EDU DELIGHT TUTORS






(1) factors of production are materials used to provides goods and services

(a) True               (b) false


(2) There ____________  major factors of production

(a) 8      (b) 4      (c) 5       (d) 6


(3) _______________  is a natural resources found within a nation

(a) capital           (b) Land               (c) Labour           (d) entrepreneur


(4) Capital is the monetary resources used for purchasing natural resources

(a) True (b) False


(5) ___________  is required to transform raw materials into consumer goods

(a) Farmer          (b) labour               (c) Doctor           (d) Teacher


(6) ______________ is the productive activity for which one is paid

(a) Business        (b) game               (c) Occupation   (d) Duty


  1. There are ____ types of occupation

(a) 7      (b) 3      (c) 6       (d) 9


  1. Profession is a type of occupation

(a) True (b) false


  1. Truthfulness is expressing the _________________

(a) truth              (b) dishonesty               (c) cunning act   (d) lies


  1. Being truthful to yourself and others means ______

(a) assurance     (b) honesty               (c) value              (d) state


  1. ______________ is attribute of truthfulness

(a) steadfast       (b) stealing (c) fraud     (d) embezzlement


  1. Fear makes people tell lies

(a) true (b) false


  1. Not being truthful affects the growth of the business

(a) true                (b) false


  1. Fair play is an establishment standard of decency and  honesty

(a) true (b) false


  1. The process of designing , launching and running a new business along with any of its so as to make profit is (a) Entrepreneur (b) True (c) false


  1. _________ is an economic organization

(a) Employment               (b) Rates     (c) enterprise     (d) Bank


  1. A situation in an individual work for himself employment is ___________

(a) Employee     (b) enterprise               (c) self employed


18.The following are factors of production  except ____________-

(a) Entrepreneur              (b) advertising         (c) Capital  (d) Labour


  1. Provision of social service is a facility of self employment

(a) True               (b) False


  1. The following are component part of business environment except __________

(a) Book – keeping           (b) Short hand         (c) Computer           (d) Insurance

  1. Documents used for preparing accounts are …………. [a] cheque [b] source documents [c] purchase [d] note
  2. Which of these is not a source document [a] invoice [b] receipt [c]credit note [d] draft
  3. ……………… means the transfer of goods and services from one place to another [a] transportation [b] bill [c] business [d] transaction
  4. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, is the first book in which we record the transaction of a business

[a] journal [b] file [c] docket [d] bond

  1. Each record in the journal is called a/an … [a] forward [b]  carriage  [c] entry    [d] positioning.
  2. A joint journal used for both sales and purchase is called…… [a] joint journal [b]general journal [c] passbook [d] original journal


  1. Which of these is not a type of journal [a] purchase journal [b] returns inward journal [c] balance brought forward journal [d] sales journal


  1. The sum of the debit side must always be equal to that of the credit side [a] true [b] false


  1. ……. Is anything of value that is owned by business [a] liability [b] expenses [c] asset [d] capital


  1. …………. Is the total investment in a business [a] capital [b] asset [c] expenses [d] liability


  1. The amount owed by a business to another is……… [a] liability [b] expenses [c] asset [c] capital


  1. ………….. is not an expenses item [a] rent [b] insurance [c] wage [d] plant and machinery


  1. ……….. accounts are those of debtors and creditors [a] impersonal [b] real [c] personal [d] nominal


Use the following statement to answer questions 14 to 16

Iya Victor sold ten bags of Garri to Iya Kelechi on credit on January 5th ,2018. On January 12th ,Iya Kelechi returned 4 bags of garri to iya Victor. The cost of each bag of garri is 3,000 naira. Iya Victor sent two documents at different times to Iya Kelechi for those transactions.

  1. What are the two documents involved in the transaction [a] credit note and debit note [b] debit note and receipt [c]invoice and credit note [c] receipt and credit note


  1. What is the first documents to be sent [a] credit note [b] debit note [c] invoice [d] receipt


  1. How much would Iya Kelechi pay to Iya Victor [a]30,000 [b] 20,000 [c] 18.000 [d] 132,000


  1. …….. is a business document which is seller of a product makes out whenever he/ she sells goods to a customer [] pass [b] cash register [c] invoice [d] debit note


  1. ………. Is a written order from an account holder to a bank to pay a specified sum of money to the person whose name is on it. [a] teller [b] receipt [c] withdrawal slip [d] cheque
  2. Business studies is the study of the……….. of a business environment .

[a] source document [b] components parts [c] accounting information [d] promotional sales


  1. ………… office deals with the day to day running of the organization a] small office [b] administrative office [c] general office [d] large office





1(i) What is the meaning of production

(ii) hat are the factors of production


2(i) Define Occupation

(ii) Explain each class of occupation and give example


3(i) What do we mean when we say a person is truthful person

(ii) Name three (3) attributes of truthful person


4(i) What is fairplay

(ii) Mention five(5) attributes of fairplay

(iii) Mention the benefits you have personally derived from telling the truth











Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.


A lion seeing a dog drinking from a stream, wanted to find a pretext for eating him. He stood higher up the river and accused the dog of muddying the water so that he could not drink. the dog said that he drank only with the tip of his tongue, and that in any case. he was standing lower down the stream and could not possibly disturb the water higher up. when this excuse failed him, the lion said “Well” last year you insulted my father ”I wasn’t born then” replied the dog.



