Christian Religious CRS First Term Examination SS 1
Examination Malpractices
Students are advised to avoid any form of examination malpractices, as it may result in a repeat of the subject or suspension.
SUBJECT: Christian Religious Studies (C.R.S)
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
- By Jesus saying that it is a spring of water welling up to eternal life when he encountered the Samaritan woman meant that:
- (a) the word of God is timely
- (b) the word of God is powerful
- (c) the word of God is a two-edged sword
- (d) the word of God would always stand the test of time
- The type of love exhibited by Jesus is the ___________ love.
- (a) godly
- (b) agape
- (c) new life
- (d) true
- According to the book of John, the living water means water that:
- (a) springs from Jacob’s well
- (b) is running
- (c) wells up to eternal life
- (d) the Samaritan woman drank
- The good shepherd as described by St. John has all the following qualities except that:
- (a) he enters the sheepfold by the door
- (b) he climbs into the sheepfold by another way
- (c) the gatekeeper opens the gate for him
- (d) he leads the sheep out by the door
- “Behold the lamb of God!” Jesus was compared to a lamb in this verse because he:
- (a) was to be slain on the cross
- (b) was to take away the sins of men
- (c) was to be humiliated by the world
- (d) calls his own sheep by name
- “And his disciples asked him, ‘Rabbi, who sinned; this man or his parents that he was born blind?’” Jesus’ response shows that the man was born blind because:
- (a) he was a sinner from birth
- (b) his parents were sinners
- (c) God wanted to manifest His work
- (d) every sinner is sure of forgiveness
- Christians can be good citizens by the following ways except:
- (a) going to church
- (b) maintaining self-discipline
- (c) being obedient to the power that exists
- (d) avoiding making derogatory statements to constituted authority
- All but one are ways we can demonstrate our true sonship in Christ:
- (a) when we acknowledge the lordship of Christ
- (b) when we compromise with the world
- (c) when we reject Satan in every area of our lives
- (d) when we strive to win more souls for Christ
- A true example of agape love is the type demonstrated by:
- (a) Christians
- (b) the Holy Spirit
- (c) Jesus Christ
- (d) angels
- Genuine Christians are expected to manifest the ___________ of justification:
- (a) seeds
- (b) lifestyle
- (c) fruits
- (d) similarities
Theory Questions
Answer any three questions from this section:
- (a) Explain Jesus as the following:
- (i) The Lamb
- (ii) The Door
- (iii) The Good Shepherd (b) Mention five characteristics of a good shepherd. (c) Define light.
- (a) Narrate Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman. (b) List four characteristics of light. (c) Define love.
- (a) List and explain any three types of love. (b) What is justification? (c) Explain the meaning of new life in Christ.
- (a) List the nine fruits of the Spirit and explain one. (b) Explain the meaning of the old life as living in sin and list 5 characteristics of the old life. (c) What are the fruits of justification according to Apostle Paul?
- (a) In what five ways can you show love to your friend? (b) List five characteristics of love and explain two. (c) Mention five rights of a citizen of Nigeria.
Instructions for Students:
- Answer all multiple-choice questions by choosing the most appropriate option.
- Answer three theory questions, providing full explanations where necessary.
- Ensure all responses are legible, well-written, and comprehensive.
- Avoid any form of cheating or examination malpractices to maintain academic integrity.
Christian Religious Studies (CRS) – S.S.S 1
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options:
- By Jesus saying that it is a spring of water welling up to eternal life when he encountered the Samaritan woman meant that __________.
a) the word of God is timely
b) the word of God is powerful
c) the word of God is a two-edged sword
d) the word of God would always stand the test of time - The type of love exhibited by Jesus is __________ love.
a) godly
b) agape
c) new life
d) true - According to the book of John, the living water means water that __________.
a) springs from Jacob’s well
b) is running
c) wells up to eternal life
d) the Samaritan woman drank - The good shepherd as described by St. John has all the following qualities except that __________.
a) he enters the sheepfold by the door
b) he climbs into the sheepfold by another way
c) the gatekeeper opens the gate for him
d) he leads the sheep out by the door - “Behold the lamb of God!” Jesus was compared to a lamb in this verse because he __________.
