Primary 3 Bible knowledge and Civic Education State two court dress


Answer all questions
A person or a group of person that act on behalf of a group and backed by law is known as_______ (a) criminal authority (b) national authority (c) constituted authority
Which of the following is not a type of constituted authority
(a) traditional rulers (b) religious leaders (c) political leaders (d) market people
The following are national symbols except one
(a) national flag (b) school badge (c) coat of arms (d) currency
________ are symbols that represent the entire country
(a) local symbols (b) community symbols (c) national symbols (d) school symbols
The three main religion in Nigeria are, except _____
(a) Christianity (b) Islam (c) Buddhism (d) traditional
______ is the head of a Christian congregation (a) Imam (b) Eze ala (c) Pastor (d) Apena
Traditional ruler in Igbo land is called ______ (a) Igwe (b) Oba (c) Pastor (d) Emir
In Yoruba land _______ is the traditional ruler (a) Obi (b) Oba (c) Sultan (d) Igwe
_______ is the traditional ruler in Hausa land (a) emir (b) Imam (c) Oba (d) Obi
The head of a local government area council is called
(a) Senator (b) Councillor (c) Chairman (d) Minister
______ help to maintain law and order in the community
(a) boko haram (b) police (c) thieves (d) hoodlums
The way and manner a person takes care him or herself and his surroundings is called ______ (a) personal belonging (b) personal hygiene (c) caring (d) personal
One of the following is not a factor that promotes personal hygiene
(a) self discipline (b) obedience (c) laziness (d) daily practices
How many types of toilet do we have? (a) four (b) two (c) three (d) one
The two types of toilets are _________ and ______
(a) modern and traditional (b) modern and classical (c) traditional and local (d) local and state
The following are toilet hygiene except ______
(a) flush after use (b) mop the floor (c) wash daily (d) dirty toilet after use
We need constituted authority because of ____
(a) justice (b) ceremony (c) dancing (d) valentine
_______ is the head of a primary school (a) principal (b) lawyer (c) headmistress (d) judge
The head of a secondary school is ______ (a) chairman (b) senator (c) pastor (d) principal
________ is the capital city of Lagos State (a) Akure (b) Ikeja (c) Ilorin (d) Abeokuta
Section B: Answer all question
What is constituted authority? __________________________________________________
b.) State two types of constituted authority
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
What is personal hygiene? ____________________________________________________
b.) Mention any two factors that promote personal hygiene
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
What are national symbols? ___________________________________________________
b.) List two examples of national symbols
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
4.) ___________________________ is the traditional ruler in Igbo land
___________________________ is the traditional ruler in Yoruba land
____________________________ is the traditional ruler in Hausa land
_____________________________ is the head of a primary school
5.) List the three main religions in Nigeria
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________
b.) _______________________________ is the head of a local government area council.
The name given to the person that decorates interior spaces and other public place is called___ (a) plumber (b) shoe maker (c) interior decorator
An event planner can always be a woman (a) true (b) false
An event planner helps in arranging for all except _____
(a) teach us in class (b) party venue (c) party food
Can we use ribbon to decorate a party (a) No (b) Yes
How many players play for a team on the field in football (a) 12 (b) 11 (c) 15
Soccer is played on a ______ (a) farm (b) football field (c) bed
Regular time for playing football is _____ (a) 10 minutes (b) 90 minutes (c) 50minutes
Soccer game requires skill (a) true (b) false
Shoes are made from ______ (a) wood (b) leather (c) cotton
The person that does pottery is called _____ (a) painter (b) worker (c) potter
_______ is used for making basket (a) clothes (b) rope (c) raffia
To learn a craftwork, one needs to be _____ first (a) apprentice (b) conductor (c) driver
Court dress include the following except _____ (a) wig (b) black coat (c) night wear
The person that judges serious cases in court is called ___ (a) judge (b) farmer (c) magistrate
A lawyer works in a _____ (a) library (b) school (c) law court
The skill of preparing and cooking food is called _____ (a) cookery (b) blending (c) singing
_____ is cooking of food in hot oil (a) bakery (b) frying (c) smoking
Cutlass is an example of tool used by a carpenter (a) true (b) false
Agriculture deals with grazing of crops and ___ (a) planting (b) fishing (c) rearing of animals
______ is a type of soil (a) rice soil (b) loamy soil (c) clayey soil
Section B: Answer all questions
List three materials used by a footballer
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________
State five craftworks in your locality
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
(e) ________________________________
What is law_________________________________________________________________
b.) State two court dress
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
State two duties of an event planner
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
List four items made by a carpenter
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
Good health helps one to grow ______ (a) thin (b) weak (c) sick (d) normally
A _________ person does not get sick easily (a) high (b) low (c) fat (d) healthy
Clothes are worn to protect the body from the___________
(a) danger (b) friends (c) teachers (d) parents
______ is having sores in between the toes (a) mouth rot (b) head rot (c) foot rot (d) hand rot
Cleaning the mouth involves cleaning of the teeth and _____ (a) nose (b) lip (c) ear (d) tongue
It is dangerous to share your _____ with others no matter how close they are to you.
