A grain crop is a cereal crop that gives energy to the body


Class : Basic 2.

Topic : Definition of Grain crops.


Content :

A grain crop is a cereal crop that gives energy to the body. It is more or less a carbohydrate noted for giving energy to the body when eaten. It is a cereal crop that can be used as food by human beings as well as animals ( livestock ).


Most grain crops are propagated ( planted ) by seeds.

Examples of grain crops include : Rice, Maize, Millet, Guinea Corn, Wheat,. Cowpea.

Uses of grain crops include :

  1. It can be processed into flour.
  2. It can also be processed into flakes.
  3. Grain crops can also be processed into baking flour
  4. It can be used formulating ( making ) animal feeds.
  5. Grain crops may be roasted, boiled or processed into other forms that are useful to both human beings and animals.



  1. What is grain crops ? ——————–
  2. Is grain crops a cereal crop ? ( Yes, No).

3.Mention three grain crops.

a. —————————

b. ————————–

c. ————————-

  1. Lists three uses of grain crops.

a. ——————————

b. —————————–

c. —————————-

  1. We use ————- to plan grain crop.
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