  1. Who was the first to see the other?
  2. Where did they meet?
  3. What was the dog doing at the stream?
  4. What did the lion want to do?

5.Why did the lion accuse the dog?

  1. What did the dog use to drink water?
  2. What was the second accusation raised by the lion?
  3. what was the response of the dog to the second accusation
  4. How many accusation did the lion level against the dog?
  5. What was the last accusation correct? why


Answer any one (1) question from this section


(1) Write  letter to your friend in your former school telling him or her at least three (3) interesting   things about your new school.


(2) You would be absent from school next week , due to your ill health,

Write a letter to the principal of your school to seek permission


(3) Write a narrative composition on the topic ” How I spent my last Holiday”



Answer all questions

Choose the option that is NEARLY OPPOSITE IN MEANING to thevwor underined in each f thesentences bew:


  1. The and is barren

A new                  B fertie                C, old


  1. It isalmost exciting drama  i’ve  ever  seen .
  2. surprising B.LIvely C. THRILLING


  1. The flooded river flows slowly down the slope

A silently             (b)quality                (c)calmly                (d)gently

  1. He is an expert in his chosen career.

(a) A novice        ()Servant               (c)a professional               (d)a soldier


  1. The enrance was heaviy guided

(a)exit   (b)pen   (c)Door                (d)opening


NEAREST I N MEANING to the underlined words in the following sentences.

  1. Bimpe was tricked by her uncle

(A). Rebuked                    (B). Deceived                 (c). Praised                             (D) Recievd

  1. Tracy is always alert in the class

(A). Noisy            (B) Dull                (C) Active            (D) Uncontrollable


  1. Mr Lere is a notable actor in Nigeria

(A). Popular        (B) Lazy                (C) Hardworking                             (D) Poor


  1. Edet is a clever boy

(A). Smart           (B) Good                (C). Brilliant        (C) Careful


  1. It is our custom to eat three times a week

(A) Duty              (B) Habit               (C) Style              (D) Character


From the word or groups of words lettered A – D , Choose the option that best completes each of the following sentences.


  1. _____________ you please pass down the picture?

(A). Should         (B) Must               (c) could             (D) will


  1. Have you __________________- your dinner?

(a) Add                (B) hard                (C) had                (D) have


  1. We shall go as soon as we _______________ ready

(A). will               (B) is      (C) were     (D) are


  1. Remi _____________________ until you are ready?

(a) Have not come          (B) has not come     (C) will not come     (D) could come


  1. My brother has a shop in ilora where he ____________________ bicycle

(A) Mends          (B) Mending               (C) Mend            (D) was mend


  1. Last night, it rained ____________ that flood filled everywhere, this morning

(A)  Lowly           (B) Highly               (C) curiously       (D) Heavily


  1. The travelled __________________ Jos to Gusau

(A) at     (B) on    (C) across               (D) from

  1. H e plays very well

(A) Doesn’t he?                (B)Did he          (C) does he         (D) didn’t he

  1. John is ____________________

(A) Most taller                  (B) Taller    (C) Tallest           (D) more taller


  1. Elizabeth is _______________ than Ruth

(A) Beautiful      (B) banetiful               (C) More beautiful               (D) Most beautiful



.                                       THE ETHIOPIAN WOMAN AND HER HUSBAND

Once there was a woman who was greatly troubled by her husband.He no longer loved her,he neglected and seemed to care little whether she was happy or sad.So the woman took her trouble to local medicine man.She told him her story and said  ‘can you give me a charm to let him love me again?’ She asked.

The old man looked at her pitifully and gave her a note,in the note,he wrote, ‘pray to God’.

Immediately the woman knew what to do.

21.Who troubled the woman?     a. Her husband    b.  The old man   c.  Her son

22.The woman is from  a.  France  b.  Italy  c.  Ethiopia

23.What did the man give her a. Bible  b.  Exercise book   c.  A note

24.What did the womn want from the oldman  a. Advice  b.  Money  c. Charm

25.Another word for PITIFULLY as used in the paragraph is……..a.  sadly  b.  remorsely  c. annoyed

In the options lettered  A-C.choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the word in capital letter.

  1. Mrs Richard is SUCCESFUL a.well to do b.  poor  c.  annoying

27.Adenike is a WONDERFUL lady   a.  Good  b.  Superb  c. stingy

28.The oldman is FRAGILE   a. Weak  b.  Strong c.  Tired

In the options lettered A-C,choose the word that is opposite in the meaning to the word in capital letter.

29.Bada is a SERIOUS student.  A.  lazy  b.  unserious  c.  tired

30.The woman was HURRIEDLY left the house  a.  quickly  b.  slowly  c.  majestically

  1. Andrew is a TROUBLESOME boy a. playful  b.  studious  c.  unserious


32.Who said this statement, ‘do not hurt I will not hurt you’.  A.  iyalode  b.  old woman c.  Adenike  d.  Adeola

  1. Who wrote the book a. Tunde Ayoola  b.  Tunde  Atiba  c.Folake Ayoola  d.  Agbo Areo

34.This book is what type of story  a.  Drama  b.  Prose  c.,  Letter  d. Poem

35.Who found the  POT OF LIFE. A.  Adenike  b.  Adeola  c.Iyalode  d.Otun


36.Who wrote this book?  A.  Keye Adeona  b.  Kele Abisola c.  Keye Abiona   d.  Keli Abisona

