Jss 1 Basic Science Week 4 Second Term

WEEK FOUR                                    DATE:………………..


Pregnancy symptoms: Top 11 early signs of pregnancy

  • Food aversions
  • Mood swings
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Frequent urination
  • Fatigue
  • Sore breasts
  • Light bleeding or spotting
  • Nausea
  • A missed period
  • High basal body temperature
  • Positive home pregnancy test



One month pregnant; Your baby is an embryo consisting of two layers of cells from which all her organs and body parts will develop. 


Two months pregnant; Your baby is now about the size of a kidney bean and is constantly moving. He has distinct, slightly webbed fingers


Three months pregnant; By now your baby is around 7 to 8 centimeters (3 inches) long and weighs about the same as a pea pod. Her tiny, unique fingerprints are now in place.


Four months pregnant; Your baby is now about 13cm (5.5in) long and weighs 140g (5oz). His skeleton is starting to harden from rubbery cartilage to bone.


Five months pregnant; Eyebrows and eyelids are now in place. Your baby would now be more than 27cm (10.5in) long if you stretched out her legs. 


Six months pregnant; Your baby weighs about a 660g (1.5lb). His wrinkled skin is starting to smooth out as he puts on baby fat. 


Seven months pregnant; By now, your baby is more than 40cm (15in) long. She can open and close her eyes and probably see what’s around her.


Eight months pregnant; Your baby now weighs about 2.2kg (4.7lb). His layers of fat are filling him out, making him rounder, and his lungs are well developed.

Nine months pregnant; Your baby is almost due. At birth, the average baby is more than 51cm (20.5in) long from head to toe and weighs approximately 3.4kg (7.5lb), but babies vary widely in size at this stage.


READING ASSIGNMENT: Nigerian Basic Science Project Book Two page; 65-66



  1. State five signs of pregnancy
  2. Explain the growth of the foetus.
  3. Explain what happens when the pregnancy is five months old



  1. State five signs of pregnancy
  2. Explain the growth of the fetus.
  3. Explain what happens when the pregnancy is five months old
  4. State five early signs of pregnancy.
  5. Explain what happened at 8th month old pregnancy. 



  1. One month pregnant; Your baby is an embryo consisting of ——–layers of cells from which all her organs and body parts will develop. A. two B. three C. four D, five
  2. Eight months pregnant; Your baby now weighs about ——-kg (4.7lb). His layers of fat are filling him out, making him rounder, and his lungs are well developed.   A. 2.2   
  1. 2.4   C. 2.7 D. 2.9
  1. At——— months pregnant; Eyebrows and eyelids are now in place. A. five B. four 
  1. two D. ten
  1. Three months pregnant; By now your baby is around 7 to 8 centimeters (3 inches) long and weighs about the same as ——-pod. A. a pea B. bean C. grain D. millet
  2. Four months pregnant; Your baby is now about 13cm (5.5in) long and weighs 140g (5oz). His skeleton is starting to harden from——- cartilage to bone. A. rubbery B. plastic C. bony D. none of the above



  1. State five early signs of pregnancy.
  2. Explain what happened at 8th month old pregnancy. 
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