Subject: COMPUTER SCIENCE Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 4 Class: SS 2 Topic: MEMORY UNIT Memory Unit:(c) Differences between primary and secondary memory (d) Units of storage: Bits, Nibble, Bytes, Kilobytes (KB), Megabytes (MB), Gigabytes (GB) and Terabytes (TB) (e) Conversion from one unit to the other (f) Comparison of auxiliary Storage Devices under: Size,
Subject: COMPUTER SCIENCE Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 3 Class: SS 2 Topic: MEMORY UNIT Description of Memory Unit Types of Memory Description of Primary Memory Description of Secondary Memory Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT (CPU) that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson Behavioural objectives:
Subject: COMPUTER SCIENCE Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 2 Class: SS 2 Topic: CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT (CPU) Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of MID TERM TEST FIRST TERM LITERATURE SS 1 that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners
NAME: CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: Computer Studies OBJECTIVES Instruction: Answer all the questions ____________ is a major part of computer . (a) monitor (b) projector (c) divider Abacus is made with all the following except _________ (a) beads (b) leaf (c) wire C P U is found in the __________ (a) mouse (b) keyboard
NAME: CLASS: PRIMARY 4 SUBJECT: Computer Studies SECTION A OBJECTIVES: Computer is also used for _________(a) entertainment (b) enslavement (c) judgement (d) argument Computer is useful in all these places except __________(a) banks (b) schools (c)
Computer Studies ICT Primary 1 First Term Examination NAME: CLASS: Primary 1 SUBJECT: Computer Studies A computer is a/an ___________machine. (a) manual (b) electronic (c) fire ___________ is not part of a computer. (a) monitor (b) system unit (c)
FIRST Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved. SUBJECT I.C.T CLASS: J. S. S ONE DURATION 2HR ICT means information and __________ technology (a) community (b)
Weekly Topics for Data Processing SS 1 (First Term) Week 1: Introduction to Data Processing Definition and importance of data processing. Week 2: Early Mechanical Counting/Calculating Devices Overview of historical devices and their significance in computation. Week 3: Generations of Computers Explanation of the five generations of computers and their advancements. Week 4: History of
Computer Studies / Information Communication Technology ICT First Term Computer science ICT Information Communication Technology SS 1 FIRST TERM EXAMINATION ICT SENOR SECONDARY SCHOOL ATTEMPT ALL THE QUESTIONS PART A OBJECTIVES AI means………….A. artefact intelligence B. artificial intellect C. artificial intelligence D. attitude intelligence. Which of the generation of computer
Subject: Computer Studies / Information Communication Technology (ICT) Class: SS 1 Term: First Term Week: Week 10 Reference Materials: Online Materials Scheme of Work Textbooks Instructional Materials: Computer studies resources Online resources Previous Knowledge: The students have learned about the application of ICT in everyday life in the previous lesson. Behavioral Objectives: By the end