(a) bed (b) chair (c) book (d) toothbrush
It is good to live in a ________ environment (a) neat (b) dirty (c) rough (d) noisy
Clothes should be mended as soon as they tear (a) no (b) maybe (c) yes
Sock provide warmth for the ________ (a) teeth (b) hair (c) feet (d) mouth
Clothes that we wear give beauty to the ______ (a) body (b) class (c) car (d) house
_______ and ______ are materials for caring for clothes (a) soap and water
(b) stone and sand (c) rice and water (d) oil and cream
Bedtime clothes are ____________
(a) lace (b) school uniform (c) pygamas (d) shirt
Church and mosque clothes should be ____________ and beautiful
(a) rough (b) clean (c) dirty (d) heavy
______ and _____ are types of hair infection (a) fever and hair infection (b) rashes and ringworm (c) leg pain and nose pain (d) HIV and AIDS
After taken our bath we clean our body with _____ (a) rag (b) pant (c) wrapper (d) towel
_____________ is one of the reasons for daily care of the body
 (a) to look rough (b) to be attractive (c) to look dirty (d) to look weak
There are _____ types of hair (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 6 (d) 8
The ______ is the outer layer that covers the entire body of a human being
(a) skin (b) clothes (c) class (d) hair
People with dark skin colour are said to be ______ in complexion
(a) pink (b) fair (c) dark (d) yellow
We wash our toilet every ______ (a) weekly (b) monthly (c) yearly (d) daily
Section B: Answer all questions
What is clothing_____________________________________________________________
b.) State three types of clothing
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
What is footwear____________________________________________________________
3.) List three types of footwear
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________
4.) State four articles for cleaning rooms
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
5.) State three uses of clothes
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________
b.) What is foot rot _____________________________________________________________
______ is a disease or sickness affecting the body (a) illness (b) eating (c) playing (d) fighting
The people who are trained to give us drugs are _____ and _____ (a) brother and sister
(b) teacher and pupil (c) doctors and nurses (d) mummy and daddy
Diseases are caused by harmful _____ (a) fruits (b) clothes (c) vegetables (d) germs
_____________ are chemicals or substances that change the way our bodies work.
(a) drug (b) drink (c) food (d) fruit
When people are sick, they don’t feel well (a) Yes (b) Maybe (c) No
Accident are caused by being _____ (a) playing (b) careless (c) careful (d) driving
Malaria is introduced into our bodies when we get bitten by a _________ (a) dog (b) malaria
(c) mosquito (d) goat
Mosquitoes breed in stagnant ______ (a) cream (b) sand (c) salt (d) water
It is very important to be watchful for _____ when we cross the road (a) goat (b) vehicles
(c) dog (d) people
We must obey the traffic ______ (a) cloth (b) book (c) seat (d) rules
Every home, school and office should have a first aid _____ (a) bowl (b) box (c) cup (d) plate
Nigeria has ______ states and ______ capitals
(a) 39 and 39 (b) 36 and 35 (c) 36 and 36 (d) 40 and 40
_____ is the capital of Edo State (a) Benin (b) Dutse (c) Yobe (d) Ikeja
____________ is the capital of Sokoto state (a) Minna (b) Oyo (c) Sokoto (d) Kano
A swamp is land that is soft and _______ (a) rich (b) muddy (c) hard (d) poor
Cash crops are crops that are cultivated to be sold for _________
Food (b) material (c) money (d) crops
ECOWAS was founded on May 28th 1975 (a) Yes (b) No (c) Maybe
A citizen is a person who belongs to a state or ___ (a) street (b) church (c) country (d) family
___________ are rules that guide and instruct people on how to live in their community
laws (b) peace (c) citizen (d) right
When ______________ is not washed properly, germ find their way into it
(a) food (b) leg (c) book (d) table
Section B: Answer all questions
What are drugs______________________________________________________________
What is first aid_____________________________________________________________
What are food crops__________________________________________________________
b.) State four main food crops in West Africa
 (a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
What are cash crops__________________________________________________________
What is an island?____________________________________________________________
Answer all questions
Underline the word that does not belong to the group of words
Examples: gun arrow bomb pencil
knife cotton fork spoon
bus lorry canoes car
table plate chair dest
apple orange fridge banana
pencil eagle eraser pen
yellow red radio blue
jumping see skipping running
pot knife chair fork
football pencil volleyball handball
write talk sing bay
Search for the pair of words and most opposite in meaning
Example: Father and mother, son and daughter
