FIRST TERM PRIMARY 6 CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART FIRST TERM Subject : CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART Term : FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 8 / 9 Class : PRIMARY 6 / BASIC 6 Previous lesson : The pupils have previous knowledge of experience that can be composed Topic : Introductions to the tie and dye
FIRST TERM PRIMARY 6 CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART FIRST TERM Subject : CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART Term : FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 6 / 7 Class : PRIMARY 6 / BASIC 6 Previous lesson : The pupils have previous knowledge of Imaginative Composition Topic : Experiences that can be composed Behavioural objectives : At
FIRST TERM PRIMARY 6 CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART FIRST TERM Subject : CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART Term : FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 5 Class : PRIMARY 6 / BASIC 6 Previous lesson : The pupils have previous knowledge of Introduction To Still Life Topic : Imaginative Composition Meaning of Imaginative Composition Behavioural
Lesson Plan Subject: Cultural and Creative Art Class: Primary 6 / Basic 6 Term: First Term Week: 3 / 4 Age: 11-12 years Previous Lesson: Students have prior knowledge of different forms of art and drawing techniques. Topic: Life Drawing Behavioral Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Define life
Subject : Cultural and Creative Arts Class : Primary 5 Term : Third Term Week : Week 2 Topic : MUSICAL INSTRUMENT AND SOUNDS Content : List of Nigerian musical instruments classified based on the sounds that they make: Percussion Instruments – These instruments produce sounds by being struck, shaken or scraped. Examples of percussion
SECOND TERM EXAMINATION: CREATIVE ART – PRIMARY 3 Name: ________________________________ Section A: Multiple Choice Questions ____________________ is the shortest distance between two points. a) Number lines b) Straight lines c) Curve lines How many colours does the Nigerian National flag have? _______________________ Mention the colours of the Nigerian National flag: __________________________ and __________________________ Rainbow has
SUBJECT: CREATIVE ART CLASS: PRIMARY 4 Underline the correct answer Building or place in which actor or actress perform play or drama is known as ___(a) theatre (b) park (c) studio ____is acting or imitation of people and situation before an audidence by actor or actress (a) phonics (b) drama (c) theatre ____ dance is
SUBJECT: CREATIVE ART CLASS: PRIMARY 3 Acceptable values are known as ____ (a) bad behavior (b) good behavior (c) minor behavior Unacceptable values are known as ___(a) good behaviours (b) nice behaviours (c) bad behaviours Eating on the road and fighting are examples of ___values (a) acceptable (b)major (c) unacceptable In the story you were
NAME:…………………………………………………………………….CLASS:……………………………. SECOND TERM E-LEARNING NOTES JS 3 (BASIC 9) SUBJECT: CULTURAL & CREATIVE ARTS SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Revision of first term work Design (motifs and Patterns): (Meaning and uses of motif. (b) Formation of patterns (motif(s) from _ nature, abstract (imaginary). (c) Repeat patterns: (1) arrangement of motif(s) to create repetition and