37.Who did Ogundeji borrow money from  a.  Chief Kolapo  b.  Chief  Kolawole  c.  Chief Kolajo

  1. Who accused Ogunsola of stealing jewellery a. Madam Seyi  b. Madam Feyi  c.  Mr Ola
  2. Who is Asejere a. The man who killed Ogunsola  b.  The man who helped Ogunsola  c.  Ogunsola’s uncle

40.What happened to Nike at the farm  a.  she was attacked by a lion  b. she was bitten by a snake  c.  she got lost  d.  her leg got trapped in a rat trap






                                                EDU DELIGHT TUTORS




Jss1 RNV

1 hr : 30 minutes



Objectives : Answer all questions

1.The voting age in Nigeria is  _____________

(a)25 years         (b) 19 years               (c) 18 years        (d)21 years


  1. The body that organizes and conduct elections in Nigeria is _____________

(a) AINEC            (B) SIEC (C) FAITH    (D) EFCC


  1. The horse in Nigeria coat of arms represent ____________

(a) Agriculture   (c) Unity               (c) Faith               (d)Strength


  1. FRSC means

(a) Fire river services      (b) Federal Road safety Corps

(c) Food Room supply cups               (d)Fire reserved safety coup


  1. R. S. C. is an agent of socialization

(a) True               (B)False                (c) None of the above


  1. The study of man and his physical environment is called _______________

(a) Government               (b) Social studies                   (c) Agric science                    (d) Economics


  1. Nigeria has __________ states

(a) 30    (b)31     (c)35     (d) 36


  1. A system of marriage whereby a woman marries more than one husband at a time is called ______

(a) Polygamy      (b9 Polyandry               (c) Polythene     (d) Bigamy


  1. ______________ is the total way of life of a particular people

(a) Culture          (b) Dancing               (c) Eating            (d) Sleeping


  1. Tuwo and shinkafa is a common foods among the _____________ in Nigeria

(a)Yoruba                          (b)Edo                  (c)Igbo                 (d)Hausa



  1. R. K
  2. ___________ was sold into slavery by his brothers

(a)Moses                           (b)Samuel               (c)Joseph                           (d)Esau


  1. _______________ was among the twelve spice Moses sent to Jericho

(a) Isaac              (b) John                (c)Peter               (d) Joshua


  1. The woman who saved the two spice from death was

(a) Rahab the harlot       (b) Elizabeth             (c)Deborah               (d)Esther


  1. The meaning of Moses in the bible is ___________

 (a) He is a good boy       (b0 For I drew him out of the water    (c) Devil is a liar (d)He shall die


  1. _____________ pursued the Israelites to the Red sea

(a) Moses           (b) Pharaoh               (c)Solomon        (d) Daniel


  1. The wife of Isaac is known as _________________

(a) Rebecca        (b) Dinah               (c) Rahab            (d) Stella


  1. The Land filled with milk and honey is known as ___________

(a) Egypt             (b) Syria               (c) Jerusalem     (d) Canaan


  1. _____________ is the father in law of Moses
    (a) Abraham       (b) Jethro               (c) Adam             (d) Cain


  1. The mountain where God called Moses is ________________

(a) Sinai               (b) Horeb                             (c) Amalekites               (c) Jordan


  1. Jacob had _________ sons

(a) 12                   (b) 1      (c) 9               (d)6


  1. Types of citizenship include

(a) Birth              (b) Naturalization   (c) Registration       (d) All of the above


  1. Rights means one of the following:

(a) Ability to speak with one voice     (b) Rights are privileges which law permit

(c) Right are what we depend upon in life         (d)Law of a Land


  1. One of these is a financial obligation

(a) Due process                (b) social control     (c) Citizen are expected to pay their taxes to the state

d  Maintaining law and order


  1. National consciousness means

(a) Love of money                          (b)The feeling of love for one’s country             (c) The feeling  of love for one’s parent                 (d)Thinking of how to survive in a nation.

  1. Nigeria has __________________ states

(a)  47                  (b) 36                   (c) 100                 (d) 25


  1. The Nigerian flag was designed by

(a) Lamidi Fakeye               (b)Taiwo akinkunmi               (c) christopher Korede               (d) Olusegun obasanjo


  1. What year did he design the flag

(a) 1948              (b) 1951               (c) 1959              (d) 1960


28.Nigeria will be  ______________ years old this year

(a) 57                   (b) 58    (c060               (d) 75


  1. The National Youth service corps (NYSC) was established in

(a) 1973              (b) 1950               (c) 1983              (d) 1976


  1. Democracy originated from

(a) Nigeria          (b) Greece               (c) Italy                (d) England







1(a) What is the meaning of  citizenship

(b)  List and explain  four (4) types of citizenship


2(a) List five (5)  and rights of a citizen

(b) List Five (5) National symbols


3 Write short notes on the following

(a) Democracy

(b) Nigeria coat of arms



Answer any four questions

(1) Narrate the birth and call of Moses

(2) Joshua obeyed he law of God and was blessed , discuss

(3) Explain briefly  the slavery if Joseph in Egypt

(4) State five  lessons learnt from the call of Joseph

(5)  What is prayer ?

(5b) List five aspect of prayer


(6) Who is Deborah ? Explain in details






1(a) What is family?

(b) List two types of family.


