Subject : English Grammar Class : SS 2 Term : Third Term Week :Week 3 TOPICS Vocabulary Development: Prefixes Objective: Students will be able to define and identify common prefixes, and understand how prefixes can be used to help them understand unfamiliar words. Materials: Whiteboard and markers Handouts with prefix exercises Computers or tablets for
Subject : English Grammar Class : SS 2 Term : Third Term Week :Week 3 Topic : Speech Work: Stress Patterns CONTENT: Identification and examples. In this lesson, we will explain the morphophonemic approach at identifying a stressed syllable. In this approach, stress placement is determined as a result of the occurrence and arrangement of
Subject : English Grammar Class : SS 2 Term : Third Term Week :Week 2 TOPIC: WEEK TWO TOPICS Conditional Clauses; Complex Sentence Vocabulary Development: Words Associated with Publishing Essay Writing: Speech Writing, Meaning and Features (1) Conditional Clauses Content: Definition,Types and Examples A conditional sentence has at least two clauses, one beginning with if
Subject : English Grammar Class : SS 2 Term : Third Term WEEK ONE TOPIC: Revision of the Last Term’s Examination Questions, Resumption test,SS 2 Section A: Comprehension Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: Passage: The world is rapidly changing, and it is essential to have the skills
THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WEEKLY TOPICS Revision of the Last Term’s Examination Questions, Resumption Test, Revision of Tenses in Grammar Narrative: My Holiday Experience Conditional Clauses; Complex Sentence Vocabulary Development: Words Associated with Publishing Essay Writing: Speech Writing, Meaning and Features Speech Work: Stress Patterns Structure: Active and Passive Voice Vocabulary Development: Prefixes
Subject: ENGLISH STUDIES Term: Second Term Week: WEEK 8 Class: Pry 5 Topic: Expressing Function of Object Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of Expressing consequences or cause and effect with the use of “so… that” BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to Describe functions
FIRST TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASS: SS 2 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC 1. Comprehension: Reading for Main Points (i) Structure: Revision on Nominalization of Adjectives and Verbs. (ii) Speech Work: Review of Consonants Followed by /j/ and /u/ Sounds. Summary: Revision of the Features of Summary. 2. (i) Comprehension – Learning about
Subject: ENGLISH STUDIES Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 10 Class: SS 2 Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of SS 2 FIRST TERM REVISION TEST ENGLISH STUDIES BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to Read comprehension passage for main points – 2; Unit 4; Building,pg 66
Subject: ENGLISH STUDIES Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 9 Class: SS 2 Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of SS 2 FIRST TERM REVISION TEST ENGLISH STUDIES BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to Read comprehension passage for main points – 2; Unit 4; Building,pg 66
Subject: ENGLISH STUDIES Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK Class: SS 2 SS 2 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Answer four questions in all; one question from Part A, and question 7,8 and 9. (50 marks) You are the chief speaker in a debate on the topic: “Female children are more beneficial than male children to their