Tag: Primary 5

Third Term Examinations Primary 5 Home Economics

THIRD TERM   SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS                                CLASS: PRIMARY 5  SECTION A  Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions.  Don’t be involved in it. 1)    Clothing is one of the basic necessity of life._____ (a)True  (b)false (c)I can’t say  2)    All these are examples

Third Term Examinations Primary 5 Civic Education

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION                                 CLASS: PRIMARY 5    Part A  Objectives Instructions : Answer the following questions by choosing the right option from the given alternatives 1)    The acts expected of an individual and to which he/she is morally and legally bound is called    _____

Third Term Examinations Primary 5 Christian Religious Studies (CRS)

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: C.R.S                                  CLASS: PRIMARY 5  1)    The Holy spirit is the third person of the        __________     (a)saint (b)Trinity  (c)garden  2)    The holy spirit makes us        __________     Christians (a)Faithful  (b)rebellious  (c)cruel  3)    The Holy spirit makes us   __________    

Third Term Examinations Primary 5 English Grammar

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE                           CLASS: PRIMARY 5 Comprehension Passage  Once upon a time, a dog was carrying a piece of meat in his mouth. Although his home was far away, he wanted to keep the meat to eat there. He did not want to have to share

Third Term Examinations Primary 5 Verbal Reasoning

THIRD TERM   SUBJECT: VERBAL APTITUDE                           CLASS: PRIMARY 5 Simile (Choose the correct option)  1)    The monitor is as sharp as a         (Cutlass, razor, knife)  2)    As         as wolf (generous, kind, greedy)  3)    As rude as             (peacock, hen, dog)  RIDDLES  4)   

Third Term Examinations Primary Schools

Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Social Studies Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Home Economics Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Civic Education Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Agricultural Science Third Term Examinations Primary 6 Physical and Health Education (PHE) Third Term Examinations

Third Term Examinations Primary 5 ICT

THIRD TERM SUBJECT:INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CLASS: PRIMARY 5 Instruction:Answer all questions Section A   1)The main part of the screen that is blue in colour is called______ (a)Density (b)Deskop (c)Desktop 2)________are small pictures that represent information (a)Icoms (b)Icons (c)Icans 3)_________is an example of Icon (a)My computer (b)My book (c)My Pen 4)________is a content on the desktop

Mathematics Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes

Exploring Temperature: Learn to Compare and Convert in Mathematics Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Lines, Bearing and Angles : How to draw and identify parallel lines and Perpendicular lines Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Mathematics Week 2 Properties of plane shapes like Rhombus, Square, Rectangle in relation to real life situations

English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes

Lagos State Government Ministry of Education Term 3 Primary 5 Unified Schemes of Work Primary Schools English Language Primary 5 Third Term Week 1 Intonation Practice Passage (Request) English Structure English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Linking Words : such as, although, but, so, so that Structure English Language Primary 5
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