Tag: Primary 2

Primary 2 Third Term Examination Social Studies 

3RD TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 2 Social Studies  3RD TERM EXAMINATION Basic 2 Social Studies 1. The most common means of transportation in Nigeria cities is _____________ (a) Train (b) Car (c) Boat 2. Before accident victims are taken to the hospital, they should be given ______________ (a) First Aid (b) Half Aid (c) Quarter Aid

Primary 2 Third Term Examination Home Economics

3RD TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 2 BASIC SCIENCE  CLASS: Basic Two SUBJECT: Home Economics INSTRUCTION: Underline the correct answer Do we need to clean our kitchen at all?A. yes B. No C. May be What should we use to wash the bathrooms and the toilets? (a) Kerosene b. Insecticide c. Brush, soap and water Which of

Primary 2 Third Term Examination

    Primary 2 Third Term Examination Home Economics Primary 2 Third Term Examination Social Studies  Primary 2 Third Term Examination I.C.T. Primary 2 Third Term Examination Civic Education  Primary 2 Third Term Examination Maths  Primary 2 Third Term Examination PHE  Primary 2 Third Term Examination Verbal Reasoning  Primary 2 Third Term Examination CRS  Primary

Primary 3 Examination Second Term

Yoruba Primary 3 Second Term Examination Primary 3 Exam Questions  First Term, Second Term and Third Term Examination FRENCH PRIMARY 3 SECOND TERM EXAMINATION  Literature In English Primary 3 Second Term Examination Verbal Reasoning Primary 3 Second Term Examination Primary 3 PHE Second Term Examination Primary 3 Mathematics Second Term Examination Primary 3 Second Term

Primary 2 Examination Third Term

Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 2 Quantitative Reasoning Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 2 Verbal Reasoning Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 2 Social Studies Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 2 Home Economics Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 2 Bible Knowledge Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 2 VOCATIONAL APTITUDE Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 2 Mathematic

Primary 2 Examination Second Term

Primary 2 Exam Questions (2020- 2021) – First Term, Second Term and Third Term Examination SECOND TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 2 FRENCH SECOND TERM VERBAL REASONING EXAMS PRIMARY 2 SECOND TERM P.H.E EXAMS PRIMARY 2 Primary 2 Exam Questions – First Term, Second Term and Third Term Examination SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2020 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT:

Primary 2 Examination First Term

Basic Science Primary 2 First Term Examination Vocation Primary 2 First Term Examination Home Economics Primary 2 First Term Examination Agricultural Science Primary 2 First Term Examination English Grammar Primary 2 First Term Examination Bible Knowledge Primary 2 First Term Examination Social Studies Primary 2 First Term Examination Computer Primary 2 First Term Examination Phonics

A Motor Park

Subject :  English Composition    Term : Third Term   Class : Primary 4   Week: Week 1   Previous lesson :    Review of previous lesson on composition, most especially second term Scheme of work     Topic : A Motor Park   Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be

Clay soil

Subject :  Basic science and Technology    Term : Second Term   Class : Primary 2   Week: Week 11   Topic : Clay soil   Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to Say the meaning of clay soil Mention organisms that can be found in clay soil

Loamy soil best for planting of Crops

Subject :  Basic science and Technology    Term : Second Term   Class : Primary 2   Week: Week 10   Topic : Loamy soil   Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to Say the meaning of loamy soil Mention organisms that can be found in loamy soil
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