release of result
    5. Possibility of guessing correctly.


  1. Which of the following best describes the element of counseling?




  1. Counselee, counselor, institution counseling
  2. Counselee, counselor, institution, problem
  3. Counselee, counselor, institution, interview
  4. Counselee, counselor, testing counseling



  1. Which of the following is a professional characteristic of a counselor?


  1. Empathy
  2. Nonchalance
  3. Emotional
  4. Smartness
  5. Bravery
  1. A counseling centre is best sited in


  1. A class room
  2. The administrative block
  3. An easily accessible block
  4. A hal




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