Verbal Reasoning Primary 4 prefix


Class: Basic 4

Subject: Verbal Reasoning



Adding a prefix to a root word.


(1) turn _________ return

re + turn = return

(2) sense _____non sense

non+ sense = nonsense


(1) regular ( ir, on) __________________

(2) legible ( out, il )

(3) mobile ( im , on)

(4)fund ( dis, re)

Adding a suffix to a root word .


able ________ readable

read +able = readable


(5) ment _______ gradual growth of a thing

(a) argument (b) development

(6)ty __________ how good or bad a thing is

(a) quality (b) acidity

(7)ship _________ State of being a member

(a) fellowship (b) membership

(8)sion _________ you do it to end an argument

(a) concession (b) anscesion


Common features

Choose and Write two words having common features in these group


greek , grumble , account

_______ ( greek grumble).


(9)brief , deck , brilliant

_________ , ____________

(10)leaf , sculptor ,scull

_________ ,___________

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