a) was to be slain on the cross
b) was to take away the sins of men
c) was to be humiliated by the world
d) he calls his own sheep by name - “And his disciples asked him, ‘Rabbi, who sinned; this man or his parents that he was born blind?’” Jesus’ response shows that the man was born blind because __________.
a) he was a sinner from birth
b) his parents were sinners
c) God wanted to manifest His work
d) every sinner is sure of forgiveness - Christians can be good citizens by the following ways except __________.
a) going to church
b) maintaining self-discipline
c) being obedient to the power that exists
d) avoiding making derogatory statements to constituted authority - All but one are ways we can demonstrate our true sonship in Christ __________.
a) when we acknowledge the lordship of Christ
b) when we compromise with the world
c) when we reject Satan in every area of our lives
d) when we strive to win more souls for Christ - A true example of agape love is the type demonstrated by __________.
a) Christians
b) the Holy Spirit
c) Jesus Christ
d) angels - Genuine Christians are expected to manifest the __________ of justification.
a) seeds
b) lifestyle
c) fruits
d) similarities - True Christians are expected to live a __________ life.
a) new life
b) wayward life
c) wretched life
d) wasted life - The sonship of Jesus was first announced at __________.
a) his crucifixion
b) his death
c) his baptism
d) his ascension - The old life sponsors __________ in a man’s life.
a) Satan
b) death
c) sin
d) lust - All but one are rights of a citizen __________.
a) right to live
b) right to worship
c) right to movement
d) right to eat - The privileges enjoyed by citizens of a country are known as __________.
a) opportunity
b) reward
c) rights
d) salary - All but one are the characteristics of an old life __________.
a) love
b) malice
c) stealing
d) immortality - Changing from an old life to a new life means __________.
a) change
b) transfer
c) sanctification
d) new life - All but one are the fruits of justification __________.
a) peace with God
b) reconciliation with God
c) freedom from God’s wrath
d) circumcision - __________ is the only condition for justification.
a) confession
b) godly sorrow
c) faith
d) repentance - Anyone who is justified by God is considered __________.
a) righteous
b) new
c) faithful
d) whole - All but one are types of love __________.
a) agape
b) Phileo
c) Storge
d) Neuros - To love means __________.
a) to live with someone
b) to show interest in someone
c) to befriend someone
d) to show strong affection for someone - The act of declaring someone not guilty of an alleged crime is known as __________.
a) salvation
b) forgiveness
c) justification
d) exoneration - Death was averted for man as a result of __________.
a) the sacrifice of animals
b) the death of Jesus on the cross
c) the coming of the Holy Spirit
d) the baptism of the Holy Spirit - At the baptism of Jesus, John the Baptist referred to Jesus as __________.
a) the lamb that was slain
b) the lamb that takes away the sins of mankind
c) the coming king
d) the son of God - Jesus Christ is the door because __________.
a) he has the key to any door
b) he is a carpenter
c) he is the way that leads to eternal life
d) he has a house - The baptism of Jesus confirmed his __________.
a) kingship
b) sonship
c) priesthood
d) childhood - Jesus experienced __________ during his baptism.
a) angelic visitation
b) an open heaven
c) prophetic declaration
d) baptism of the Holy Spirit - As Christians in this world, our light is expected to __________.
a) blossom
b) shine
c) grow
d) burn - __________ is anything that gives illumination.
a) lamp
b) bulb
c) light
d) fire - All but one are the characteristics of light __________.
a) intimidates darkness
b) gives direction
c) speeds up activity
d) gives sight - The Samaritan woman left her water pot to the city because __________.
a) she was afraid
b) she was disgraced
c) she was exposed
d) Jesus told her life history - The bread and water of life signify __________.
a) the Lord’s supper
b) the word of God
c) healing
d) holy communion - Believing in Jesus leads to __________.
a) separated life
b) complex life
c) eternal life
d) rigorous life - The Samaritan woman refused to give Jesus water because __________.
a) Jesus told her sins
b) the woman hated Jesus
c) Jesus was a Jew
d) Jesus was not with anything to draw water with - The fruit of the Spirit is __________ in number.
a) two
b) three
c) nine
d) five - God demonstrated His love for man by __________.
