Tag: Primary 6

Understanding Computers: Career Paths, Shortcuts, Networks, and Applications For Primary 6

Class: Primary 6 State four careers in computer. ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… Mention two cares of the compute system. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. State the functions of the below shortcuts Ctrl + P = ……………………………………………………………… Ctrl + U = ……………………………………………………………………. Ctrl + S = ……………………………….…………………………………… Ctrl + O = ……………………………………………………………………. State four devices used in computer network.

Primary 3 Social Studies Second Term Lesson Notes

Primary 3 Social Studies Second Term   Primary 3 Social Studies Second Term Week 1 WAYS OF PREVENTING COMMON ILLNESS    Primary 3 Social Studies Second Term Week 2 Causes of common illnesses   Primary 3 Social Studies Second Term Week 3 Prevention of common illnesses   Primary 3 Social Studies Second Term Week 4

Highest Common Factor HCF Mathematics Primary 5

Lesson Plan Presentation Subject: Mathematics Class: Primary 5 Term: Second Term Week: 2 Topic: HCF – The Use of Prime Factors Duration: 45 minutes Entry Behaviour: Recall previous knowledge of factors and prime numbers. Key Words: HCF, Prime factors, Factors, Numbers. Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define

Saul’s repentance, baptism and conversion

Subject : Christian Religious Studies   Term :First Term   Week: Week 2   Class : Basic 6 / Primary 6     Previous lesson : The pupils have previous knowledge of Saul’s early life and religion     Topic :  Saul’s repentance, baptism and conversion   Behavioural objectives : At the end of the

Marking Guide First Term Examination Primary 6 Computer Studies

Marking Guide   First Term Examination Primary 6 Computer Studies     [mediator_tech)           1.) A person who operates the computer is known as ___________ (b) humanware 2.) Which of the following is a system software (a) windows 7 3.) Word processing package is an example of ____________________ (a) application software


Marking Guide   VERBAL APTITUDE FIRST TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 6       1a) Was: Saw: Pool, Loop; Sward, Draws: 1b) Tab, Stabs; Peak, Speak; Late, Slates Best; Beast; Set; Seat; Led Lump, Slump; Tab, Stab; Late Spice, Rice; Spank, Rank; Spear Male, Lame; Tale, Late; Made Cast, Cat; Fist, Fit; Best Lifeboats Boatswain Sate

Four basic rules in long jump are

Marking Guide PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION FIRST TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 6 Part A – Objectives (b) boxers (a) eating (b) 100 meters (c) Finishing (b) 4 (a) 400 (b) close (b) anchor leg (d) finish (a) High jump (d) Hurdles (b) Women (a) 10 (c) men (d) High jump (d) tape measure (a) fight (d)

Four causes of religious Intolerance in Nigeria

FIRST TERM SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES                                                                                   CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SOCIAL STUDIES FIRST TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 6 Marking Guide Part A – Objectives (b) culture (a) Lord Lugard (d) Ashanti (c) Emir (a) Farming (c) English (a) Religion (c) Traditional (b) Polygamy (a) Inter-ethnic (c) Marriage (b) Intra-ethnic (d) Bachelor (c) Respect (b) Spinster (d) Jesus

Types of Fractions Mathematics Primary 6

Fractions are a way to represent parts of a whole or the division of a quantity into equal parts. They consist of two numbers: the numerator (the number on top) and the denominator (the number on the bottom). The numerator represents the part or quantity you have, and the denominator represents the whole or the
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