EDU DELIGHT TUTORS Tapa Street, Lagos 1st Term Examination SUBJECT: Cultural & Creative Arts CLASS: Nursery 2 Name: …………………………… ___________ is a self-expression (a) art (b) apple Art involves drawing and painting (YES / NO) __________ is used for drawing (a) knife (b) pencil __________ is used for sleeping (a) mat (b) hat Hand fan
C.R.K TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: NURSERY TWO NAME OF PUPIL________________ ______________ DATE __________ 1. Who is the creator of heaven and the earth? (a) Satan (b) God 2. What are the things God created? (a) Plant, animals and man (b) spoon, broom and shoes. 3. God is our heavenly father. Yes /No 4. God loves
PHYSICAL SOCIAL and EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: NURSERY TWO NAME OF PUPIL_________________ __________________ DATE __________ 1. ____________ is the ability to move from one place to another. (a) Movement (b) dancing 2. What is movement? (a) Movement is when somebody is sitting (b) movement is moving from one place to another 3. What
EXAMINATION 2020/2021 SESSION SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: NURSERY TWO NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________ 1. Family is a group of people related by blood or _________ (a) religion (b) marriage (c) wedding 2. Nuclear family consist of (a) Uncle, children and Auntie (b) father, mother and children (c) brother, Grandpa and
FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2020/2021 SESSION SUBJECT: LETTER WORK TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: NURSERY TWO NAME OF PUPIL___________________ _________________ DATE __________ Fill in the gap with the correct options 1. a n ____ (a, m, t) 2. b ____ g (a, g, u) 3. ____ a t (e, p, c) 4. d o ___
EXAMINATION 2020/2021 SESSION SUBJECT: NUMBER WORK TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: NURSERY TWO NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________ 1. Addition of numbers a. 8+2= (a) 12 (b) 10 (c)15 b. 7+1= (a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 c. 4+2= (a) 9 (b) 6 (c) 10 d. 9 + 3 = (a) 13 (b) 12 (c)
Nursery 2 Third Term Nursery 2 Lesson Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 2 Age 2 to 4 years Third Term Civic Education Nursery 2 Third Term Scheme of Work Social Habits Health Habits Basic Science and Technology Number Work or Number Readiness Letter Work Nursery 2 Third Term Readiness Readiness
Nursery 2 Second Term Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work For Nursery 2 (Ages 2 to 4 Years) Second Term Subjects and Lesson Notes Civic Education Nursery 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Nursery 2 Second Term Lesson Note and Scheme of Work Social Habits Nursery 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Nursery 2 Second Term Lesson
Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes and Scheme of work Age 4 years Civic Education Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Social Habits Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Health Habits Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Basic Science Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Number Work Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Letter Work