Solomon’s Wisdom and Unwise Policies









  • Solomon’s Wisdom. I Kings3;3-28;4;29-34;5;-1-12;8;1
  • Unwise policies of Solomon and Rehoboam /How Solomon Misused his Wisdom-I king’s 9;15-23;11;-13;`12;1-20
  • Consequences of Solomon’s Misuse of his Wisdom


Objective: To understand the importance of making wise decisions and the consequences of unwise policies, as exemplified by King Solomon’s story.


Making decisions is a process of selecting the best option among different alternatives. As human beings, we make decisions every day, from simple ones like what to wear or eat, to complex ones like choosing a career or a life partner. Making decisions can be a challenging task, and it requires wisdom, critical thinking, and good judgment.

Solomon’s Wisdom: Solomon was a king of Israel who is known for his great wisdom. According to the Bible, God granted Solomon exceptional wisdom to rule his people with justice and fairness. Solomon’s wisdom is evident in the story of the two women who claimed to be the mother of a baby. Solomon suggested cutting the baby in half, and the real mother was willing to give up the baby to save its life. Solomon knew that the real mother would never want her child to be harmed, and so he awarded her the child.

Unwise policies of Solomon: Despite his great wisdom, Solomon also made some unwise decisions that led to the decline of his kingdom. One of his unwise policies was his excessive taxation, which led to the oppression of his people. He also built many lavish palaces and temples that drained the treasury and burdened the people with heavy taxes.

Consequences of Solomon’s Misuse of his Wisdom: Solomon’s misuse of his wisdom led to the downfall of his kingdom. His heavy taxation and extravagant spending led to discontent among the people, and the kingdom was eventually divided after his death. Solomon’s son Rehoboam succeeded him, but he was unable to hold the kingdom together, and it was divided into two kingdoms, Israel and Judah. The misuse of his wisdom led to the loss of the kingdom that he had worked so hard to build.

Examples: An example of making a decision is when a student has to choose between two schools to attend. The student has to consider factors like the school’s location, reputation, programs offered, and tuition fees before making a decision.

An example of Solomon’s wisdom is when he solved the dispute between two women who claimed to be the mother of a baby. Solomon suggested cutting the baby in half, and the real mother was willing to give up the baby to save its life. Solomon knew that the real mother would never want her child to be harmed, and so he awarded her the child.

An example of an unwise decision made by Solomon is his excessive taxation, which led to the oppression of his people. His extravagant spending on palaces and temples drained the treasury and burdened the people with heavy taxes.

An example of the consequences of Solomon’s misuse of his wisdom is the division of his kingdom after his death. The heavy taxation and lavish spending led to discontent among the people, and the kingdom was eventually divided into two kingdoms, Israel and Judah


  1. What is making a decision? A. A process of selecting the best option among different alternatives. B. A process of selecting the worst option among different alternatives. C. A process of selecting any option among different alternatives. D. A process of not making any decision.
  2. Who was Solomon? A. A king of Egypt B. A king of Israel C. A prophet of Israel D. A philosopher of Greece
  3. What was Solomon known for? A. His great wealth B. His great wisdom C. His great strength D. His great beauty
  4. What was Solomon’s unwise policy that led to the oppression of his people? A. Excessive taxation B. Generous donations C. Free education D. Free healthcare
  5. What did Solomon suggest to solve the dispute between two women who claimed to be the mother of a baby? A. Cut the baby in half B. Give the baby to the woman who was stronger C. Give the baby to the woman who was older D. Give the baby to the woman who was richer
  6. What was the consequence of Solomon’s misuse of his wisdom? A. The kingdom became stronger B. The people became happier C. The kingdom was divided D. The kingdom became wealthier
  7. What led to the decline of Solomon’s kingdom? A. His excessive spending on education B. His excessive spending on healthcare C. His excessive spending on palaces and temples D. His excessive spending on food and drinks
  8. Who succeeded Solomon as the king of Israel? A. David B. Saul C. Rehoboam D. Jeroboam
  9. What was the name of the kingdom that was formed after the division of Solomon’s kingdom? A. Israel B. Judah C. Egypt D. Babylon
  10. What is the lesson we can learn from Solomon’s story? A. The importance of making wise decisions B. The importance of making unwise decisions C. The importance of not making any decisions D. The importance of following others’ decisions.