  1. List five functions of RSC


3(a) What are social problems

(b) List Four (4) social problems


4(a) What is abstinence

(b) Mention four (4) consequences of premarital sex


5(a) Define Transportation

(b) List Four (4) means of transportation






                                                   EDU DELIGHT TUTORS





Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.


A lion seeing a dog drinking from a stream, wanted to find a pretext for eating him. He stood higher up the river and accused the dog of muddying the water so that he could not drink. the dog said that he drank only with the tip of his tongue, and that in any case. he was standing lower down the stream and could not possibly disturb the water higher up. when this excuse failed him, the lion said “Well” last year you insulted my father ”I wasn’t born then” replied the dog.



  1. Who was the first to see the other?
  2. Where did they meet?
  3. What was the dog doing at the stream?
  4. What did the lion want to do?

5.Why did the lion accuse the dog?

  1. What did the dog use to drink water?
  2. What was the second accusation raised by the lion?
  3. what was the response of the dog to the second accusation
  4. How many accusation did the lion level against the dog?
  5. What was the last accusation correct? why


Answer any one (1) question from this section


(1) Write  letter to your friend in your former school telling him or her at least three (3) interesting   things about your new school.


(2) You would be absent from school next week , due to your ill health,

Write a letter to the principal of your school to seek permission


(3) Write a narrative composition on the topic ” How I spent my last Holiday”



Answer all questions

Choose the option that is NEARLY OPPOSITE IN MEANING to thevwor underined in each f thesentences bew:


  1. The and is barren

A new                  B fertie                C, old


  1. It isalmost exciting drama  i’ve  ever  seen .
  2. surprising B.LIvely C. THRILLING


  1. The flooded river flows slowly down the slope

A silently             (b)quality                (c)calmly                (d)gently

  1. He is an expert in his chosen career.

(a) A novice        ()Servant               (c)a professional               (d)a soldier


  1. The enrance was heaviy guided

(a)exit   (b)pen   (c)Door                (d)opening


NEAREST I N MEANING to the underlined words in the following sentences.

  1. Bimpe was tricked by her uncle

(A). Rebuked                    (B). Deceived                 (c). Praised                             (D) Recievd

  1. Tracy is always alert in the class

(A). Noisy            (B) Dull                (C) Active            (D) Uncontrollable


  1. Mr Lere is a notable actor in Nigeria

(A). Popular        (B) Lazy                (C) Hardworking                             (D) Poor


  1. Edet is a clever boy

(A). Smart           (B) Good                (C). Brilliant        (C) Careful


  1. It is our custom to eat three times a week

(A) Duty              (B) Habit               (C) Style              (D) Character


From the word or groups of words lettered A – D , Choose the option that best completes each of the following sentences.


  1. _____________ you please pass down the picture?

(A). Should         (B) Must               (c) could             (D) will


  1. Have you __________________- your dinner?

(a) Add                (B) hard                (C) had                (D) have


  1. We shall go as soon as we _______________ ready

(A). will               (B) is      (C) were     (D) are


  1. Remi _____________________ until you are ready?

(a) Have not come          (B) has not come     (C) will not come     (D) could come


  1. My brother has a shop in ilora where he ____________________ bicycle

(A) Mends          (B) Mending               (C) Mend            (D) was mend


  1. Last night, it rained ____________ that flood filled everywhere, this morning

(A)  Lowly           (B) Highly               (C) curiously       (D) Heavily


  1. The travelled __________________ Jos to Gusau

(A) at     (B) on    (C) across               (D) from

  1. H e plays very well

(A) Doesn’t he?                (B)Did he          (C) does he         (D) didn’t he

  1. John is ____________________

(A) Most taller                  (B) Taller    (C) Tallest           (D) more taller


  1. Elizabeth is _______________ than Ruth

(A) Beautiful      (B) banetiful               (C) More beautiful               (D) Most beautiful













1.A farm implement which is used for applying water to crops in small droplets is called ______

(a) Watering can             (b0 sieve     (c) filter               (d)cutlass


  1. Which of the following crops is propagated by seed only.

(a) pepper          (b0 Mango               (c) cocoa             (d ) cassava


  1. One of the following is perenial crop

(a) cocoa            (b) Beans               (c) groundnut oil               (d) Maize


(4) A female swine is  called  _______

(a) Sow (b) Piglet            (c) Hen                      (d) cow


(5) a castrated  male cattle is known as

(a) Bullock          (b) Boar               (c) Car                 (d) Goat


(6) All of the following are important fishing equipment except ____

(a) Net                (b) Sickle               (c) Hook              (d) Fish basket


(7) Mixed farming means

(a) Keeping of cattle , sheep, goats and pigs.  (b) Cultivation of crops and keeping of farm animals

(c) Mixing two or more crops together             (d) Planting of corn and cassava


(8) A monocotyledonous plant is a plant that  has cotyledon

(a) five                (b) One                (c) four                (d) Ten


(9) which of the following items  supplies mainly protein

(a) Mango          9b0 Beans               (c) Pawpaw        (d) Yam


(10) Crops which mature and die in two years  are referred to as

(a) Annual          (b) Biennial               (c) perennial      (d) monocot


(11) The farming system which is most adequate for both soil conservation and livestock management  

(a) Mixed farming           (b) Alley farming     (c)  continuous farming        (d) Monocropping 


(12)Growing the same crop in the same piece of land year is referred to as ____________

(a) Monocroping             (b) mixed cropping               (c) intercropping    (d) intra cropping


(13)which of the following can be used as a  cover crop?