a) confessing to man
b) forgiving us
c) killing His only son
d) giving His only son, Jesus, to die for mankind - Christians are also __________.
a) God’s slave
b) God’s children
c) God’s pet
d) God’s relatives - Works and law do not justify anyone. __________
a) not true
b) gradually
c) sometimes
d) true - As Christians, we show love __________.
a) unconditionally
b) conditionally
c) by force
d) to show off - The people returned the next day looking for Jesus because __________.
a) they wanted to hear the word of God
b) they ate to their satisfaction
c) they wanted to thank Jesus
d) they needed to be healed - One of these is the type of love that exists among family members __________.
a) Phileo
b) Eros
c) agape
d) storge - The illumination of a place is as a result of __________.
a) the presence of electricity
b) the presence of the Holy Spirit
c) the presence of light
d) the presence of Jesus - The living water Jesus offered to the woman of Samaria also represents __________.
a) pure water
b) word of God
c) the Holy Spirit
d) the word of God - The privileges that citizens of a country are entitled to enjoy are referred to as __________.
a) opportunities
b) responsibilities
c) rights
d) inheritance - Christians can demonstrate love for one another through the following ways except __________.
a) caring for one another
b) helping those in need
c) gossiping about each other
d) praying for each other - The fruit of justification is __________.
a) to be saved
b) peace with God
c) the Holy Spirit
d) resurrection - It is essential to know __________ in order to remain justified.
a) faith
b) good works
c) prayer
d) the law - Christians can demonstrate their love for Jesus by __________.
a) working tirelessly for Him
b) serving others
c) worshiping Him in church
d) loving others unconditionally - It is essential for Christians to understand the concept of __________.
a) justification
b) sanctification
c) salvation
d) the resurrection - The Christian concept of justification is based on __________.
a) good works
b) God’s grace
c) human effort
d) religious rituals - The first step in receiving eternal life is __________.
a) attending church services
b) baptism
c) accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
d) giving to the poor - __________ is the process of being made righteous in the eyes of God.
a) Salvation
b) Justification
c) Redemption
d) Sanctification - In the Bible, Christians are described as the __________ of the world.
a) light
b) salt
c) kingdom
d) pillars - The ultimate goal of Christian life is to __________.
a) become wealthy
b) live in peace with everyone
c) gain eternal life
d) gain popularity - True believers are expected to display the fruit of the Spirit, which includes __________.
a) anger
b) kindness
c) malice
d) hatred - The essence of Christian love is to __________.
a) love only those who love us
b) show unconditional love to others
c) love only our family
d) seek revenge on our enemies - The key to understanding the concept of salvation is __________.
a) good deeds
b) faith in Jesus Christ
c) wealth
d) knowledge of the scriptures - Jesus referred to Himself as the __________.
a) good shepherd
b) son of man
c) light of the world
d) all of the above - Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was made to __________.
a) establish a new law
b) restore humanity to a right relationship with God
c) prove His power
d) show His love for mankind - The Holy Spirit helps believers by __________.
a) teaching them the ways of the world
b) guiding them in their daily lives
c) giving them material wealth
d) punishing their enemies - A Christian’s life should reflect the __________ of Christ.
a) simplicity
b) obedience
c) holiness
d) anger - According to the Bible, __________ is the root of all evil.
a) money
b) sin
c) pride
d) love - The new birth through Christ leads to __________.
a) spiritual rebirth
b) physical strength
c) worldly success
d) new followers - Christians are called to be __________ in a dark world.
a) light
b) judges
c) leaders
d) silent - The Bible teaches that forgiveness is essential for __________.
a) entering Heaven
b) becoming a disciple
c) personal growth
d) living in peace with others - When Christians repent, they __________.
a) change their behavior
b) apologize to others
c) seek forgiveness from God
d) all of the above - Christians must show kindness to others as a way to __________.
a) gain favor with others
b) receive blessings
c) reflect God’s love
d) make others feel inferior - The life of a Christian is marked by __________.
a) obedience to God’s Word
b) regular church attendance
c) material wealth
d) all of the above - Christians are taught to __________.
a) store up treasures on earth
b) seek God’s Kingdom first
c) avoid helping the needy
d) ignore the poor - The call to follow Christ is a call to __________.