SOLOMON’S WISDOM I KING’S3;3-28;4;29-34;51-12;8-1

Solomon succeeded his father –David.During this time, he had a lot of responsibilities resting on his shoulders.As was the custom, Solomon went to Gibeon to offer sacrifice to God. The Lord appeared to him in a dream and said ‘’Ask what l shall give ‘’.He asked for wisdom. Solomon’s request pleased God so exceeding that he granted him his request. He also added to him riches and honour. Solomon used his wisdom to Judge the case of two harlots who lived in the same room and both had babies.One of the babies died and the mother now claimed to the living baby. Solomon ruled that the living child be cut into two and each half be giving to each woman


However, the real mother of the living child wept and asked the king not to slay the baby,instead, it should be giving to her rival who insisted that the baby be divided. From their utterances, Solomon knew the real mother and gave her the baby.


Apart  from judicial matters, his wisdom was manifested in other ways. In all, Solomon spoke three thousand proverbs and his songs were a thousand and five.He was reputed to be the wisest man then.



Solomon made arrangement with Hiram of Tyre to supply him with cypress timber and cedar with which to build the temple of the Lord as well as his personal house. In return, he gave Hiram twenty thousand measures of Kors wheat and twenty measures of pressed oil as food  for his household yearly. When the temple was completed, the ark of covenant was brought into the temple and he prayed and dedicated it to the Lord.



  1. What did king Solomon ask from God when he became the king of Israel?
  2. How did he demonstrate this attribute?

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There was peace during the reign of Solomon. This made him live in luxury.  He embarked on expensive projects and wasted a lot of human and material resources. The following were Solomon’s unwise policies which made his wisdom shortlived.

  1. He embarked upon expensive wasteful and gigantic venture or projects.  He build his own house for thirteen years.
  2. The people paid through their noses as they were heavily levied.  The people were also subjected to force labour.
  3. He married from countries God had warned the Israelites not to marry from.
  4. He had an uncontrollable desire for woman.  Altogether he had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines.
  5. This led to the fall of Solomon and the division of Israel as a nation.  He died and his son Rehoboam reigned in his stead.

Unwise Policies of Solomon and Rehoboam / How Solomon Misused His Wisdom in 1 Kings 9: 15-23

King Solomon was known for his great wisdom, but he also made some unwise decisions that had consequences for his kingdom. Here are some of the unwise policies of Solomon and Rehoboam and how Solomon misused his wisdom:

  1. Heavy Taxation: One of Solomon’s unwise policies was his excessive taxation, which led to the oppression of his people. He needed to fund his lavish building projects, but he did so by overtaxing his people, causing resentment and discontent.
  2. Forced Labor: Solomon also forced his people to work on his building projects, which further added to their burden. The Bible says that he conscripted thirty thousand men from all Israel to work for him, which shows how he valued his own projects more than the well-being of his people.
  3. Lavish Building Projects: Solomon built many lavish palaces and temples that drained the treasury and burdened the people with heavy taxes. He built the Temple in Jerusalem, which was a grand and impressive structure, but he also built many other buildings that were not necessary and drained the treasury.
  4. Trading with Unfriendly Nations: Solomon also made unwise alliances and trading partnerships with unfriendly nations. He traded with Hiram, the king of Tyre, but he also married his daughter and other foreign women, which brought their religions and cultures into Israel and caused problems.
  5. Division of the Kingdom: After Solomon’s death, his son Rehoboam succeeded him, but he was unable to hold the kingdom together. His unwise policies and arrogance led to the division of the kingdom into two parts, Israel and Judah.

Solomon’s misuse of his wisdom led to the decline of his kingdom. His heavy taxation, forced labor, and extravagant spending led to discontent among the people, and the kingdom was eventually divided after his death. The lesson we can learn from his story is the importance of using our wisdom and resources for the good of the people, not just for our own gain


Rehoboam was made king in Shechem.  Hearing that Rehoboam had been made king, Jeroboam returned from Egypt where he had gone to seek asylum after going into self exile for fear of Solomon.  Jeroboam and some elders of Israel to Rehoboam to lighten the yoke his father Solomon placed on the people.  Rehoboam asked them to come for a reply after some days.  Rehoboam sought the opinions of the elders who in turn told him to listen to the plea of the people. He also asked his peers but they advised him wrongly and he heeded to their advice. He spoke to the people roughly and said he would chastise them with whips and scorpions.