(a)Cassava          (b)Banana               (c)melon             (d) pawpaw


(14)One of the following is a parasite that lives in  sick body of farm animals

(a)Flee                (b) lice                 (c)Tapeworm     (d) insets


(15) All of the following are erosion control measures except  _____________

(a)Creating gross bar in beds and ridges                         (b)diverting  water runoff into the farm

(c) making ridges across the slops                   (d) planting of cover crops       


(16)Which of the following is the best soil for  planting

(a) clay soil        (b) loan soil               (c) sandy soil               (d)sandy clay soil


(17) A piece of land which is  left to revert  to bush after a period of cultivation is called ______

(a) Bush fallow                (b) pasture (c)range              (d) continuous cropping


(18) The process of separating the young animal independently is referred to as ______________

(a) warning        (b) weaning               (c)scattering               (d)supplying


(19) The removal of unwanted plant is known as   ___________________

(a) shielding       (b) weeding                Scattering          (d) supplying


(20) All of the following referred to as poultry  except _____________

(a) Turkey          (b) goat                (c) Duck               (d)hen

  1. The following are leguminous crops except

(a)   Groundnut      (b)   Cowpea   (c)  Soybeans    (d)  Carrot

  1. One of the following is perennial crop

(a)   Groundnut      (b)   Beans   (c) Coconut    (d)  Maize2

  1. A farm implement which is used for applying water to crops in small droplet is called

(a) Watering Can      (b)   Sieve    (c) Hose   (d)  Filter

  1. The removal of weak and excess seedlings after germination is

(a) Thinning    (b)   Dressing    (c) Weeding    (d) Replacing

  1. A female swine is called

(a)  Piglet     (b)  hen(c) sow    (d)  pullet

  1. Growing the same type of crop in the same piece of land year after year is referred to as

(a)  mono-cropping       (b)   mixed-cropping    (c)  inter cropping    (d)  yearly cropping

  1. A castrated male cattle is called

(a)   bullock      (b)   capon  (c)  cow    (d)  boar

  1. All of the following are important fishing equipment except

(a)   hook     (b)   net   (c)  bait    (d)  sickle

  1. The following are male adults of livestock except

(a)   cock     (b)  Bull   (c)  boar   (d)  Ewe

  1. One of the following is mostly used for transport

(a)   Camel      (b)  Lion   (c)  Sheep   (d)  Elephant

  1. Which of these is not part of puberty in girls [a] breast develops [b]      pubic hairs in each region grows  [c] testicles develop [d] menstruation starts
  2. Which is an examples of STIs [a] malaria [b] typhoid [c] fever [d] gonorrhea
  3. A child is anybody below the age of ………. [a] 18 [b] 16  [c] 20 [d] 10
  4. A female who entertains a/an ……………. [a] guest [b] host [c] hostess [d] actor

35………….. is a person who is entertained [a] host [b] hostess [c]actor [d] guest

  1. Common style of serving food include ………………. [a] tray service [b] plate service [c] buffet service [d] all of the above
  2. Materials for table setting include all except [a] sword [b] side plate [c]table cloth [d] desert spoon,fork and wine glass
  3. Family value system helps to control …… [a] look [b] behavior [c] obesity [d] balance
  4. Adolescence is a period of …… [a] essential rest [b] rapid growth [c] hard work [d] huge exercise
  5. The process of setting a table is …… [a] table ware [b] table laying [c] table appointment [d] none of the above.








1.(a)Define farm animals

(b) list farm animals  found in your locality


(2) What is weed

(b) state three effects of weed on crops


(3) what is irrigation

(b)Name two (2)  types of irrigation and two (2) types of drainage














1.An electronic device that process data is .[a]toy [b]mouse [c]computer [d]software


2.All of the following are input devices except [a]scanner [b]mouse [c]printer [d]keyboard


3.The set of instructions that tell computer what to do is…[a]hardware[b]software[c]softcopy[d]a and b

4.The full meaning of RAM is……………………………………………………………………………….

5.PC stands for…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

6.Who is the father of computer  [a]Pasclaine JAMES [B]Olu Adewumi [c]Charles Babbage [d]Isaac Newton

7………….is not a hardware[a]Monitor[b]preadsheet[c]printer[d]scanner

8.Where can we make use of computer[a]school[b]hospital[c]library[d]all of the above

9.CPU stands for……………………………………………………………………..

10…….is used to type on a computer[a]mouse[b]keyboard[c]webcam [d]printer






1a.What is a computer b.List all the components of a computer

2a.What are the four classes of a computer b.List the examples of a microcomputer

