1 SPEECH WORK: Listening/Speaking 

Revision of pure vowel sounds

Grammar: Revision of parts of speech: Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs and Ajective

Composition: Writing and outline for a Narrative Essay – How I spent My last Holiday

Literature – in – English: Revisit 

Features of Prose (setting, theme, characterization) (ii) Figure of speech:

Alliteration, personification (Revision of last term’s work)

2 SPEECH WORK: Revision of consonant sound with emphasis on consonant clusters

Grammar: transitive and intrsitive verbs

Reading and comprehension: purpose 

Composition: Descriptive Essay.

Writing an outline on “A place of interest I visited”

Literature – in – English: use the recommended text on prose

3 SPEECH WORK: Listening and speaking – the /lə/ sound (ear, clear, hear)

Grammar: More on active and passive voice

Reading and comprehension: identification of words that points to the writer’s intention on contemporary issues like corruption

Vocabulary Development: Word families – in the hospital

Composition: Elements of composition: Pre – writing, writing, editing body and conclusion.

Literature – in – English features of folk tales

4 SPEECH WORK: The /əʊ/ sound (go, blow, mow, know)

Grammar: More on tenses (present, past and future)

Reading and comprehension: critical reading: Meaning and sleeps of critical. Vocabulary development

Word families: A police officers job

5 SPEECH WORK: Revision of consonant sount (t, d, k, g)

Grammar: The present continuous tenses.

Reading and comprehension: reading to identify the meanings of words in various contexts (ii) Word families: A place of worship

Composition: Revisit the formal and informal letter 

Literature – in – English: Use the recommended text on Drama (ii) Theme/setting in the recommended text

6 SPEECH WORK: Contrasting /p/ and /t/ (pan, tan, promotion)

Grammar: The past perfect Tense

Reading and comprehension: reading to identify the facts and opinions in a given passage vocabulary development: The language of sports.

Composition: Narrative Essay: What I do everyday

Literature – in – English: use recommended text on Drama, (ii) characterization and plot in the recommended text

7 SPEECH WORK: The consonant sound /f/ and /v/ (contrastion) vampire, favour, vanish, famish)

Grammar: making sentences with conjunctions

Reading and comprehension – reading to explain the facts and opinions in a selected passage

Voc. Dev: Word families: Journalism 

Composition: A letter to you father on way you like your new school 

Literature – in – English: Differntiating between a novella, a novelette and a novel (ii) More on figures of speech: Onomatopoeia and personification 

8 SPEECH WORK: the consonant 

Grammar: making request using will, could, may…..

Reading and comprehension: refer for week 2

Composition: descriptive essay – My favourite Teacher 

Literature – in – English: retell a folk tale and explain its theme

9 SPEECH WORKS: The consonant sound /h/

Grammar: direct and indirect speechless

Reading and comprehension: A revision of week 4

Composition: formal letter- A letter of invitation (as a guest speaker) 

Literature – in – English: Revision of the recommended text (ii) Revision on literary terms





Revision of consonant sound with emphasis on constant cluster.

     As we already know, there are forty-four speech sounds on English. While twenty of them is vowels, the remaining twenty four are consonants. A consonant is produced with the flow if air from the lungs is in erupted somewhere in the ducal clarity (mouth). A consonant is therefore a speech sound which produced with the obstruction of airstream is. The obstruction could be ‘partial ‘or ‘total’, The important thing about the production of a consonant, therefore, is that there is always a degree of obstruction of the airstream from the lungs. The degree of obstruction of air is one of the three important factors used in classifying the English consonants.

These factors are usually considered in the classification of consonants. These are:

Place of articulation.

Manner of articulation.

State of glottis.


Here are the lists of consonant sound with examples.