Rehoboam’s expensive taste made him over-burden his own people with unbearable taxes.  Things started falling apart, eventually the kingdom was divided into two.  Jeroboam became over ten tribes of Israel known as the Northern kingdom while Rehoboam reigned in Judah Thus, Rehoboam’s unwise decisions and diplomatic blunder led to the division of Israel which David toiled to build.

What lessons can Nigeria leaders learn from Solomon’s mistake

Nigeria leaders can learn several lessons from Solomon’s mistakes. Here are some of them:

  1. Prioritize the well-being of the people: One of Solomon’s mistakes was his excessive taxation and forced labor, which burdened his people. Nigeria leaders should prioritize the well-being of the people and use their resources wisely to improve their lives.
  2. Avoid extravagance and corruption: Solomon’s lavish building projects drained the treasury and burdened the people with heavy taxes. Nigeria leaders should avoid extravagance and corruption and use public funds for the good of the people.
  3. Be mindful of alliances and partnerships: Solomon made unwise alliances and trading partnerships with unfriendly nations, which brought their religions and cultures into Israel and caused problems. Nigeria leaders should be mindful of their alliances and partnerships and ensure that they do not compromise the country’s sovereignty and security.
  4. Avoid arrogance and pride: Solomon’s son Rehoboam’s arrogance and pride led to the division of the kingdom. Nigeria leaders should avoid arrogance and pride and listen to the voices of the people to prevent division and unrest.
  5. Use wisdom for the good of the people: Solomon had great wisdom, but he misused it by using it for his personal gain. Nigeria leaders should use their wisdom and resources for the good of the people, not just for their own gain.

In conclusion, Nigeria leaders can learn from Solomon’s mistakes and strive to prioritize the well-being of the people, avoid extravagance and corruption, be mindful of alliances and partnerships, avoid arrogance and pride, and use wisdom for the good of the people. By doing so, they can build a better and more prosperous Nigeria for all


  1. What lessons can Nigeria leaders learn from Solomon’s mistake.
  2. Justify or condemn those decisions taken by Solomon under the circumstances then.



  1. What did king Solomon ask from God when he became the king of Israel?
  2. Describe the unwise policies of Rehoboam.
  3. Discuss God as the controller of the universe.
  4. Describe the uniqueness of man among the creations of God.

Consequences of Solomon’s Decision

For example, his excessive taxation and forced labor burdened his people and caused resentment, and his extravagant spending on building projects drained the treasury and burdened the people with heavy taxes. These decisions caused discontent among the people and contributed to the eventual division of the kingdom after his death.

On the other hand, Solomon’s wisdom in resolving disputes and his successful building of the Temple in Jerusalem showed that he had positive qualities as a leader. However, it is important to note that the consequences of his unwise decisions ultimately overshadowed his positive accomplishments as a leader.

In conclusion, while there were some positive aspects to Solomon’s rule, his unwise decisions had negative consequences for his people. It is important for leaders to consider the long-term effects of their decisions and prioritize the well-being of their people above their own personal gain


Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge for SS 1-3 by Martins I. Amaechi pages 61-65.

  1. What is making a decision? A. A process of selecting the best option among different alternatives. B. A process of selecting the worst option among different alternatives. C. A process of selecting any option among different alternatives. D. A process of not making any decision.
  2. Who was Solomon? A. A king of Egypt B. A king of Israel C. A prophet of Israel D. A philosopher of Greece
  3. What was one of Solomon’s unwise policies that led to the oppression of his people? A. Free education B. Heavy taxation C. Free healthcare D. Generous donations
  4. What did Solomon suggest to solve the dispute between two women who claimed to be the mother of a baby? A. Cut the baby in half B. Give the baby to the woman who was stronger C. Give the baby to the woman who was older D. Give the baby to the woman who was richer
  5. What was the consequence of Solomon’s misuse of his wisdom? A. The kingdom became stronger B. The people became happier C. The kingdom was divided D. The kingdom became wealthier
  6. How did Solomon fund his lavish building projects? A. By taxing the wealthy B. By asking for donations C. By borrowing from other nations D. By overtaxing his people
  7. Who succeeded Solomon as the king of Israel? A. David B. Saul C. Rehoboam D. Jeroboam
  8. What was the lesson we can learn from Solomon’s story? A. The importance of making unwise decisions B. The importance of not making any decisions C. The importance of following others’ decisions D. The importance of using our wisdom and resources for the good of the people.
  9. What did Rehoboam do that led to the division of the kingdom? A. He lowered the taxes B. He raised the taxes C. He freed the forced laborers D. He married a woman from a neighboring kingdom
  10. What did Solomon do with thirty thousand men from all Israel? A. He made them his personal guards B. He conscripted them to work on his building projects C. He sent them to fight in a war D. He sent them to a neighboring kingdom as a gift