3a.What is a hardware  b.list five examples of hardware

4a.What are input devices b.List and describe four output devices you know



























  1. ________ is not a characteristic of living things? (a) Respiration    (b) Growth       (c) Portion    (d)  Death
  2. Matter does not exist in ______ form (a) Liquidified (b) Liquid (c) Gas   (d)  Solid
  3. Which is a symptom of Aids?(a) Rapid Weight loss (b) Strength (c) Happiness    (d)  Prayerfulness
  4. Which of these is not how to spread HIV? (a) By using same sharp object (b) By hugging  (c) By having unprotected sex with infected people    (d)  By sharing tooth brush
  5. One of the these is not a type of STD? (a) Malaria (b) Syphilis       (c) HIV    (d)  Gonorrhea
  6. Characteristics of good water include the following except? (a) Odourless (b) Odourful (c) Colourless(d) Tasteless
  7. Causes of water pollution include the following except (a) Discharge of waste in water (b) Not discharging waste into water      (c) Domestic waste from home
  8. A.I.D.S is defined? (a) Acquiring Immune Deficiency Syndrome (b) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (c) Acquired Immune DeficeSyndrom
  9. __________ is a form of Energy (a) Television (b) Blender      (c) Telephone   (d)  Bulb
  10. _________ performs conversion of chemical energy to thermal energy (a) Stove (b) Clock (c) Iron   (d)  Shoe
  11. H.I.V. is define (a) Humanity Immunity Virus (b) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (c) Humanity Virus
  12. Pressing iron converts electrical energy to __________ (a) Fire (b) Smoothening       (c) Heat    (d) Hotplate
  13. ________ is a form of energy (a) Electrical (b) Artificial       (c) Economical    (.d)  Classical
  14. __________ is example of a place where HIV test is done (a) Teaching Hospital (b) Cinemas (c) Abattoir    (d)  Chemist
  15. Characteristics of primates includes the following except (a) Possession of fur (b) Possession of brain (c) Possession of shoulder & hips   (d)  Belong to the class of mammal


  1. Which is not a characteristics of metal (a) Malleability (b) Sound (c) Toughness   (d)  Softness
  2. Which of these pencils are ideal for technical drawing? (a) 3H and 2H (b) 2H and 4H (c) 5H and 6H    (d)  4H and 3H
  3. ________ material are used for constructing houses (a) Hammering (b) Drawing       (c) Building    (d)  Cooking
  4. __________ is used in building mud houses. (a) Ceiamics (b) Gravel (c) Metal     (d)  Grass
  5. The following are safety devices in a workshop except (a) Goggle (b) Google      (c) Shares    (d)  Fire extinguishers
  6. Drawing without using measuring or drawing tools is __________ (a) Scrape (b) Construction (c) Shading     (d)  Freehand
  7. The primary use of cement is to ___________
  8. Metals are found in? (a) Cement (b) Sand     (c) Rock    (d) Phers
  9. _________is used to draw vertical lines in a drawing board (a) T-Square  (b)Set Squared     (c) C-Square (d) Compass.
  10. __________ is not a way to prevent accident in a workshop (a) Carry tools carefully  (b) Talk to people operating the machine      (c) Keep floor clean     (d)  Do not look towards yourself.
  11. Who should study technology a. boys b. girls only c. everyone  d.  Scientist


  1. There are basically __________types of fire a.4 b.3 c. 8  d. 2

28          Gloves are generally used for ___________protection a. hand b. eye   c. leg d. hair

29          Rocks which contain metals are called __________ a. iron b. wood c. plastic   d. ceramic


30          Aluminum is a ___________ a. wood b. metal c.  Plastic d. ceramics


31          One of these is not an example of softwood. A.pine b.cedar c.mahogamy d. fir


32          __________are made from chemicals we get from crude oil a. wood b. glass c. plastic d. metal


33          Which of the following is not used in making glass?  A. sand   b. lime   c. potash   d.clay


34          Event occurring by chance which result in injury to people or damage of property I               s known as  a.workshop  b. action c. accident  d. condition .


  1. Ferrous metals contain_______ a. copper b. iron c. zinc d. tin


  1. The following are properties of glass except ____ a. brittleness b. resistance c. corrosion c. elasticity d. transparency


  1. Synthetic rubber is obtained from a. ore b. plant c. petroleum d. palm oil
  2. One of these is a ferrous metal a. steel b. brass c. bronze d. silver


  1. Natural rubber is made from the milky white liquid called ________ a. elastomeric
  2. latex c. complex d. conductor
  3. One of these is not a product of technology a. telephone b. computer c. human d. refrigerator





1a. Define Water

  1. List three effects of water pollution.
  2. List three causes of Soil Pollution
  3. List two control of soil pollution

2a. Defien S.T.D

  1. Three types of S.T.D
  2. List three symptoms or signs of Syphilis
  3. Define AIDS

3a. List and explain the characteristics of living thngs

  1. Differentiate between plants and animals.


1a. Draw and 300 and 600

  1. List three unsafe actions in a workshop
  2. With the aid of a drawing board, draw (i) Boarder lines   (b) Parallel lines  (c) Vertical lines
  3. Draw angles 450 and 900
  4. Three properties of soft wood
  5. List three rules of measuring scale
  6. List the types of fire.

3a.  Three properties of doard water

  1. List ten types of drawing instruments
  2. Free hand sketching:

Sketch the following simple work hand tools.