  1. /p/  as in pan,prefect,nap
  2. /b/ as in bud, rubber, rubs.
  3. /t/  as in tea, seat, heater.
  4. /k/  as in come, marking, pack.
  5. /d/  as in dip, hide, riddles.
  6. /g/   as in get, target, rag.
  7. /f/    as in fork, suffer, cough.
  8. /v/    as in van, river, live.
  9. /0/    as in anthem, think, both.
  10. /∂ /     as in this, father, breathes.
  11. /s/    as in sip, racing, place.
  12. /z/    as in Zink, razor, has.
  13. /S/    as in ship, lashes, fish.
  14. //   as in genre, vision, garage.
  15. /h/    as in hat, behave
  16. /tS/     as in cheap, richer, teach.
  17. /d/ as in  joy, rejoice, page.
  18. /l/     as in lock, follow, sell.
  19. /r/    as in rag, borrow,______
  20. /w/   as in win, rewind,______
  21. /j/     as in yes, _______.
  22. /m/   as in man, remain, him.
  23. /n/    as in net, runner, rain.
  24. /J/  as in singer, bang, _________.


From the above example above, we can see that most of the consonant can occur at the beginning, middle and end of word but a few of there consonant are restricted to certain position.

Classification according to features.


State of the Glottis Place of Articulation


Voiceless Voiced BilabialAlveolar















Labia dental



Pala to-Alveolar


AFFRICATE tS d Palato-Avleolar
LATERAL L Alveolar
LIQUID R Alveolar











                                              CONSONANT CLUSTER

    This is the placement of two or more consonant side by side in a word. In many of Nigeria language there is no consonant cluster but in English, there may be initial cluster of two or three consonant. The following are example of consonant cluster. Garden, buffer, friend, peddle, coffle, little, cotton, settles. E.t.c.

Clusters of two consonants


Bride crime

Shrink stand

Glad crop

Dwell flame

Play tray.

In English words, there may be a consonant at the end of a word. While two or three consonant can occur at the beginning of a word in English, the language permits at most four consonant in a cluster at the end of a word. Examples: lion, tempts, exempts, sixths, prompt, seed e.t.c.


GRAMMAR: Transitive an intransitive verbs.

TRANSITIVE: A transitive verb has an object. In other words, the action of the verb is transferred from the subject to the object.

Example (i) Ayo shouted at his wife  -obj.

(ii) Olu wrote a letter – obj.

(iii) Mr Ojo killed a goat – obj.  

INTRANSITIVE VERBS: An intransitive verb does not need object for completion. It does not have an object. In other words, the action of the verb does not go across from the subject to the object. Example:

The baby cries.

Samuel laughs.

The pig grunts.

The lion roars.

The sun shines.



 Indicate which of the following transitive or intransitive verb is.

  1. The water is boiling.
  2. Justine slept
  3. Mr olayemi punished the late comers.
  4. The boy ate the rice.
  5. The door is open half way.



Reading to understand the writer’s purpose.

Content: comprehension is a process of reading, understanding and explaining what is written in a passage. For every comprehension exercise, there must be a passage to be read.

The purpose of comprehension exercise is to test student’s understanding of a given passage. In comprehension, the thoughts of the writer’s are presented to student for reading, understanding and explaining.

    Instruction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. No 1: unit one (1) how we spent the Holiday.

Reference: New oxford English course for junior secondary school (upper Basic Education) 2, page 8, 9.



Student should answer question 6 – 10 from home.



Descriptive Essay – A Local Festival.

Content: What is a descriptive essay?

    A descriptive essay is writing about the way persons, animals or things appear. In writing a description, a writer goes through another medium that shows accurate copy of what he intends to describe in a moment of time. Description concentrates primarily on things rather than the actions in which the thing participate. Descriptive writing involves the use of words which give the qualities of the subject or object of description. e.g friendly, good, bad, dull, nice etc. Descriptive also provides details that strengthens it and makes it vivid. The use of figurative language gives colour to a description. They are: the simile and the metaphor.



INTRODUCTION (A new yam festival).

     The new yam festival, otherwise called “Ogun festival” in Abule oja. It comes up once a year. It is the greatest and most celebrated traditional festival in Abule-oja. It celebrated in honour of ogun the Yoruba “god of iron and war”. It is the only festival that brings together the people in the village both those at home, and abroad as well as all those who belong to different religion. Be they Christians, Muslims or traditional worshippers all unite as one during ogun festival at Abule oja. The last one was celebrated from 15th -18th August 2013. It was most celebrated in recent years as new age grade of which I was an active member fared during the festival.


    Finally, it was recommended by the media men that covered the festival that such should be integrated into national journalism (FOR FOURTH WEEK)




It was last year august 2014 during the summer coaching, we were taken on an excursion to Ibadan zoo. This was my first time of visiting the place. I was happy to see many attractive and interesting thins there. At the same, there are wild animals that frightened me, and almost row not to visit the zoo again.

