JSS3 ICT Examination Questions SECTION A: OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS What is the full meaning of ICT?a) Information and Communication Technologyb) Internal Communication Technologyc) Information Common Technologyd) 1 and 2 The software used to clear a virus attack is called:a) Eraserb) Anti-softwarec) Anti-virusd) Software How many types of booting are there?a) 2b) 4c) 3d) 8 Which of

Cultural and Creative Arts First Term Examination Questions JSS 3

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION Subject: Creative and Cultural Arts Class: JSS 3 Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes Section A: Objective Questions (Answer all questions) Which of these art materials is in one colour? a) Colour b) Crayon c) Charcoal d) Chalk Motif is _______ a) A unit or singular part of a design b) A dominant

First Term Computer Studies JSS 3 Examination Questions

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions in this section. Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Select the correct option for each question and shade the corresponding answer space on your answer sheet using a pencil. Ensure you shade only one answer per question. All rough work should be done on the question

Business Studies First Term Examination JSS 3

       SUBJECT: BUSINESS STUDIES                 TIME: 2HRS  CLASS: JSS  3 SECTION A:  INSTRUCTION: ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION  Which of the following documents is issued by a seller to the buyer whenever goods are damaged or undercharged? (a) credit note (b) debit note (c) local purchasing order (d) quotation Which

Basic Technology First Term Examination JSS 3

BASIC TECHNOLOGY QUESTIONS FOR JSS 3 Instruction: Answer all questions. Each question carries equal marks. FILL-IN-THE-BLANK QUESTIONS ______________ is the process of splitting or cutting wood into commercial or marketable sizes. (a) Latex (b) Synthetic (c) Wood conversion (d) Wood treatment ______________ is the process of removing excess water from wood. (a) Wood treatment (b)

JSS 3 First Term Examination Mathematics

1ST TERM EXAMINATION BASIC 9 MATHEMATIC JSS 3 CLASS: JSS 3. SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS.TIME: 1 HOUR. INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions. The number of minutes in 2 ½ hours is _________(a) 90 (b) 150 (c) 200 (d)65 Which one of the following is not equivalent to ½? (a) 9/18 (b) 11/22 (c) 15/30 (d) 24/42 How

Cultural and Creative Arts JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes

This lesson plan outlines the topics for each week, ensuring comprehensive coverage of Cultural and Creative Arts concepts, practical skills, and assessment strategies. Each week builds on the last, allowing students to engage with the material and apply their learning effectively. Exploring Nigeria’s Rich Traditional Art Cultural and Creative Arts JSS 3 First Term Lesson