Information Technology (IT) Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2 Subject: Information Technology (IT) Class: Primary 3 Term: First Term Week: 2 Age: 8 years Topic: Generational Development of Computers Sub-topic: From Abacus to Smartphone Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Identify the different
1st Term Examination COMPUTER STUDIES CLASS: NURSERY 2 NAME:__________________________ Computer is an __________ machine (a)electronic (b)electrical (c)light We use our ____________ to control mouse (a)hand (b)leg (c)mouth Letter A stands for ________ (a)abacus (b)a head (c)a brain Letter B stands for ________ (a)bucker (b)boxfile (c)bag Letter C stands for ________ (a)computer (b)come (c)cook Letter D
1st Term Examination COMPUTER STUDIES BASIC 1 Section A Attempt all questions (1) ____________ looks like television (a)CPU (b)monitor (c)drive (2) _________ is called VDU (a)monitor (b)CPU (c)keyboard (3) The glass cover on the face of the monitor is called __________ (a)keyboard (b)CPU (c)monitor (4) How many types of monitor do we have? (a)5
1st Term Examination COMPUTER STUDIES BASIC 2 Section A Attempt all questions (1). Who started the history of computer? (a)The Chinese (b)Babylonian (c)Nigerian (2). What was used for counting many years back (a)counter (b)stones (c)eyes (3). ________ is the father of computer (a)Charles Babbage (b)Charley boy (c)Charlie Babber (4). Who made calculator? (a)Abacus China
SECOND TERM EXAM BASIC 2 COMPUTER Underline the correct answer (1) _________________ is an example of early counting machine or devices (a) Stone (b) Calculator (c) computer (2) A computer needs input devices to work ( True / False) (3) The input devices used in moving the cursors is called (a)Mouse (b) monitor (c)printer (4)
SECOND TERM EXAM NURSERY 2 COMPUTER 1. both computer and television are ___________ machines (a) Magnetic (b) Electronics 2. Computer can be used to watch educational film (a) True (b) False 3. Computer can be use for spelling Bee (a) True (b) false 4. Computer can be used for bathing (a) True (b) false 5.
CLASS: – BASIC 2 SUBJECT: – COMPUTER Edu Delight Tutors . 1st TERM EXAMINATION is used for typing Keyboard Mouse Printer is used to move the cursor on the screen of the computer Mouse Keyboard Diskette Input means Entering data into a computer Taking data from a computer Accessing a
1st TERM EXAMINATION SUBJECT: – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY The monitor is apart of computer (true / false) The looks like a television a. system B. Keyboard c. monitor A is used to type data into the computer a. monitor b. CPU c. keyboard. A computer mouse is a pointing device controlled witha. handb. speech
SUBJECT: COMPUTER TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: GRADE THREE NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________ PART A OBJECTIVES Read the following questions and pick out the right answer from the given alternatives. ____ is a set of written instructions that makes a computer to respond to instructions. (a) Hardware (b) Software (c) Human ware ___________ are also