  1. Solomon did not show wisdom in _____A. building the temple B. marrying foreign wives C. not killing the baby brought by the harlotD. praising God
  2. Rehoboam made the mistake of _____A. following his father’s footsteps of tyranny B. leading Israel to war C.marrying foreign wives.D. isolating other leaders
  3. One of the reasons for the division of the kingdom was _____A. forced labourB.Ahijah’s prophecy C.Rehoboam’s lazinessD. Jeroboam’s agitation
  4. Jeroboam was in which country when Solomon died ____A. PhilistiaB. CanaanC. EgyptD.syria
  5. Solomon imported cedar and cypress timber for the building of the temple from ____A. Egypt B. BabylonC.TyreD. Sidon
  6. What was one of Solomon’s unwise policies that led to the oppression of his people? A. Free education B. Heavy taxation C. Free healthcare D. Generous donations
  7. How did Solomon fund his lavish building projects? A. By taxing the wealthy B. By asking for donations C. By borrowing from other nations D. By overtaxing his people
  8. What did Solomon do with thirty thousand men from all Israel? A. He made them his personal guards B. He conscripted them to work on his building projects C. He sent them to fight in a war D. He sent them to a neighboring kingdom as a gift.
  9. What did Solomon build that was not necessary and drained the treasury? A. The Temple in Jerusalem B. A grand palace for himself C. A grand palace for his wives D. A grand stadium for entertainment
  10. What did Solomon do that caused problems for Israel? A. He married foreign women B. He traded with friendly nations only C. He focused on building projects only D. He neglected his duties as king
  11. Who succeeded Solomon as the king of Israel? A. David B. Saul C. Rehoboam D. Jeroboam
  12. What did Rehoboam do that led to the division of the kingdom? A. He lowered the taxes B. He raised the taxes C. He freed the forced laborers D. He married a woman from a neighboring kingdom
  13. How did Solomon misuse his wisdom? A. By using it for personal gain B. By not using it at all C. By giving it away too freely D. By focusing too much on it
  14. What was the consequence of Solomon’s misuse of his wisdom? A. The kingdom became stronger B. The people became happier C. The kingdom was divided D. The kingdom became wealthier
  15. What is the lesson we can learn from Solomon’s story? A. The importance of making unwise decisions B. The importance of not making any decisions C. The importance of following others’ decisions D. The importance of using our wisdom and resources for the good of the people



  1. What did king Solomon ask from God when he became king of Israel?
  2. How did he demonstrate this attribute?

Lesson Note: Making Decisions, Solomon’s Wisdom, and Unwise Policies

Introduction: Making decisions is a process of selecting the best option among different alternatives. King Solomon of Israel was known for his great wisdom, but he also made some unwise decisions that had consequences for his kingdom. This lesson will examine the importance of making wise decisions, Solomon’s wisdom, and his unwise policies.

Main Content:

  1. Making Decisions:
  • Making decisions is a critical thinking process that requires wisdom and good judgment.
  • Decisions can have consequences that affect our lives and the lives of others.
  1. Solomon’s Wisdom:
  • According to the Bible, God granted Solomon exceptional wisdom to rule his people with justice and fairness.
  • Solomon’s wisdom is evident in the story of the two women who claimed to be the mother of a baby.
  1. Unwise Policies of Solomon:
  • Solomon’s unwise policies included heavy taxation, forced labor, and extravagant spending on building projects.
  • His unwise policies led to discontent among the people and contributed to the eventual division of the kingdom after his death.
  1. Consequences of Solomon’s Misuse of His Wisdom:
  • Solomon’s misuse of his wisdom led to the downfall of his kingdom.
  • His heavy taxation and extravagant spending drained the treasury and burdened the people with heavy taxes.
  • The misuse of his wisdom led to the loss of the kingdom that he had worked so hard to build.


  • Making wise decisions is essential for good leadership and governance.
  • Solomon’s story teaches us the importance of using wisdom and resources for the good of the people, not just for personal gain.
  • Leaders must be mindful of the consequences of their decisions and prioritize the well-being of their people above their own interests.