here and there, weak and ___________________ (small, strong)
better and worse, empty and __________________ (wild, full)
Sweet and bitter, take and ___________________ (give, poor)
Right and wrong, bad and __________________ (absent, good)
Awake and asleep, back and ____________________ (strong, front)
Fat and thin, open and __________________________ (lock, close)
Singular and plural, fat and ____________________ (slow, thin)
Clean and dirty, poor and ________________________ (fat, rich)
Ancient and modern, black and _____________________ (red, white)
Read and write, black and _________________________ (white, eat)
Study the example and fill in the blanks with suitable answer
Example: The biscuit is as sweet as honey
She is as wise as _______________
It is as sharp as _____________
It is always good to be as patient as _____________________
The examination was as simple as _________________________
She is as slow as a ________________
Example: Lion is to lioness
Wolf is to she-wolf
Dog is to _______________________
Pig is to ________________________
Cock is to _______________________
Peacock is to _______________________
Ram is to ____________________
The Jewellery Box
Two women Sashi and Dumar lived in the same compound. They had a jewelry box each.
One day, Sashi took her jewellry box to the river. While she admired it, the box dropped into the river and was lost forever. She said to herself, “I won’t be the loser, I’ll take Dumar’s own”.
Dumar had been away to the market for a long time. He husband had gone to his poultry farm since 6a.m. Sashi entered Dumar’s room and took her jewellry box.
Answer the following questions:
What did each of the women have?
Who lost her own?
What did Sashi decide to do?
Where did Dumar go to?
Where did Dumar’s husband go?
English Grammar
Underline the correct conjunctions in each of the following
(Because, Although) she knew the answer, she did not tell her friend
Wash your hand (before, both) you touch the baby.
My brother slept early (so that, because) he could get up early the next morning
Yewande was in Australia (while, since) her husband was in Nigeria
They stayed here overnight (so, since) it was too late to go home
Form adjectives from the words given below:
anger __________________________
use __________________________
health __________________________
care __________________________
power __________________________
Change the following positive sentences into negative sentences
They can draw very well
We should make friends with him
The girls were late to school
 My parent have gone to the supermarket
They have seen the exhibition already
English Composition
Write composition not more than ten lines on ‘my mother’
English Literature
The Great Reward
How old was Aderemi when he lost his parent? _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
Where did Aderemi finally end up? ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
Who advised Aderemi?________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________[mediator_tech]
What incident led to the advice?_________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
What are extra moral lesson? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

___________ gave birth to Jesus (a) Esther (b) Mary (c) Bola (d) Joy
Jesus was given birth to in _________ (a) Nigeria (b) Togo (c) Bethlehem (d) Egypt
The __________ wise men visited Jesus (a) nine (b) four (c) three (d) six
King _________ planned to kill baby Jesus (a) Herod (b) Peter (c) John (d) Moses
______ is the only way to God the Father (a) Thomas (b) Isaac (c) Jesus (d) Matthew
For us to become children of _____________, we must be born again
(a) man (b) God (c) mummy (d) angle
Jesus turned water into ______ (a) oil (b) wine (c) cream (d) snack
A good shepherd is someone who loves his _____ (a) hen (b) cat (c) sheep (d) goat
A good shepherd knows his sheep and calls them by name (a) maybe (b) no (c) yes
The Passover means _____ (a) to jump over (b) to dance over (c) to cross over (d) to eat over
______ perished in the Red Sea (a) Nigeria (b) Egyptians (c) Israelites (d) Jericho
Jesus has _________ disciples (a) 24 (b) 12 (c) 15 (d) 21
Food without salt is ______ (a) nice (b) sweet (c) tasteless (d) good
________ said that Christians are the salt of the earth (a) Moses (b) James (c) Jesus (d) Isaac
________ separated us from God (a) food (b) soap (c) sin (d) dance
___________ for told the birth of Jesus Christ
(a) angel James (b) Angel John (c) angel Stephen (d) angel Gabriel
__________ paid for our sin (a) Thomas (b) Jesus (c) Nicodemus (d) Peter
Christian worship in the ______ (a) school (b) street (c) church (d) room
______ is the holy book used by Christian (a) textbook (b) bible (c) Quran (d) story book
The _________ is the word of God (a) rice (b) bread (c) cake (d) blood
_______________________________________________ is the bread of life
b.) Who is a good shepherd?
