SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2019 CLASS: NURSERY II SUBJECT: RHYMES NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Hickory, dickory _______________ (a) clock (b) dock The mouse ran up the ______________ (a) moon (b) clock The clock _____________ one (a) struck (b) down Baa, baa, ________________ sheep (a) yellow
SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2019 CLASS: NURSERY II SUBJECT: SCIENCE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… _________ makes us to see things around us clearly (a) light (b) sun List two types of light made by God (a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________ List two types of light made by man
SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2019 CLASS: NURSERY II SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… 1.) Comprehension This is a girl. Her name is Bola. Look at her dress. Her dress is red.
SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2019 CLASS: NURSERY II SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… 1.) Write figure 101 – 150 2.) Circle the smallest number 7 2 4 15
SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2019 CLASS: NURSERY II SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Is it good to say our prayer before going to bed (a) yes (b) no We must always say our prayer before and after eating (a) yes (b) no Jesus was born in __________ (a) Bethlehem (b)
List of subjects that are offered in Nursery classes before the pupils move to primary section Reading Readiness. Number Readiness. Elementary Science Writing Drawing and Painting. Rhymes Social Studies Story telling Physical Exercises Bible Knowledge Moral Instruction Computer
There has been noticeable improvement in _______’s study habits this year. Please continue to work on these skills over the summer. Thank-you for your interest in _______’s schoolwork this year. With her continued effort, she will receive much satisfaction from her work. _______ is a fine citizen and a hard worker. I have thoroughly enjoyed
THIRD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: NUR. II SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME:……………………………………………………………………….. ___________ is where people live. (a) house (b) market (c) school The school anthem says “Aim at the ____________.” (a) best (b) good (c) last Colour green means _______________ on the coat of arms. (a) peace (b) agriculture (c) love How many types of religion
CLASS: NUR. II SUBJECT: HEALTH EDUCATION NAME:………………………………………………………………………… Is it good to cover our mouth when coughing? (a) Yes (b) No After using the toilet, we must wash our hands. (a) Yes (b) No Is it good to talk when eating? (a) Yes (b) No Is it good to live in a dirty environment? (a) Yes
THIRD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: NUR. II SUBJECT: SCIENCE NAME: ________________________________________ Mention 5 living things: Write 5 non-living things: Where do we get our food from? (a) flower (b) plant (c) school Write 5 domestic animals: ______________________ is a colourless liquid. (a) water (b) fruits (c) tree Mention two fruits with seeds: Can a living thing
THIRD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: Nursery II SUBJECT: Mathematics NAME: ______________________________________________ 1. Write the numbers 100 – 200 2. Fill in the missing alphabets: i. T___en___y __________________________________________ ii. Th___rty tw___ ______________________________________ iii. F___rty s___x _______________________________________ iv. Twe___ve __________________________________________ v. Se___ent___ n ____________________________________ vi. F___ur _____________________________________________ vii. F___f___y __________________________________________ viii. Ele___e ________________________________________ ix. Thi___ty f___ur _____________________________________ x.