Subject: BIOLOGY [mediator_tech] Term: FIRST TERM WEEK 5 SUBJECT: BIOLOGY TOPIC: FRUIT CONTENT: 1. Structure of fruits Types of fruits Dispersal of fruits Agents of dispersal SUB-TOPIC I: MEANING OF FRUIT Fruit is the structure that developed from the matured ovary after fertilization which contains the seed. Some fruits do
Subject: BIOLOGY [mediator_tech] Term: FIRST TERM WEEK 4 TOPIC: DEVELOPMENT OF NEW SEEDS CONTENT: Progress of development of zygote in the flowering plant Germination of seeds SUB-TOPIC I: PROGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT OF ZYGOTE IN THE FLOWERING PLANT Meaning of seed Seeds are plant parts containing embryo and this embryo give
Subject: BIOLOGY [mediator_tech] Term: FIRST TERM WEEK 3 TOPIC: REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS AND REPRODUCTION IN HUMANS CONTENTS 1. Reproductive system in males and female i. Function of various parts ii. Structure of a male sperm and ovum 2. Fertilization i. Fusion of gametes ii. Implantation 3. Development of embryo i. Selective exchange between mother and child
Subject: BIOLOGY [mediator_tech] Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 2 Class: SS 3 Topic: BALANCE IN NATURE [mediator_tech] WEEK 2 TOPIC: BALANCE IN NATURE CONENT: Factors affecting a population Dynamic population Family planning SUB-TOPIC ONE: FACTORS AFFECTING A POPULATION In ecology, the interaction between plants and animals in an environment produces a stable and balanced
[mediator_tech] Subject: PHYSICS Term: FIRST TERM Weekly Topics Gravitational Force between Two Masses (Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation) ELECTRIC FIELDS ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES Electromagnetic Induction MAGNETIC FIELDS The Earth’s Magnetic Field APPLICATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM CAPACITORS SIMPLE A.C. CIRCUITS Physics Mock Exams SS 3 PHYSICS FIRST TERM EXAMINATION SS 3
[mediator_tech] Subject: PHYSICS Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 9 Class: SS 3 Topic: SIMPLE A.C. CIRCUITS CONTENT Alternating Current Circuits A.C. in Resistors A.C. Through a Capacitor A.C. Through an Inductor Series Circuits Power in A.C. Circuits [mediator_tech] Alternating Current Circuits An a.c. circuit is one in which the magnitude of the current changes periodically
[mediator_tech] Subject: PHYSICS Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 8 Class: SS 3 Topic: CAPACITORS CONTENT Definition of a Capacitor Energy Stored in a Capacitor Arrangement of Capacitors Solved Questions Definition of a Capacitor A capacitor or condenser is a device that stores energy in the electric field between two closely spaced conductors (called “plates”). A
Subject: PHYSICS [mediator_tech] Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 7 Class: SS 3 Topic: APPLICATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM CONTENT Electromagnetic Field Galvanometer Conversion of Galvanometer to Ammeter Conversion of Galvanometer to Voltmeter Transformer Types of Inductances Electric Motor How to Make a Simple Electric Motor Generator Electromagnetic Field The
Subject: PHYSICS [mediator_tech] Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 6 Class: SS 3 Topic: The Earth’s Magnetic Field When a magnetic needle or a bar magnet is freely suspended, it comes to rest roughly in the N-S poles of the earth. This shows that the earth acts like a magnet, hence, the earth
Subject: PHYSICS [mediator_tech] Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 5 Class: SS 3 Topic: MAGNETIC FIELDS CONTENT The Concept of Magnetic Field: Properties of Magnetic Lines of Force Magnetic Field Patterns Magnetic Field in a Straight Current-Carrying Conductor Magnetic Field Due to Current in a Solenoid Magnets and Magnetization Properties of Bar Magnets Methods of