   The first place we were taken to the monkey cage called chimpanzee

Big with horrible look. He was serve bunch of banana as he finished it within some minutes. I also saw a lion cave very wild and he roars to frighten people. I saw a python (snake) and I learnt that he can swallow big animals, even human being alive. In addition, I saw other animals such as Giraffe fox, horse, elephant etc.

        At exactly two o’clock, we are asked to get back into the school bus, as we begin our journey back to Lagos. Our discussion while coming was nothing but the experience acquired at the zoo. We finally got to Lagos at exactly 5:15pm, Getting home I narrated my beautiful experience to my parents and my sibling who wish they were there also.



Write nothing less than 200 words on ‘A place of interest I once visited.’’



   Use the recommended text: ‘A drama text

  • Reading 
  • Explanation on few chapter two and three



Discuss the main character as hero in the text.


SPEECH WORK: Listening and speaking

The /l∂/ sound e.g. /ear, clear, hear).

  The articulation of this diphthong involves a gliding movement of the tongue towards the centre as illustrated in the following vowel chart.

   If you pronounce the word ‘here’ the shape of the lips remains neutral from the beginning of the articulation of the diphthong to the end while the glide begins with a tongue position/i/ and mores in the direction of /∂/. The spelling symbols for/ld/ are:

       ‘Ere’’ as in here.

       ‘’ear’’ as in hear.

       ‘Eer’’ as in beer.

       ‘Eir’’ as in weird.


A diagram showing the gliding movement of the tongue for the production of /∂/, /u∂ /, /e∂/


Underline the word that show sound /l∂ / in the following sentences.

  1. The deer is a herbivorous animal.
  2. At the appearance of her child, tear of joy flowed down her cheeks.
  3. Don’t fear a deer, it won’t attack you.
  4. He took hi dear wife to see a play at the theatre.
  5. Do you really want dada here?


GRAMMAR : More on active and passive voices.

ACTIVE VOICE: in active voice, the action of the subject on the object is mentioned.  The subject of a particular sentence does something to the object. In other words, the subject of the sentences is the doer of the action. The subject of a sentence refers to the person or thing that writer or speaker is talking about, the subject of a sentence is either a noun or a pronoun. Example:

  • The man sold his clothes.
  • Alake killed a lion.
  • The policeman caught the thieves
  • The cat killed the rat.

The subject becomes the object and vice versa.

  I become me

  We becomes us

   She become her

   He becomes him.

  • The verb is changed to the past participle.
  • The auxiliary verb should agree with the subject.

  1. B) PASSIVE VOICE: the object of the verb is placed in the subject position  of the sentence. In other words, the subject of sentence is the receiver of the action. Examples:

The dog was sold by the boy

The lion was killed by Alade.

The house was destroyed by fire.

Thieves were caught by policemen.

                    More examples on active and passive voice.

Active voice Passive voice

  1. Bola eats rice Rice is eaten by Bola
  2. He sells books Books are sold by him
  3. Bola is eating rice now Rice is being eaten by bola
  4. Kemi was eating rice           Rice was being eaten by Kemi
  5. Does she eat yam Is yam eaten by her
  6. Is he writing a letter? Is a letter being written by him?
  7. Did he steal the book? Was the book stole by him?
  8. Shall we buy the bag? Will the bag be bought by us?



Progressive English (An elaborate coverage of Grammar)

Exercise 15A – pg 128

Instruction: Turn each of the following into passive voice

  1. The girl opened the door
  2. Victoria is writing a letter
  3. I shall hide the book 
  4. The bus carried thirsty passengers
  5. The farmer killed a snake




Identification of words that points to writer’s intention on contemporary issue like corruption.

New Oxford; Secondary English Course for junior secondary school book 2 (upper basic education).

Unit 2 “The thief”. Page 15 – 17 

The writer intention pointing to the contemporary issue on corruption according to the passage.


  1. Bulgar proofing 
  2. Fright 
  3. Harmful object
  4. Crackled 
  5. Trod 
  6. Outwit 
  7. Accidentally 

Instruction: Read the passage carefully and note the words that points to writer’s intention as listed above.

