Fun Revision Activities: Drawing Clocks and Currency Mathematics Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 12
Subject: Mathematics
Class: Primary 2
Term: Third Term
Week: 12
Topic: Revision and Practical Activities
Sub-topic: Review of Concepts and Hands-On Activities
Duration: 80 minutes
Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
- Recall and review the main topics covered during the term.
- Draw a clock face on cardboard and label the hour and minute hands.
- Create and label images of Nigerian currency notes using paper and crayons.
Key Words: Clock, hour hand, minute hand, Nigerian currency, colors.
Entry Behavior: Pupils should have a basic understanding of time and how to read a clock, as well as familiarity with the appearance of Nigerian currency notes.
Learning Resources and Materials:
- Cardboard, paper, scissors, glue, and crayons.
- Examples of Nigerian currency notes.
- Clock model or pictures of clocks.
- Posters or drawings of currency notes.
Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge: Begin the lesson by revising previous topics, such as time and money. Ask pupils to recall what they learned and to identify key concepts.
Embedded Core Skills: Fine motor skills, critical thinking, creativity.
Learning Materials:
- Clock face template on cardboard.
- Paper and crayons for drawing currency notes.
Reference Books: Lagos State Scheme of Work and any additional textbooks on Mathematics.
Instructional Materials:
- Model clock or pictures of clocks.
- Examples of Nigerian currency notes.
- Colored markers and crayons.
Content: The lesson will focus on revising key concepts and hands-on activities to solidify pupils’ understanding.
- Review What They Learned:
- Start the class by asking students to recall the topics covered throughout the term.
- Encourage them to share examples from each lesson. 😊
- Drawing a Big Circle on Cardboard:
- Provide each student with a piece of cardboard and ask them to draw a big circle.
- Have them use different colored paper to create hour and minute hands.
- Instruct them to place the hands on the clock to show different times, such as 3 o’clock and 9:30. 🕒
- Labeling the Clock:
- Teach students to label the clock with the hours and minutes using markers.
- Ask them to practice telling time to the hour and half-hour. ⏰
- Creating Nigerian Currency Sizes:
- Have students use paper to cut out shapes representing Nigerian currency sizes.
- Provide pictures of different denominations of currency for reference.
- Ask them to draw and label the pictures of each currency. 💵
- Coloring the Currency:
- Give students crayons and have them color in the paper currencies.
- Use this time to discuss the features of the different notes, such as the figures or symbols on them. 🎨
- Practical Exercises:
- Ask students to simulate buying items with their paper currency. For example, pretend to buy a pencil with the appropriate amount of money.
- Have them practice counting out change and determining the total cost. 💰
Class Activity Discussion
- What shape do you draw for a clock face?
- A big circle.
- What are the hands on a clock called?
- The short one is the hour hand, and the long one is the minute hand.
- What do you use to label the hour and minute hands?
- Use different colors of cardboard.
- How many hours are there in a day?
- 24 hours.
- What is the largest naira note in Nigerian currency?
- N1,000 note.
- What materials do you use to make a clock face?
- Cardboard, paper, and coloring materials.
- What does the minute hand show?
- The minute hand shows the minutes past the hour.
- What currency notes should you draw and label?
- Draw pictures of different Nigerian naira notes.
- What do you use to color your pictures of currency?
- Use crayons.
- How many minutes are there in one hour?
- 60 minutes.
- What is the color of the N200 note?
- Green.
- How often does the hour hand move?
- The hour hand moves every hour.
- How do you make the sizes of the currency?
- Cut paper to the size of different currency notes.
- What is the color of the N50 note?
- Blue.
- Why do you label the hour and minute hands on the clock?
- To show which hand represents hours and which represents minutes.
Evaluation :
- The hour hand on the clock points to the number when it’s 3 o’clock. a. 12 b. 3 c. 6 d. 9
- The minute hand on the clock points to the number when it’s 15 minutes past the hour. a. 1 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
- The shortest hand on the clock is called the hand. a. hour b. minute c. second d. day
- To make a clock face, you draw a big shape. a. square b. triangle c. circle d. rectangle
- The Nigerian currency has the naira sign, which is the letter. a. N b. R c. S d. G
- The 200 naira note is colored. a. red b. blue c. green d. orange
- The minute hand moves each minute. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
- The largest naira note is. a. N500 b. N200 c. N1000 d. N50
- The number of seconds in a minute is. a. 30 b. 45 c. 60 d. 100
- When the time is 12:00, it’s called. a. noon b. midnight c. 6 o’clock d. day
- A picture of currency can be drawn with a. a. marker b. crayon c. pencil d. all of the above
- The minute hand takes to make a full circle. a. 30 minutes b. 60 seconds c. 60 minutes d. 45 minutes
- The hand moves quickly around the clock. a. hour b. minute c. second d. day
- You use paper to cut out pictures of. a. shapes b. numbers c. colors d. currency
- The color of the N100 naira note is. a. red b. blue c. yellow d. green
Learning About Data and Counting Mathematics Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 11
- Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, which included topics such as reading time on clocks and understanding Nigerian currency. Ask questions to assess pupils’ prior knowledge.
- Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic of revision and practical activities. Explain the hands-on tasks that pupils will be doing, such as drawing a clock face and creating images of Nigerian currency notes.
- Step 3: Allow pupils to work on the practical tasks in groups or individually. Monitor pupils as they work and provide guidance and corrections as needed.
Teacher’s Activities:
- Guide pupils in drawing and labeling a clock face.
- Assist pupils in creating images of Nigerian currency notes.
- Encourage pupils to use different colors for the different parts of the clock and currency notes.
Learners’ Activities:
- Draw a big circle on a cardboard to create a clock face and label the hour and minute hands using colored cardboard.
- Use paper to cut out and draw images of Nigerian currency notes. Label the notes and color them with crayons.
Assessment: Observe pupils as they complete the tasks and provide feedback and corrections. Ask questions about the tasks to assess understanding.
Evaluation Questions:
- What is the hour hand on a clock?
- What is the minute hand on a clock?
- How many minutes are there in an hour?
- What are the colors of some Nigerian currency notes?
- How can you make a clock face on cardboard?
- What do you use to color the pictures of currency notes?
- What is the color of the N1000 note?
- Can you name different Nigerian currency notes?
- How do you label the hour and minute hands?
- How many hours are in a day?
Conclusion: The teacher goes around the room to check the pupils’ work, offering assistance and feedback as needed. Ensure that pupils understand the tasks and complete them accurately
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