2.) State two qualities of a good shepherd
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
3.) Bread of life means
4.) Who are the light of the world?
5.) Emmanuel means _____________________________________________________________
(b) Passover means _______________________________________________________
____ is colourless liquid which we need in our everyday life
(a) water (b) kerosene (c) salt (d) blood
One of these is not a source of water (a) rain (b) well (c) tap (d) sun
When two or more colours are mixed together to get a colour, the result is called _____
university colour (b) secondary colour (c) nursery colour (d) primary colour
The mixture of colour red and colour blue will give us ______ colour
(a) white (b) green (c) purple (d) pink
__________ is the ability to do work (a) carbohydrate (b) energy (c) protein (d) water
The two kind of energy are _________ and ___________
(a) power and energy (b) sun and light (c) kinetic and potential (d) water and rain
The act of representing pictures of objects on a paper using pencil is called ____
(a) drawing (b) welding (c) pottery (d) carving
One of the following is not a material used in drawing (a) pencil (b) brush (c) battery (d) paint
______ is the shortest distance between two points
(a) curve line (b) double line (c) straight line (d) rough line
Which of these is not used to colour drawing (a) crayon (b) water (c) paint (d) colour pencil
Dyes are produced from ______ and _______
(a) soil and water (b) oil and palm (c) plants and soil (d) crop and tuber
Which of the following is not an example of colour (a) white (b) oil (c) green (d) blue
The properties of water include the following except one
(a) it is colourless (b) it is tasteless (c) it contains particles (d) it is odourless
_______ is used to do our everyday activities (a) capacity (b) volume (c) weight (d) energy
Drawing that does involve the use of any instrument except the pencil and drawing surface is called ____ (a) still life drawing (b) paper drawing (c) freehand drawing (d) drawing
What are the colours of your school uniform
(a) white and grey (b) pink and white (c) pink and grey (d) pink and black
Colour gives satisfaction (a) true (b) false (c) all of the above (d) none of the above
______ is said to be the universal solvent (a) petroleum (b) diesel (c) water (d) kerosene
The following are dangers of drinking bad water except one
(a) vomiting (b) diarrhea (c) cholera (d) good health
Air occupies space (a) true (b) false (c) all of the above (d) none of the above
What is water?
b.) State two properties of water
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
Define energy?
b.) List the two kinds of energy
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
What is a straight line?
b.) Draw three straight lines
List four materials used in drawing
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
Purple is a secondary colour. What colours are mixed to get purple?
 ________________________________ and ________________________________
b.) State five examples of colours
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________
(e) ________________________________
Classes of food include the following except one
protein (b) vitamin (c) resources (d) mineral
__________ is a food eaten by man and animals which contain all the classes of food in their right proportion (a) unbalanced diet (b) balanced diet (c) fat and oil (d) protein
_________ are foods with a lot of oil (a) oily foods (b) yam food (c) bubble food (d) water
One of the is an example of fatty food (a) cassava (b) rice (c) butter (d) beans
Fatty foods are Foods with a lot of fat
True (b) false (c) all of the above (d) none of the above
Pick one which not an example of oily food
groundnut oil (b) palm oil (c) sheer butter (d) olive oil
Eaten an unbalanced diet can result to __________
good health (b) smooth and shinny skin (c) goiter (d) healthy growth
When you eat balanced died you have the following except _____
kwashiorkor (b) good health (c) nourishing skin (d) healthy growth
The following foods are examples of protein foods except one
beans (b) egg (c) yam (d) fish
Carbohydrate foods are foods with a lot of starch
true (b) false (c) none of the above (d) all of the above
_________ are crops grown for their grain seeds for feeding man and animals
local crops (b) grain crops (c) tuber crops (d) fruit crops
Which of the following is not an examples of grain crops
potato (b) rice (c) maize (d) beans
Local grain crops is classified into _____ groups (a) four (b) three (c) two (d) five
Cereals and legumes are the two classes of grain crops
    (a) yes (b) no (c) yes or no (d) all of the above
Protein is referred to as ______ food
running food (b) body building (c) energy (d) grain food
______ is energy giving food (a) protein (b) vitamin (c) water (d) carbohydrate
You can get bow leg when you eat ________
good food (b) balanced diet (c) unbalanced diet (d) healthy food
The following are examples of local fruits except one
orange (b) apple (c) onion (d) mango
Local vegetables are , except one (a) cabbage (b) lettuce (c) cashew (d) bitter leaf
Energy giving food is classified into _____ and _____
(a) tubers and grains (b) ram and beans (c) fruits and crops (d) cassava and garri
What are fatty foods?
