Week 2


Sub topic: INTEGRITY

(i)        Meaning of integrity

Integrity is the quality of being honest and morally upright. It is the ability to do what is right in spite of all odds

(ii)       Attributes of integrity

1.         PROBITY AND HONESTY:  A man of integrity must be honest and accountable for whatever task that is given to him

2.         NON-COMPROMISE OF PRINCIPLE:  A man of integrity would never compromise whatever stand he is taking no matter the situation or the people involved

3.         TRUTHFULNESS: A man of integrity will always stand by the truth at all times

4.         CONTENTMENT: He must be contented with whatever he has or in any

           situation he finds himself

5.         FAIR PLAY: He or she is always fair when dealing with other people.

6.         Finally, a man of integrity should also be a role model which other people

           in the society can emulate


1.    What is integrity?

  1. 2.   Give five attributes of integrity.


  1. 3.    Explain any three of the attributes mentioned in question two.


1. Integrity is the quality of being ______ and morally upright.
A) Dishonest
B) Honest
C) Neutral

2. Integrity is the ability to do what is ______, despite challenges.
A) Easy
B) Right
C) Convenient

3. A person of integrity is always ______ for their actions.
A) Unaccountable
B) Accountable
C) Forgetful

4. Non-compromise of principle means not ______ on your beliefs.
A) Changing
B) Compromising
C) Ignoring

5. A person of integrity doesn’t compromise on their principles, ______ of the situation.
A) Regardless
B) Occasionally
C) Conveniently

6. Truthfulness means always ______ the truth.
A) Avoiding
B) Standing by
C) Ignoring

7. Someone with integrity is ______ with what they have.
A) Greedy
B) Contented
C) Angry

8. Integrity involves treating others with ______.
A) Favoritism
B) Fairness
C) Fear

9. A person of integrity should serve as a ______ for others.
A) Role model
B) Critic
C) Trouble-maker

10. Which word best describes a person of integrity?
A) Dishonest
B) Trustworthy
C) Hasty

11. Contentment means being ______ with your current situation.
A) Annoyed
B) Satisfied
C) Bored

12. Integrity requires standing by your principles, ______ of who is involved.
A) Selectively
B) Regardless
C) Sparingly

13. Fair play involves treating everyone with ______.
A) Unfairness
B) Equity
C) Hostility

14. A person of integrity is known for their ______ and trustworthiness.
A) Dishonesty
B) Honesty
C) Indifference

15. Being a role model means setting a positive ______ for others.
A) Example
B) Excuse
C) Expectation






Some of the people of integrity in Nigeria earned their reputations in the following ways:

Prof Dora Akunyili: Professor Akunyili gained international recognition as an author of international standard. But more importantly, she became a notable person of integrity during her tenure as the Director General of NAFDAC (National Agency of Food Drugs Administration and Control). Dora Nkem Akunyili was the Director-General of National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control of Nigeria from 2001 to 2008. She fought tooth and nail against counterfeit drugs and unsafe food. She did all these at the expense of her personal safety.


Some of the numerous awards received by her are

Person of the year 2005 award

Integrity Award 2003 by Transparency International etc



Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde Soyinka, known as Wole Soyinka, is a Nigerian playwright, poet and essayist. He was awarded the 1986 Nobel Prize in Literature, the first African to be honoured in that category.

Soyinka was born into a Yoruba family in Abeokuta.. Prof. Wole Soyinka is a renowned play-Wright. In 1986 he became the first black African to be awarded the Noble prize for Literature. Prof. Soyinka is a social critic. His works openly criticize the Nigerian government . He was imprisoned for two years on the charges that he aided the attempted secession of Biafra from Nigeria. He was however released in 1969.


Gen. Murtala Ramat Mohammed: he became Nigerian Head of State on July 29, 1975. He scraped the controversial 1973 census and reverted to the 1963 count for official purposes. He purged the civil service, judiciary, police force, diplomatic service, public corporations and some of their officials were brought to trial on charges of corruption.