a) eternal life
b) worldly comfort
c) self-glory
d) political power - The teachings of Jesus Christ are primarily focused on __________.
a) love and forgiveness
b) rules and regulations
c) wealth and prosperity
d) political power - Jesus’ parables often used __________ to illustrate moral truths.
a) abstract ideas
b) simple stories
c) theoretical knowledge
d) historical events - A Christian’s relationship with God is based on __________.
a) rules and rituals
b) personal faith in Jesus Christ
c) cultural practices
d) societal expectations - The Bible encourages Christians to __________.
a) be conformed to the world
b) live in fear
c) renew their minds
d) ignore the Word of God - __________ is an essential characteristic of a Christian’s life.
a) Tolerance
b) Patience
c) Apathy
d) Selfishness - The Christian concept of peace is rooted in __________.
a) material wealth
b) personal achievement
c) reconciliation with God through Christ
d) social standing - Jesus taught that His followers should __________.
a) love their enemies
b) seek revenge
c) isolate themselves from non-believers
d) seek approval from others - Christians believe that their ultimate purpose in life is to __________.
a) accumulate wealth
b) serve God and others
c) gain power and influence
d) live in comfort - A Christian is expected to display the love of God by __________.
a) judging others
b) loving everyone unconditionally
c) focusing only on their personal needs
d) ignoring the needs of others - The Beatitudes teach Christians to __________.
a) desire worldly possessions
b) be humble and merciful
c) judge others harshly
d) avoid all suffering - Jesus is the __________ for all believers.
a) Savior
b) King
c) Teacher
d) All of the above - Christians believe that eternal life is a __________.
a) reward for good works
b) free gift from God
c) personal achievement
d) privilege earned through knowledge - Jesus Christ’s resurrection signifies __________.
a) the defeat of death
b) the end of suffering
c) the beginning of a new age
d) a time of judgment - The Christian faith emphasizes the importance of __________.
a) personal ambition
b) love for others
c) material success
d) social recognition - The Bible describes Christians as __________.
a) heirs of the Kingdom of God
b) workers for their own glory
c) rulers of the earth
d) judges of others - One key principle of Christian teaching is that we should __________.
a) judge others harshly
b) live by our own rules
c) love and forgive one another
d) ignore God’s commands - Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Christians are __________.
a) condemned
b) reconciled with God
c) enslaved
d) abandoned by God - The New Testament emphasizes the importance of __________.
a) salvation through faith in Jesus Christ
b) adhering to the old law
c) following traditional customs
d) avoiding suffering at all costs - Christians are called to be __________ to the Gospel.
a) indifferent
b) disobedient
c) witnesses
d) ashamed - Jesus taught that a Christian’s life is not about __________.
a) storing treasures on earth
b) seeking personal pleasure
c) achieving worldly success
d) gaining eternal life through self-sacrifice - A key characteristic of Christian life is __________.
a) personal wealth
b) serving others
c) worldly recognition
d) accumulating knowledge - Christians are encouraged to be __________ in their faith.
a) casual
b) steadfast
c) undecided
d) doubtful - The Bible teaches that God’s love for us is __________.
a) conditional
b) dependent on our actions
c) unconditional
d) limited - The primary purpose of Jesus’ teachings was to __________.
a) bring peace between nations
b) give people moral advice
c) reveal the way to eternal life
d) make people wealthy - Christians believe that the Holy Spirit helps them by __________.
a) teaching them to be obedient
b) guiding them into all truth
c) giving them material wealth
d) punishing their enemies - The key to living a righteous life is __________.
a) human effort
b) faith in Christ
c) self-righteousness
d) social approval - Christians are expected to __________ the teachings of Jesus Christ.
a) reject
b) ignore
c) follow
d) question - One of the goals of Christian life is to __________.
a) gain recognition
b) achieve worldly success
c) become like Christ
d) live in isolation - The Bible teaches that the ultimate goal for Christians is __________.
a) to achieve fame
b) to follow Jesus’ example
c) to live a life of luxury
d) to avoid persecution
Christian Religious CRS First Term Examination JSS 1
Christian Religious CRS First Term Examination JSS 2
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