Spiral Line
Zigzag line


















J.SS 1


  • If m = 4 and n = 3, what is the value of (mtn) (m-n)?
  • 27 (B) 14  (C) 8  (D) 7


  • Write in figure: Fifty-five Thousand and Sixteen
  • 56016 (B) 55016  (C) 55014  (D) 5503


  • What is the difference between 3 hundreds and 4 tens?
  • 4,040 (B) 440  (C) 404  (D) 460


  • What is the product of 137 and 29?
  • 4,000 (B) 3,973   (C) 3,899   (D) 2,993


  • A class is made up of 50 bags and 25 girls. What is the ratio of girls to boys
  • 1:2 (B) 2:1  (C) 2:5  (D) 5:2


  • What is the place value of 6 in 8632?
  • Tens (B)  Hundreds  (C) Hundredth   (D) Thousands


  • Approximate 50,769 to its nearest hundred
  • 50,000 (B) 50,700 (C) 50,800  (D) 50,770


  • When a number is multiplied by 4 and 6 is added the final answer is 50. What is the number?
  • 11 (B) 21  (C) 44  (D) 54


  • Simplify 4 4      –    4               +    4

5          5            5

(A)  3 2   (B) 3 1   (C) 4 4     (D) 7 4

3                 5                  5                5


  • Express 1998 in Roman numerals


  • Increase N3,000.000 by 25%
  • 00   (B) N2,250.00   (C) N3,250.00  (D) N3,750.00


  • Solve for X in the equation 5x – 4 = 2x + 20
  • 3   (B) 5   (C) 8   (D) 22


  • Find the sum of 17.426, 89 and 3.4
  • 716  (B) 30.706  (C) 30.616  (D) 29.716
  • If X = 100, what is the value of X


  • 400  (B) 300  (C) 200  (D) 100


  • If 2X = 10, what is the value of X?


  • 50  (B) 45  (C) 35  (D) 25


  • Find the L.C.M. of 12, 18 and 24
  • 108 (B) 72  (C) 54  (D) 36


  • Find the sum of the square of 9 and the square root of 9
  • 6  (B)  9  (C)  81  (D) 84


  • Find the value of X in 2(X + 1) = 4
  • 3  (B) 2½  (C) 1   (D) -3


  • If 6y = 36, what is the value of y?
  • 36  (B) 12   (C) 6   (D) 24


  • What must be added to 112.6 to make 172.40?
  • 46 (B) 255.00   (C) 60.35   (D) 59.80


  • What is the square root of 49?
  • 7  (B) 14  (C) 29  (D) 7


  • Find the cost of 5 notebooks at N25.00 each
  • 1,025.00 (B) 250.00   (C) 125.00  (D) 50.00


  • Express 64 as a mixed number


  • 12 4 (B) 12.8   (C) 6  4  (D) 124 1

5                             5                    5


  • Subtract 5645 from 8125
  • 2480   (B) 4728   (C) 8742   (D) 13778


  • Calculate 20% of 120
  • 240   (B) 42   (C)40   (D) 24


  • If P + 2q = 40, find q when P = 16
  • 28 (B) 20  (C) 12  (D) 10


  • The value of 62 is
  • 36 (B) 12  (C) 16  (D) 26


  • The square root of 144 is
  • 10 (B) 13  (C) 16  (D) 120


  • Convert 71ten to a number in base two
  • 10001112 (B) 10000112  (C) 1000101­2   (D) 1001112


  • The coefficient of y in 2/5y is _______
  • 2 (B) 5   (C) 2/5   (D) 2/5y




  • Add the following times together. Give the answers in hours and minutes.

3h 40min,     2h 25min,       28min,    1h 35min

(b)         A baby is 3 weeks and 4 days old. What is its age in days?


  • Find the numbers that the following Roman numerals represent

(i)  MCDLXXI     (ii) CCXCVIII   (iii) MDCCCXLIV     (iv) MCM    (v) MCMLXXXIV


  • Find the LCM of the following

(i)  8, 10 and 15    (ii) 6, 8 and 10    (iii) 10, 12 and 15    (iv) 7, 8 and 12

(v) 10, 16 and 18


  • Simplify the following

(i)  3 3  – 2 4        (ii) 4 1   –  1 5           (iii) 1 1  x   2 1  + 3 1        (iv) 5 3    –    27  + 11

4        5                6          8                                     2         3         4                      4            8       2


  • Simplify the following

(i)  3 of   2 2   x  1 3                         (ii)  1 7   x 3 3   x 3

8           9          5                                    9         4      8


(5b)       Find the product of 3¼ and 2 2/5


  • Simplify the following

(i)  16   ÷   8                       (ii)  7 7   ÷     6 5

33       11                               8                           12


(6b)       Express the following fractions as percentages

(i)   2/5                  (ii)     176



  • Find the number that each letter stands for

(i)  11 + n = 14    (ii) Z – 6 = 2    (iii) C + 11 = 30     (iv) b – 17 = 12    (v) 8 + f = 23


  • Find the value of the following when m = 15

(i)  m + 1    (ii) m + 19    (iii) 22 – m    (iv) 60   ÷   m    (v) 3 x m


  • Simplify the following

(i)  3m – 8m – 2m + 16m – 4m    (ii) 8x – 6y – 9y – 2x    (iii) 2x + 3x + 7

(iv) 10b + b – 3b


  • Express the following as fractions in their lowest terms

(i)  0.8   (ii) 0.75   (ii) 0.45


(10b)     Calculate the following in base 2

(i)  10112  + 11012               (ii) 1012 + 1012 + 1112         (iii) 11102  – 10112

(iv)  101012  – 1112












CLASS:                 JSS 1

SUBJECT:                           CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ARTS