Answer question 1 – 5 in page 17




Reference: New Oxford Book 2, page 22. Increase your word power.

Have you been to a hospital either as patient or a visitor? If you have, you will notice the various department that make up hospital. For instance, there is a casuality department that attend and treats accident victims – Also we have the following obsteritircs and gynaecology (treatment of disease). It concerns with birth of children. Paediatrics – it concerned with children. Surgery – for operation. Cardiology – (for the heart) nephorology (dealing with the kidney) neurology – (dealing with the brain) dermatology (slain) and gastroenterology (concern with the stomach organs such as the intestine, liver & spleen). Dentist – treat the teeth, opithalmic optician – who exam  your eye etc.



Use your dictionary to find out more on (Hospital) vocabulary


  1. Thermometer
  2. Temperature
  3. Stethoscope
  4. Symptom of measles
  5. Vaccination
  6. Immunised 
  7. Inoculation
  8. Analgestic
  9. Pharmacy 
  10. Radiology
  11. Antibiotics
  12. X – ray 
  13. Orthopaedic 


COMPOSITION: elements of composition: pre-writing, writing, edition, body and conclusion.

  1. Pre – writing (Introduction): An essay should introduction. Introduction helps to provide enough information for the proper understanding of the body or middle of the essay. An introduction should show what essay is about.
  2. The body of the essay: take note of the following points.
  3. Write clear and simple English and try to avoid pompous language.
  4. Write down the main points and arrange them in order
  5. Mind your tenses
  6. Pay attention to spellings and punctuations
  7. Try to develop paragraph around your main points 

Coherence: coherence meant consistence or sticking together of ideas, speech, etc.

  1. Conclusion: the essay should have conclusion. The conclusion should draw together the idea and its relationship with the major points. It should be brief and logical.





Folktales are stories that were made up long ago. These stories were made up to teach people how to live good lives and how to live wisely. The stories are quite funny, amusing, entertaining and exciting. Many of them teaches moral lessons. Folk tales were told through the world. So we have folk tales from Nigeria, Africa, China etc. human and animalistic image can be use to represent character.



Write a short folk tale story example can be seen in a Reference: New  focus for junior secondary school 2 pg 116.


SPEECH WORK: The /əʊ/ sound e.g. /go, blow, mow, know/

At the production of /əʊ/, the tongue glide start at a point between the centre and the back with a closing movement of the lower jaw.

The gradual tongue glide towards /ʊ/ agrees with the closing movement of the jaw. The shape of the lips changes from neutral to a rounded few spelling symbols which are: 

‘ow’ as in cow, how, blow

‘ou’ as in out, cloud, out

‘ough’ as in plough, drough

In addition, to produce /əʊ/, tongue movement is from /a/ to /ʊ/. This diphthong is heard as shown in colour in the following utterances; e.g. in order to browse on your computer, you should use the mouse.



Underline: /əʊ/ in the following sentences.

  1. You should not allow your doubt to weigh you down
  2. Mohammed Ali won the bout between him and Joe Frazer
  3. How will flowers survive in the long drought
  4. The fow  in the backyard foul the air a lot.



GRAMMAR: MORE ON TENSES (Present, Past and Future)

Tense is the change which takes place in the structure (i.e form) of the verb to show time.

  1. The Simple present tense: It is used to show an action that occurs always or an occupation. Examples:
  2. I eat beans everyday
  3. He sells bread
  4. They work hard
  5. My father is a trader
  6. The sun shines during the day


  1. The simple past: This is used for an action that took place in the past. Example: 
  2. Yesterday I ate rice
  3. Last year, Badmus spent his holiday in Jos
  4. They worked hard 
  5. She sold bread a week ago.


  1. The future tense: it is used to show an event that will take place in the future. Example:
  2. I shall write letter to my father 
  3. They will attend the meeting
  4. She will sell bread in the evening
  5. She will meet principal in his office 
  6. They will work hard next week



Progressive English page 71. No 1 – 10. State the tense used in each of the following sentences (Exercise 3D)


Reading and Comprehension – Crititcal reading (Reading skill) Unit 4. Page 43.

The writer purpose – reading to identify the meanings of words in various contexts.

Reference: New Oxford, Secondary English Course (2) for Junior Secondary Schools.

