SUBJECT: NATIONAL VALUE TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: GRADE THREE NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________ We have citizenship by ___ (a) marriage (b) lost (c) close ____ is the state of being a member of a particular country. (a) Citizenship (b) Citizen lost (c) Citizen blind Once you are a citizen of a country you have
SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION CLASS: PRIMARY 4 1. The duties which we have to do as members of the family are _____ (a) responsibilities (b) duties (c) rights 2. An example of civic value is ____ (a) disloyalty (b) obedience (c) disobedience 3. The form of government where the king or queen rules is ____(a) oligarchy
Edu Delight Tutors Subject: Civic Education Term: First Term Week: Week 10 Class: SSS 1 Topic: Functions of Government Previous Lesson Topic: Rights of Individuals Behavioral Objectives At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define government. Identify the organs of government. List the levels of government. Describe the functions of government.
Edu Delight Tutors Subject: Civic Education Term: First Term Week: Week 9 Class: SS 1 Topic: Rights of Individuals Previous Lesson: Youth Empowerment and Citizenship Behavioral Objectives At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define the rights of individuals. Mention various rights of individuals. Instructional Materials Wall charts Pictures Related online
Edu Delight Tutors Subject: Civic Education Term: First Term Week: Week 8 Class: SS 1 Previous Lesson: Revision on “Our Values” Topic: Youth Empowerment and Citizenship Behavioral Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define citizenship. Explain the importance of youth empowerment and citizenship. Instructional Materials: Wall charts Pictures Related
SS 1 MID TERM TEST CIVIC EDUCATION FIRST TERM MID TERM EXAMINATION Part A: Objective Questions Fill-in-the-blank questions with options (a, b, c, d) Values are __________ that guide our behavior. a) feelings b) beliefs c) laws d) opinions National values are principles that guide the __________ of a country. a) economy b) laws c)
Edu Delight Tutors Subject: Civic Education Term: First Term Week: Week 6 Class: SSS 1 Topic: Emerging National Issues (Youth Empowerment) Previous Lesson: Emerging National Health Issues (HIV/AIDS) Behavioral Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: Define youth empowerment. Describe the steps taken by the government to enhance and empower
Edu Delight Tutors Subject: Civic Education Term: First Term Week: Week 5 Class: SSS 1 Topic: Emerging Issues in Health (HIV/AIDS) Previous Lesson: Community Services and Its Values Behavioral Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: Explain the meaning of emerging health issues. Define HIV. Describe AIDS. Discuss the effects
Edu Delight Tutors Subject: Civic Education Term: First Term Week: Week 4 Class: SSS 1 Previous Lesson: Meaning of Justice and Selflessness Topic: Community Services and Its Values Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain what community service is. Express the need for community services. Identify and discuss
Edu Delight Tutors Subject: Civic Education Term: First Term Week: Week 3 Class: SSS 1 Previous Lesson: Revision on the previous lesson which covered our values Topic: Meaning of Justice and Selflessness Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define justice Explain the meaning of selflessness State the importance