Note: the attributes of integrity in the brief history of the lives of the persons and many more .



What are the attributes of integrity, common in the three of them?

Is any attribute of integrity missing in them? What is it?

Need For People of Integrity

Every society is in dare need of people of integrity for the following reasons:

  1. Community development: Unless there are men of integrity, money meant for community development will be embezzled thereby retarding the growth of the community.
  2. Peaceful co-existence: peaceful co-existence is the vital pillar of development in any society. Men and women of integrity will always make efforts to ensure peace in the society. We therefore need people of integrity to help ensure pace and harmony in the society.
  3. Models for young ones: if our young ones are to be people of integrity they must have people to look up to in order to imbibe integrity. Thus those in position of authority such as teachers, principals, parents and politician must display integrity.

.4. To Boost our international Image: men and women of integrity are valuable human assets. When a country has men and women of sound character and proven integrity, her citizens would be highly respected in other countries.

  1. Responsible Youths: if the society has many men and women of integrity our youth will naturally produce boys and girls of integrity.
  2. To reduce Evil Practice: If atrocities like bribery and corruption must stop, then we need youth, men and women of integrity.



Mention three need for people of integrity in the society.



Mention two reasons for the need for people in the society.

List three people in your society.

Mention three factors that promote the value system.

Mention two importance of values.



Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemi pgs 6-16.



  1. ______is the most useful quality for a nation’s growth and development.

A. Integrity B. Sportsmanship C. Steadfastness D. Contentment

  1. Integrity defines a man and also a nation

A. True B. False C. True and false D. none of the above

  1. People of integrity are needed for the following except_____.

A. peaceful co-existence B. peaceful demonstration C. community development

D. chaotic development.

  1. All men and women of integrity have many things in common.

A. yes B. no C. Yes and no D. I don’t think so

  1. A nation needs men and women of integrity for the following reasons except_____.

A. Good international image. B. Models for younger generation. C. Lawless

D. Reduce evil practice.


6.. -___________  is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.



  1. All men and women of integrity have many things in common. What are these things?
  2. List five reasons why we need men and women of integrity?
  3. Why do we need people of integrity in Nigeria nowadays.


Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

1. Prof. Dora Akunyili became a notable person of integrity during her tenure as the Director General of ______.
B) Nollywood

2. Dora Akunyili received the Integrity Award in ______ from Transparency International.
A) 2003
B) 2010
C) 1995

3. Wole Soyinka was awarded the Nobel Prize in ______ in 1986.
A) Peace
B) Literature
C) Science

4. Prof. Soyinka is known for openly criticizing the ______ government.
A) Nigerian
B) British
C) American

5. Gen. Murtala Ramat Mohammed became Nigerian Head of State in ______.
A) 1975
B) 1985
C) 1995

6. Gen. Mohammed reverted to the ______ census for official purposes during his leadership.
A) 1973
B) 1963
C) 1983

7. Which individual was known for fighting against counterfeit drugs and unsafe food?
A) Wole Soyinka
B) Dora Akunyili
C) Gen. Mohammed

8. Who became the first black African to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature?
A) Gen. Mohammed
B) Wole Soyinka
C) Dora Akunyili

9. Which person of integrity was imprisoned for criticizing the government?
A) Gen. Mohammed
B) Dora Akunyili
C) Wole Soyinka

10. Gen. Mohammed took actions to purge corruption from various sectors, including the ______.
A) Civil service
B) Music industry
C) Agriculture

11. What is the common attribute of integrity seen in all three individuals?
A) Aversion to criticism
B) Fighting corruption
C) Love for wealth

12. Which attribute of integrity is missing in these individuals’ stories?
A) Honesty
B) Transparency
C) Accountability

Evaluation Questions:

1. What are the common attributes of integrity seen in Prof. Dora Akunyili, Wole Soyinka, and Gen. Murtala Ramat Mohammed?
2. Is there any attribute of integrity that is missing in their stories? If so, which one and why?
3. How did these individuals’ actions and achievements reflect the values of integrity in Nigerian society?


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