The Connectives

The Connectives are conjunctions that are used in sentences.

Examples of these conjunctions are

And   also  again  further more   then   next   therefore   thereafter etc

He was old ______ weak ______ there was no one to look after him.

2. My mother ______ ______ gave me a birthday present, ______ ______ some money ______ ______ I could buy myself a new dress.

3. His father beat him, ______ he ______ cried ______ uttered a sound ______ he was used to frequent beatings.

4. ______ we found that we might be late, we took a taxi ______ ______ we might reach the cinema on time.

5. That old man had expected free treatment ______ he was poor ______ , he was shocked when he was given a bill for thirty dollars.

He was ______ upset ______ he really cried.6. You’d better work hard ______ you’ll fail, ______ do not study ______ hard ______ your health suffers.

You should work ______ play according to a planned routine.

7. Mona, ______ ______ ______ her sister, is in the choir,

They can sing ______ ______ in English ______ French ______ ______ in Chinese ______ Japanese.

8. You can ______ ride the motorcycle ______ drive the car. ______ you’d better take the motorcycle ______ part of the road is blocked.

9. He wanted to do odd jobs ______ ______ ______ he might save some money ______ no one was willing to employ him ______ they thought that he was dishonest.

10. ______ you were too lazy to bring your own umbrella, I have a mind to let you walk home in the rain. ______, this time you may share my umbrella ______ don’t let there be a next time.

11. ______ the escaped convict ______ his accomplice darted into a house to escape the police, the effort was wasted. The police ______ their dogs surrounded the house; ______ , the men refused to come out.

12. The boy scouts did odd jobs ______ they may raise funds for Charity Week. The public was responsive ______ helped them a lot; ______ ______ ______ the scouts raised a lot of money

.13. ______ my cousin ______ his friend cannot come early ______ they are busy doing their work, ______ they promise to come as soon as they can.

14. Our feast included food an drinks. There was a large quantity of each, ______ we managed to finish them.

15. The teacher had punished them ______ ______ ______ they might learn to do their work properly. ______ , they still produced the same careless work.

16. The girls practised hard, ______ they did not win the match; ______ we cheered them ______ they showed a fine spirit of sportsmanship.

17. She did her work carelessly, ______ ______ ______ she had to stay behind ______ rewrite it.

18. My mother ______ my father visited my uncle ______ aunt in Wanderland. My parents traveled by air ______ they wanted to arrive early ______ instead they were a few hours late.

19. The prefect told that boy ______ his rowdy friends to ______ follow the rules ______ be sent to detention class

.20. The girl is young ______ pretty ______ she is blind; ______ she earns her own living by weaving baskets ______ sewing dresses. ______ her baskets ______ her dresses are sold in the shops.

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