Forms of Greeting and the Importance of Greeting Social Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes

Comprehensive Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Social Studies

Class: Primary 2

Term: Second Term

Week: 2

Age: 6–7 years

Topic: Forms of Greeting and the Importance of Greeting


  • Forms of Greeting
  • The Importance of Greeting

Duration: 45 minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify different forms of greeting.
  2. Demonstrate common forms of greeting like kneeling and shaking hands.
  3. Explain the importance of greeting in promoting tolerance, neighborliness, courtesy, and friendliness.


  • Greeting
  • Kneeling
  • Prostrating
  • Shaking hands
  • Clenching fist
  • Tolerance
  • Neighborliness
  • Courtesy
  • Friendliness

Set Induction

The teacher enters the class and greets the pupils in different ways (e.g., shaking hands, bowing, kneeling). The teacher then asks the pupils how they greet their parents and friends.

Entry Behavior

Pupils should be able to recall key points from the previous lesson on “Family and Community.”

Learning Resources and Materials

  1. Pictures showing different forms of greeting.
  2. Flashcards with greeting-related keywords.
  3. A short video or role-play demonstrating various greetings.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher will remind the pupils of the importance of being polite and respectful, as learned in the previous lesson.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication
  • Social Interaction
  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem-Solving

Learning Materials

  1. Charts with pictures of people greeting.
  2. Flashcards for group activities.
  3. Drawing sheets for the pupils.

Reference Books

  1. Lagos State Scheme of Work
  2. “Primary Social Studies for Nigerian Schools” by Macmillan
  3. Teacher’s Guide on Social Studies

Instructional Materials

  1. Picture charts
  2. Whiteboard and markers
  3. Flashcards


Definition and Explanation

  1. Forms of Greeting
    • Greeting means showing respect or friendliness when meeting someone.
    • Common forms of greeting include:
      • Kneeling or bowing.
      • Prostrating (common in Yoruba culture).
      • Shaking hands.
      • Waving or saying “Hello.”
      • Clenching fists (e.g., fist bumps).
  2. Importance of Greeting
    • Promotes tolerance: It helps people accept each other.
    • Builds neighborliness: Encourages harmony among neighbors.
    • Shows courtesy: Displays respect for others.
    • Enhances friendliness: Makes others feel welcome and loved.
    • Improves communication: Creates a positive environment.

Examples of Greeting

  1. A child kneeling to greet their parents in Yoruba culture.
  2. Shaking hands with a visitor in Hausa tradition.
  3. Waving “hello” to a friend in school.
  4. Prostrating to greet elders in the community.
  5. Saying “Good morning” to a teacher.

Evaluation Questions

15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. Greeting means showing ______ or friendliness.
    a. Disrespect
    b. Respect
    c. Anger
    d. Sadness
  2. ______ is a common form of greeting in Yoruba culture.
    a. Shaking hands
    b. Prostrating
    c. Waving
    d. Jumping
  3. Shaking hands is a form of ______.
    a. Greeting
    b. Punishment
    c. Discipline
    d. Ignoring
  4. Greeting helps to promote ______ among neighbors.
    a. Fight
    b. Harmony
    c. Anger
    d. Confusion
  5. A fist bump is also called ______.
    a. Kneeling
    b. Waving
    c. Clenching fists
    d. Hugging
  6. Greeting shows ______ for others.
    a. Anger
    b. Respect
    c. Dislike
    d. Fear
  7. In Hausa culture, people ______ hands to greet.
    a. Shake
    b. Fold
    c. Hide
    d. Raise
  8. Greeting improves ______ among friends.
    a. Sadness
    b. Communication
    c. Anger
    d. Fear
  9. Greeting makes others feel ______.
    a. Sad
    b. Welcome
    c. Angry
    d. Ignored
  10. ______ is saying “Hello” or waving.
    a. Fighting
    b. Greeting
    c. Complaining
    d. Disrespecting
  11. ______ builds neighborliness.
    a. Greeting
    b. Fighting
    c. Complaining
    d. Ignoring
  12. Greeting is a sign of ______.
    a. Disrespect
    b. Respect
    c. Anger
    d. Sadness
  13. Prostrating is common in ______ culture.
    a. Hausa
    b. Yoruba
    c. Igbo
    d. Tiv
  14. Clenching fists is also called a ______.
    a. Handshake
    b. Fist bump
    c. Hug
    d. Wave
  15. Greeting helps to promote ______.
    a. Tolerance
    b. Anger
    c. Dislike
    d. Fear

Class Activity Discussion

15 FAQs with Answers

  1. What is greeting?
    Showing respect or friendliness when meeting someone.
  2. Name one form of greeting.
    Shaking hands.
  3. Why is greeting important?
    It promotes tolerance and friendliness.
  4. What does tolerance mean?
    Accepting others despite differences.
  5. How do Yorubas greet elders?
    By prostrating or kneeling.
  6. What is a fist bump?
    Clenching fists to greet.
  7. Who do we greet in school?
    Teachers, friends, and classmates.
  8. How does greeting build neighborliness?
    By creating harmony among neighbors.
  9. What does courtesy mean?
    Showing politeness and respect.
  10. Why do we greet our elders?
    To show respect.
  11. Name one greeting common among Hausa people.
    Shaking hands.
  12. What is a simple way to greet a friend?
    Waving or saying “Hello.”
  13. What is the purpose of greeting?
    To create a positive relationship.
  14. What does friendliness mean?
    Being kind and warm towards others.
  15. How does greeting improve communication?
    It creates a positive environment.

Presentation Steps

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Revise the previous topic on “Family and Community.”
  2. Introduce the topic “Forms of Greeting.”
  3. Explain the forms and importance of greeting using examples.
  4. Show pictures or role-play greetings.
  5. Guide pupils in identifying and practicing forms of greeting.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Participate in revising the previous topic.
  2. Listen and observe the teacher’s explanation.
  3. Practice greeting using role-play.
  4. Answer questions about greeting.


10 Short-Answer Questions

  1. What is greeting?
  2. Name two forms of greeting.
  3. Why is greeting important?
  4. How do Yorubas greet elders?
  5. What is a fist bump?
  6. Give one way to greet in school.
  7. Name one greeting common among Hausa people.
  8. What does friendliness mean?
  9. How does greeting show respect?
  10. What does tolerance mean?


The teacher reviews the key points on forms and importance of greeting. Pupils’ answers are marked, and feedback is provided.

Forms of Greeting and Importance of Greeting

SEO Components

Captivating Title

“Forms of Greeting for Primary 2: Learn Respect and Friendliness”

Focus Keyphrase

Forms of Greeting and Importance of Greeting

SEO Title

“Forms of Greeting and Their Importance | Social Studies Primary 2”



Meta Description

Teach Primary 2 pupils the forms and importance of greeting with this detailed Social Studies lesson plan. Improve respect and friendliness.