SS 2 Third Term Lesson Notes CHEMISTRY

THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY CLASS: SSS 2 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Water Sources, Types, Uses and Structure of Water. Laboratory Preparation of Water. Test for Water Causes/ Removal of Hardness of Water. Purification of Water for Municipal Supply. Solubility and Solutions Definition of Terms. Calculations based on Solubility. Solubility Curves. Uses of

SS 2 Third Term Lesson Notes English Grammar

THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WEEK TOPIC Revision of the Last Term’s Examination Questions, Resumption Test, Revision of Tenses in Grammar Narrative: My Holiday Experience    Conditional Clauses; Complex Sentence   Vocabulary Development: Words Associated with Publishing  Essay Writing: Speech Writing, Meaning and Features  Speech Work: Stress Patterns Structure: Active and Passive Voice   Vocabulary Development: Prefixes

SS 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Further Mathematics

THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: Further MATHEMATICS CLASS: SS 2 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC 1. Revision of Second Term Examination Questions. 2. Projectile: Trajectory of Projectile, Greatest Height Reached, Time of Flight, Range, and Projectile along Inclined Plane. 3. Binomial Expansion: Pascal Triangle Binomial Theorem of Negative, Positive and Fractional Power 4. Mechanics: Vectors


THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: GOVERNMENT   CLASS: SS 2 WEEK TOPIC Nigeria Federalism-Origin. Factors Responsible For Nigeria Federation; The Structure, Features And Problems of Nigeria Federalism. The Development of Political Parties In Nigeria (i) Nigeria National Democratic Party   (NNDP) (ii) The Nigeria Youth Movement (NYM) (iii) The National Council of Nigeria and  Cameroon (N.C.N.C.)

SS 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Mathematics

THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS CLASS: SS2 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC 1 Circle Theorem: Tangent properties of circle; Angles in alternate segment; Two tangent from a circle at external point. 2 Trigonometry: Derivative of sine rule and cosine rule and their applications. 3 Bearing and Distances; Elevation and Depression. 4 Statistics: Class boundaries,


THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE   SUBJECT:TECHNICAL DRAWING CLASS: SS2   THIRD TERM SCHEME OF WORK   WEEK 1& 2:       Revision on building details; Simple working drawing and details. WEEK 3 & 4:      Construction details of parts of building e.g foundation, wall openings, jamb, sill, lintel.      WEEK 5 & 6:  

SS 2 Examination Second Term

2nd Term examination – 2nd Term examination Marketing  SSS 2 (SS 2) 2nd Term examination – 2nd Term examination Mathematics SSS 2 (SS 2) 2nd Term examination – 2nd Term examination Financial Accounting SSS 2 (SS 2) 2nd Term examination – 2nd Term examination Agriculture SSS 2 (SS 2) 2nd Term examination – 2nd Term

SS 2 Examination First Term

1st Term Examination – 1st Term Examination Financial Accounting   SSS 2 (SS 2) 1st Term Examination – 1st Term Examination Agriculture SSS 2 (SS 2) 1st Term Examination – 1st Term Examination Chemistry  SSS 2 (SS 2) 1st Term Examination – 1st Term Examination Marketing  SSS 2 (SS 2)

SS 2 Third Term Examination Mathematics

CLASS: S.S.S. 2 SUBJECT: Mathematics INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions 1. Evaluate (101.5)2 – (100.5)2 a. 1 b. 2.02 c. 20.02 d. 202 e. 2020 2. Express the product of 0.06 and 0.09 in standard form a. 5.4 x 10-3 b. 5.4 x 10-2 c. 5.4 x 10-1 d. 5.4 x 102 e. 5.4 x