  1. The Word “ART” is best described as (a) Painting and drawing (b) Ability to mix colour (c) the creative expression of our design
  2. One of this is a literary art (a) drawing (b) poetry (c0 graphic
  3. Somebody who practices art is called (a) An artist (b) Scientist (c) Painter
  4. Which of these materials are suitable for painting (a) water colour and starch (b) Paper and Biro (c) Poster colour and brush
  5. One who creates figures statues in clay, cement or stone is called (a) a creator (b) a Sculpture (c) a potter
  6. In object drawing, an artist develops skill in drawing as well as in (a) painting (b) observing (c) shading
  7. Photography can be classified under (a) fine art (b) applied art (c) Non-Visual art
  8. Brush is to painting, as _____is to sculpture (a) pencil (b) Inu (c) Palette
  9. A room where a painter works is called (a) Office (b) Museum (c) Studio s
  10. Visual art can be divided into two _____and______ (a) painting and drawing (b) fine and applied (c) graphic and ceramic
  11. ……… is a universal language [a] art [b] science [c] music
  12. 12. Somebody who practices art is called a. an artist b. scientist c. a student d. painter
  13. The word ‘art’ originated from …. [a] Latin [b] Greek [c] Nigerian
  14. Visual art can be divided into ___________ and _______ a. textile and painting b. graphics art and ceramics c. painting and drawing d. fine art and applied art
  15. What is the greek word for music ……  [a] musike [b] mousike [c] musiic
  16. Identify the one does not belong to the group a. Rectangle b. square c. cubiod d. cylinder
  17. What type of line is best used to describe a “ spark” or lightening” effect? A. zig zag line b. straight line c. curved line d. wavy line
  18. Which of the following statements suggests “imaginative composition”?a. drawing from posed model b. drawing outdoor scenes c. illustrating from money d. drawing imaginative lines
  19. Light and shade are used in drawing or painting purposely to show a. proportion d. skill c. solidity d. beauty
  20. Which of these forms is unlike the other? A. square b. circle c. rectangle d. triangle
  21. In drawing modeling means to achieve a. depth b. solidity c. pastel d. spaciousness.
  22. Which of these materials is in one colour? A. crayon b. charcoal c. pastel d. chalk
  23. From your observation, which of these differs basically in shape from others? A.ruler b. book c.pencil d. match box
  24. What are drawings of man made objects called? A. still life drawing b.object drawing c. Nature painting d. life drawing
  25. A person who designs ceramic wave is a __________ a. painter b. graphic designer c. ware drawing d. ceramist
  26. Drawing all but one of the following a.Audio b.visual c. memroy d. imaginative
  27. A room where a painter works is called a. office d. museum c.shed d. studio
  28. A bag used for keeping two dimensional art works and materials is a. portfolio c. brief case a. artist bag d. gallery.
  29. The major raw material for pottery is a. clay b. plastercine c. molecles d. sand
  30. Which of the following shapes best represents the human head a. oval b. circle c. cone d. curve



1a          Draw a typical school boy with School bag and colored accordingly

  1. Define Fine Art
  2. Draw a chat to show the connections between all the branches of Art.
  3. List at least 10 tools needed for Art works.

3a.         What is Drawing?

  1. Explain the two types of Drawing.







CLASS:                 JSS 1

SUBJECT:                           P.H.E


  1. _______is the fact of people doing things for enjoyment, when they are not working. (a) Leisure (b) Game (c) fun (d) Recreation
  2. An event of throwing heavy metal ball is called a _______(a) Shot-put (b) Javelin (c) Hammering (d) Throws
  3. Volleyball is a game of _____players in each team (a) 12 (b) 6 9c) 5 (d) 8
  4. Athletics can be grouped into (a) two (b) three (c) four (d) six
  5. One of these is not a phase of High jump (a) landing (b) Approach run (c) Swing (d) takeoff
  6. H.O means _____________________
  7. The following are methods of developing physical fitness except _____(a) weight lifting (b) Isometric exercise (c) prospective (d) Circuit training
  8. One of these is an example of indoor activities (a) Dancing (b) Swimming [c] Cylinder (d) Horse riding
  1. The two types of jump are ______(a) vertical and Diagonal (b) Horizontal and Parallel(c) Horizontal and Vertical (d) vertical and Parallel
  1. The volleyball court is divided into _____by a centre line (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 5
  2. Which of the following is not an activities during recreation [
  3. [a] buying and selling [b] playing ludo [c] watching the television [d] gardening
  4. Fatigue means ………. [a] excessive tiredness  [b] lack of interest [c] low productivity [d] unwillingness
  5. Which of these is a form of relaxation ….. [a] camping  [b] hunting  [c] fishing [d] sleeping
  6. Water maybe hard or ……..  [a] light [b] soft [c] hard [d] none of the  above
  7. Knowledge of human body is required during physical exercise so as to maintain…………….. [a] physical fitness [b] fat muscles [c] thin muscle [d] accurate blood circulation
  8. An active athlete that moves rapidly to different direction from a different position is said to be ……. [a] balance [b] coordinate [c] agile [d] flexible
  9. Activities carried out pleasurably and voluntarily during free time is called ……  [a] leisure [b] occupation [c] recreation [d] none of the above.
  10. Protein can be obtained from the following except …….. [a] vegetable [b] bread [c] milk [d] meat
  11. The science of food is called .. [a] nutrient [b] nutrition [c] digestion [d] definition
  12. ………… is a body building food. [a]  yam [b] rice [c] bread [d] vegetable


  1. Mention 5 benefits of engaging in sport
  2. State three reasons for playing football outside
  3. Diseases causing organism is known as what?
  4. Describe the concept diseases
  5. Mention three equipments used in playing volleyball
  6. Explain the meaning of Physical fitness
  7. list any five components of Physical Fitness