b.) State two examples of fatty foods?
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
What is a balanced diet?
b.) List two importance of eating a balanced diet?
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
3.) State two effect of eating an unbalanced diet
(a) _________________________________________________________________________
(b) _________________________________________________________________________
b.) List three examples of grain crops
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________
What are oily foods?
b.) Mention two examples of oily foods?
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
Protein is ___________________________________________________________________
b.) Carbohydrate is ______________________________________________________________[mediator_tech]
Secondary colours are mixture of colours
true (b) false (c) none of the above (d) all of the above
The line above is called _________ (a) curve (b) dotted (c) zig-zag (d) spiral
One of these art materials can be used as dark pencil
charcoal (b) brush (c) colour (d) palette
If P is red and Q is blue, what is P + Q? (a) green (b) blue (c) purple (d) black
________ is the shortest distance between two points
(a) peg (b) marked line (c) straight line (d) curve line
Rainbow has __________________ colours
_____________ is the surface feel of an object (a) material (b) texture (c) design (d) drawing
What are these lines called? __________________
Name the following shapes?
Draw a wall clock and give the time as 2:00 o’clock
Using expanded form add 520 and 448 (a) 900 + 80 + 7 (b) 900 + 70 + 6 (c) 900 + 60 + 8
Multiply 39 by 4 (a) 156 (b) 166 (c) 126
(6 x 1) + (6 x 0) = ? (a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 6
3 x (7 + 4) = ? (a) 23 (b) 33 (c) 43
Simplify 5/12 – 4/12 (a) 9/12 (b) 2/12 (c) 1/12
Simplify 3/7 + 4/7 (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3
Subtract 356 from 532 in expanded form (a) 100 + 70 + 6 (b) 100 + 60 + 7 (c) 600 + 10 + 7
What fraction of this shape is shaded? (a) 8/3 (b) 3/8 (c) 2/8
Subtract the fractions of the shaded portion (a) 3/5 (b) 1/5 (c) 2/5
Add five hundred and thirty-five; three hundred and sixteen (a) 815 (b) 851 (c) 158
Simplify 48 ÷ 6 (a) 8 (b) 9 (c) 6
2 x 2 x 4 x 5 = ? (a) 90 (b) 70 (c) 80
Multiply forty by three (a) 102 (b) 120 (c) 80
(4 x 2) x 2 = x 2 = (a) 8, 16 (b) 8, 14 (c) 4, 16
Share 21 mangoes among 7 pupils (a) 4 mangoes (b) 3 mangoes (c) 5 mangoes
Write 900 + 0 + 8 in composite form (a) 809 (b) 908 (c) 980
Take-away 433 from 765 (a) 332 (b) 334 (c) 323
(20 ÷ 4) + (4 ÷ 4) = ? (a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 4
(20 + 4) + (2 x 4) = ? (a) 30 (b) 32 (c) 23
2 6 1
+ 6 8 6 (a) 947 (b) 497 (c) 794
Section B: (Answer all questions)
Simplify using the distributive method 44/2
b.) Divide 36 by 6 using the multiples of the denominator up to 36
Write out the fractions of the shaded portion
b.) Subtract the two fractions from (a) above
Take away 520 from 720
b.) Multiply 64 by 3
Write out the factors of 24
b.) What are factors of 36?
Add seven hundred forty-one; five hundred twenty
b.) 5 x 2 x 3 x 4 = ?
Answer all questions
1.) (2.) (3.)
4.) (5.)
6.) (7.) (8.)
9.) (10.)
Sample: Add 5 take away 7
14.) (15.) (16.)
17.) (18.) (19.)
23.) (24.)
26.) (27.)
28.) (29.)