Third Term Examination Mathematics Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes

Multiple-Choice Questions Which word is a relative pronoun? a) Quickly b) Who c) Happy d) Running Complete the sentence: “The book _____ I borrowed was very interesting.” a) who b) which c) where d) when Which sentence uses the correct intonation for a question? a) Are you coming to the party. b) Are you coming

General Paper Questions Common Entrance Examination

INSTRUCTION Use only pencil for this examination. For each question, choose from the answers lettered A, B, C, D, E the which bears the correct answer and then write in the answer paper provided for you. Attempt all the questions as fast as you can. Carefully read the questions before you answer. Do not ask

Third Term Examinations Civic Education Primary 6 Third Term Lesson Notes

Multiple-Choice Questions What is national unity? a) Dividing a country b) Coming together as one nation c) Fighting each other d) Ignoring each other Which of these helps in promoting national unity? a) Telling lies b) Working together c) Stealing d) Fighting What is integrity? a) Being honest and having strong moral principles b) Cheating