Instruction: Read the following passage carefully and do the exercise on it



Page 42. Now answer the following questions correctly

Question 1 – 10 


A word associated with police increase your word power (law & order)

Introduction: For a nation to have progress and development there has to be peace in nation. It is for this purpose that law are made. The maintenance of these laws to ensure peace and orderliness in society is the responsibility of certain agencies and arms of government such as police, the judiciary, etc. The police ensure that the law that make for peace are not broken and where the laws are broken, they apprehend the law – breakers and charge them performs then performs its own functions. It is a useful idea to be familiar with some of the words used in this  sphere.

Associated word with police (i) Gun (ii) Handcuffed (iii) cell (iv) jail (v) crime / offense (vi) arrest (vii) robbery wish violence etc.


Reference: New Focus (2)

Increase your Word power law and order (2) 

Answer question 1 – 10

Instruction: from the options given choose the best one to fill the gaps.




A recommended prose text .

  1. Reading 
  2. Explanation 



Briefly explain the main character 


Speech Work: Revision of Consonant Sound (t, d, k, g)

/t/ – To produce /t/, the tip of the tongue is in contact with the alveolar ridge and this contact obstruct the flow of air. On immediate release, the air pressure escapes with the usual sound. There is no vibration of the vocal cords since the glottis is wide open.

This consonants is therefore a voiceless alveolar plosive. There are many spelling symbols for /t/ and they are shown below:

“t” as in ten 

“tt” as in letter 

“th” as in thames

“ed” as in looked 

The “t” is not actually pronounced in words like “Christmas”, “Castle”, “listen” and “wrestle”.

Pronounce the following words in which /t/ occurs at the initial and final positions;

Initial position Final position 

Ten net

Tip pit

Tub but

Tell let

Tone note

/d/ – The production of /d/ involves the tip of the tongue in contact with the alveolar ridge. This contact results in a total obstruction of airstream which is however, released immediately with an explosive sound. The vocal cords vibrates as /d/ produced. While /t/ is a voiceless alveolar plosive, /d/ is a voiced alveolar plosive. The only spelling symbols for /d/ are “d” as in “did” and “ed” as in moved. This consonant is almost always pronounced whenever it occurs in a word except in a word like “handsome”.

Pronounce the following words with /d/ at the initial and final position.

Initial position Final position

Dam mad

Don nod

Down wound

Dog god

Dear lead


/k/ – to produce /k/, the back of the tongue makes contact with the velum. This contact results in a total obstruction of the flow of air. The air pressure which builds up is suddenly released with an explosive sound. The glottis is open so that the vocal cords do not vibrate as /k/ is produced. This consonant which is a voiceless velar plosive, has many spelling symbols as shown below:

“k” as in king

“c” as in coat 

“cc” as in account

“ch” as in chemistry

“q” as in liquid

“ck” as in back

The “k” is usually not pronounced before “n” at the beginning word like “know” and “knock”. Pronounce the following words; paying attention to the initial and final occurrences of /k/ 

Initial position Final position

Cop poke

Cap pack

Calm mark

Kill lick

Kin nick

/g/ –  this consonant is the voiced counterpart of /k/. This means that the process of production of /g/ is similar to that of /k/ except that the local cord vibrate as /g/ is produced. /g/ is therefore voiced velar plosive which is spelt “g” and “gh” as in give and ghost respectively. The “g” is not pronounced before “n” at the beginning or end of word such as “gnaw”, “gnash”, “sign”and “reign” and before “m” at the end of words such as “paradigm” and diaphragm”. Pronounce the following word with /g/ at the beginning and end of the words.

Initial position Final position

Good dog

Gel keg

Gas mug

Gun mug

Gut tug 



  1. /g/ is not pronounced before “n”, give three words of such


  1. Give five words using /k/ at the initial and final position of production 



GRAMMAR: The present continuous tense

  1. The present continuous tense can be used when we want to tell people that something is happening new, at the very moment of writing and speaking. Example:
  2. John is writing a letter
  3. Ade is insulting his friend
  4. Alade is dancing 
  5. We are moving to the royal palace 


  1. The Present continuous tense is used for event which have been clearly arranged for the future. Examples: 
  2. Joshua is taking the first leaving certificate examination next week.
  3. Paul is leaving this institution 

iii. We are coming to the party organised by the president next week.