  • Multiple-choice questions can be used to assess students’ understanding of the lesson content.


  • Students can be asked to research and write a short essay on a leader who made wise decisions or one who made unwise policies and the consequences of their decisions.


  • 1 Kings 3:16-28
  • 1 Kings 9:15-23

Weekly Assessment /Test

  1. What is making a decision? A. A process of selecting the best option among different alternatives. B. A process of selecting the worst option among different alternatives. C. A process of selecting any option among different alternatives. D. A process of not making any decision.
  2. Who was Solomon? A. A king of Egypt B. A king of Israel C. A prophet of Israel D. A philosopher of Greece
  3. What was one of Solomon’s unwise policies that led to the oppression of his people? A. Free education B. Heavy taxation C. Free healthcare D. Generous donations
  4. What did Solomon suggest to solve the dispute between two women who claimed to be the mother of a baby? A. Cut the baby in half B. Give the baby to the woman who was stronger C. Give the baby to the woman who was older D. Give the baby to the woman who was richer
  5. What was the consequence of Solomon’s misuse of his wisdom? A. The kingdom became stronger B. The people became happier C. The kingdom was divided D. The kingdom became wealthier
  6. Who succeeded Solomon as the king of Israel? A. David B. Saul C. Rehoboam D. Jeroboam
  7. What did Rehoboam do that led to the division of the kingdom? A. He lowered the taxes B. He raised the taxes C. He freed the forced laborers D. He married a woman from a neighboring kingdom
  8. What is the lesson we can learn from Solomon’s story? A. The importance of making unwise decisions B. The importance of not making any decisions C. The importance of following others’ decisions D. The importance of using our wisdom and resources for the good of the people.
  9. What was one of Solomon’s unwise policies that led to resentment among his people? A. Free healthcare B. Generous donations C. Heavy taxation D. Free education
  10. How did Solomon misuse his wisdom? A. By using it for personal gain B. By not using it at all C. By giving it away too freely D. By focusing too much on it
  11. What is the process of selecting the best option among different alternatives called? A. Decision-making B. Guessing C. Random selection D. Coin toss
  12. Who was renowned for his great wisdom in ruling his people with justice and fairness? A. David B. Solomon C. Saul D. Rehoboam
  13. What did Solomon suggest to resolve the dispute between two women who claimed to be the mother of a baby? A. Cut the baby in half B. Give the baby to the stronger woman C. Give the baby to the older woman D. Give the baby to the richer woman
  14. What was one of Solomon’s unwise policies that led to the oppression of his people? A. Free education B. Heavy taxation C. Free healthcare D. Generous donations
  15. Who succeeded Solomon as the king of Israel? A. David B. Saul C. Rehoboam D. Jeroboam
  16. How did Solomon fund his lavish building projects? A. By borrowing from other nations B. By asking for donations C. By taxing the wealthy D. By overtaxing his people
  17. What was the consequence of Solomon’s misuse of his wisdom? A. The kingdom became stronger B. The people became happier C. The kingdom was divided D. The kingdom became wealthier
  18. What did Rehoboam do that led to the division of the kingdom? A. He lowered the taxes B. He raised the taxes C. He freed the forced laborers D. He married a woman from a neighboring kingdom
  19. What lesson can be learned from Solomon’s story? A. The importance of making unwise decisions B. The importance of not making any decisions C. The importance of following others’ decisions D. The importance of using wisdom and resources for the good of the people.
  20. What was one of the negative consequences of Solomon’s unwise policies? A. The kingdom became more prosperous B. The people became happier C. The people became oppressed D. The people became more educated
  21. What is decision-making, and why is it an essential skill for leaders?
  22. Discuss the story of the two women who claimed to be the mother of a baby and how Solomon’s wisdom helped to resolve the dispute.
  23. What were some of Solomon’s unwise policies, and how did they lead to the eventual downfall of his kingdom?
  24. How did Solomon misuse his wisdom, and what were the consequences of his actions?
  25. Why is it important for leaders to prioritize the well-being of their people above their own interests?
  26. Discuss the lesson that can be learned from Solomon’s story, and how it applies to leadership today.
  27. How can leaders use their wisdom and resources for the good of the people?
  28. Why is it important for leaders to consider the long-term effects of their decisions?
  29. What are some of the negative consequences of unwise policies, and how can they be avoided?
  30. Discuss the importance of good governance and leadership, and how it can lead to the prosperity of a nation