SUBJECT: BIOLOGY CLASS: SS 3 TERM: FIRST TERM WEEK: WEEK 9 TOPIC: EVOLUTION CONTENT: 1. Progressive change in structure and anatomy of organisms. Structural adaptation: Adaptive colouration Structural adaptation: For obtaining food. Different castes of termites. Different castes of bees. SUB-TOPIC 1: PROGRESSIVE CHANGE IN STRUCTURE AND ANATOMY OF ORGANISMS. Definition of Evolution
SUBJECT: BIOLOGY CLASS: SS 3 TERM: FIRST TERM WEEK: 8 TOPIC: VARIATION AND EVOLUTION CONTENT: 1. Morphological variations 2. Physiological variation 3. Application of variation INTRODUCTION Evolution is the cumulative changes in the characteristics of population or organisms occurring in the course of successive generations related by descent. Variations are differences in traits or
WEEK 7 TOPIC: BIOLOGY OF HEREDITY CONTENT: Transmission and expression of characters in organisms Chromosomes the basis of heredity. Probability in genetics. Applications of principles of heredity Explanation on cross and self fertilization BIOLOGY OF HEREDITY: GENETICS Genetics is the scientific study of heredity and variation in living organism. Scientists
WEEK: 6 SUBJECT: BIOLOGY TOPIC: REPRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOURS IN ANIMALS CONTENT: 1. Paring Territoriality Display of body colours Seasonal migration SUB-TOPIC 1: COURTSHIP BEHAVIOURS IN ANIMALS Courtship is a collection of ritualized behaviours unique to each species that lead up to and enable animals to have successful sex union.
Subject: BIOLOGY [mediator_tech] Term: FIRST TERM WEEK 5 SUBJECT: BIOLOGY TOPIC: FRUIT CONTENT: 1. Structure of fruits Types of fruits Dispersal of fruits Agents of dispersal SUB-TOPIC I: MEANING OF FRUIT Fruit is the structure that developed from the matured ovary after fertilization which contains the seed. Some fruits do
Subject: BIOLOGY [mediator_tech] Term: FIRST TERM WEEK 4 TOPIC: DEVELOPMENT OF NEW SEEDS CONTENT: Progress of development of zygote in the flowering plant Germination of seeds SUB-TOPIC I: PROGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT OF ZYGOTE IN THE FLOWERING PLANT Meaning of seed Seeds are plant parts containing embryo and this embryo give
Subject: BIOLOGY [mediator_tech] Term: FIRST TERM WEEK 3 TOPIC: REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS AND REPRODUCTION IN HUMANS CONTENTS 1. Reproductive system in males and female i. Function of various parts ii. Structure of a male sperm and ovum 2. Fertilization i. Fusion of gametes ii. Implantation 3. Development of embryo i. Selective exchange between mother and child
Subject: BIOLOGY [mediator_tech] Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 2 Class: SS 3 Topic: BALANCE IN NATURE [mediator_tech] WEEK 2 TOPIC: BALANCE IN NATURE CONENT: Factors affecting a population Dynamic population Family planning SUB-TOPIC ONE: FACTORS AFFECTING A POPULATION In ecology, the interaction between plants and animals in an environment produces a stable and balanced
FIRST TERM Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved. SUBJECT: BIOLOGY TIME: 1HR 30MINS CLASS: SS 3 Hepatitis B is a disease of the A. heart B. kidney C. liver D. pancreas Dwarfism is caused by the deficiency of A. adrenalin B. insulin C.oxytocin D.
FIRST TERM SUBJECT: BIOLOGY TIME: 1HR 30MINS CLASS: SS 2 1.Euglena moves by A. whipping action of flagellum B. beating of its cilia C. pushing out a jet of water D. beating the pseudopodia and cilia simultaneously. 2.The organelle which eliminates water from the body of protozoa is A. plasma membrane B. contractile