Progressive English (An elaborate coverage) Page 71. Exercise 3D. no 1, 2, 5, 12 and 15


Reading and comprehension: 

  1. Reading to identify words in various contexts

The purpose of the passage 

One very common purpose of a piece of writing is to tell the reader how to do something, i.e. the writer is giving the reader instructions.

Unit 4 – My Home Town

In addition, the purpose of this passage is to describe a place. The writer wants the reader to imagine a town which few of them know. So we can study it to note what kind of language is necessary in writing a description.

An outline or guide to this description.

  1. Prepare yourself for writing a description
  2. identify or note the word you have listed to use
  3. use your dictionary to find words you do not know or cannot remember
  4. pay specific attention to the correct passive form of necessary verbs.



Now read the passage and answer the questions that follows (Page 33 – 34, unit four)


TOPIC: A place of worship (Word Associated with place of worship)

  1. Temple 
  2. Synagogue 
  3. Church 
  4. Mosque 
  5. Shrine
  6. Mountain
  7. Mecca 
  8. Jerusalem and so on.


Use your dictionary to find a correct meaning to the words listed above.




Introduction: writing is the means of communication. We shall revisit the formal and informal letter in this lesson.

  1. A formal letter is refers to the business, letter or an official letter e.g. for casual leave by staff in offices or an application for a job.

The features of the formal letter

  1. The address: this should be written at the top of a letter on the right hand corner. Remember to write the name of you state and date. Write the date in full and put a full stop after abbreviation.

8, Adesanya street

Ile – Epo,

Oke – Ode,


22nd October, 2015

The principal,

Elias International School, 

Ile – Epo,

Oke – Odo,



  1. The recipients address: the recipient’s address should be written on the left hand side below the writer’s address. The example is written above.

iii. Salutation (greetings)

The name in salutation is followed by a comma. Example, Dear sir, Dear madam, Sir, Dear, Mr. Akpan, Gentlemen, etc.

  1. Title – A formal letter should have a title. Example: 
  1. A letter of Apology
  2. The causes of Road Accidents
  3. The importance of Agriculture etc
  1. Introduction: the introduction should show what the letter is all about
  2. The body of the letter: Write clear and simple English. Mind your tenses. Pay attention to spelling and punctuations. Try to be specific.

vii. Conclusion: The conclusion should draw together the idea and its relationship with the major points

viii. Subscription: Subscription comes at the end of the letter. This is followed by a comma. Remember to write ‘Y’ in capital letter.

Note that: faithfully is written with small letter but not capital. Example 

Yours faithfully ,

  1. Signature and name: put your name below Ayodele Oke the signature.



Informal letter refers to the letters we write to our brothers, friends, parents, sons, daughters, husbands, relations, etc. informal letters are also known as private letters.

The features of the information letter

  1. Writer’s address: This should be written at the top of a letter on the right hand corner. Remember to write your state and date.

3, Ayodele Cresent,




13th August, 2015.

  1. Salu tation: (greetings) example My dear, father, dear, mummy, my dear mother, dear Sarah, dear brother, dear Uncle Oliver, my dear sister, my darling etc.

iii. Introduction: the introduction should show what the letter is all about.

  1. The body of the letter: this is one of the most important aspect of a letter. Write a clear and simple English – try to avoid “pompous” language. Mind your tenses. Pay attention to spelling and punctuation. Try to develop paragraph around your main points.
  2. Conclusion: the conclusion should draw together the idea and its relationship with the major points.
  3. Subscription: this comes at the end of the letter. This is followed by a comma. Remember to write ‘Y’ in capital letter. Note that affectionately, friend, loving and sincerely are written with small letters but capital letters.

Examples: yours sincerely,

Yours ever,

Yours loving son,

Your friend,

Yours affectionately, 

vii. Name: put your name below the subscripted, an example.

Yours sincerely,




Write a letter to your brother/sister in another school, tell him/her the changes which have taken place in your school in the recent time.




Use the recommended text on Drama. .

  1. Theme
  2. Setting – mixture of East & Western Region
  1. Themes: (i) Selfishness, betrayal, supernatural power, the reward of being wicked.



Discuss in full to major theme that sounds the title of this play (a) selfishness (b) wickedness
