WEEK 3 CLASS: SS 2 SUBJECT: FOOD AND NUTRITION   TOPIC: FLOUR MIXTURE CONTENT: (i) Food Flavourings and colourings (i) Natural and artificial (ii) Food colouring materials (iv) Flours from local stuff in cookery Sub-Topic 1: FOOD FLAVOURINGS AND COLOURING (i) Natural and artificial (ii) Food colouring materials FOOD FLAVOURINGS Food flavourings are substances


WEEK 2 CLASS: SS 2 SUBJECT: FOOD AND NUTRITION TOPIC: FLOUR MIXTURE CONTENT: (c) Flour mixture (i) Cakes, buns and sweets (ii) Pastries (iii) Breads Sub-Topic 1: CAKES, BUNS AND SWEETS 1. CAKES General rules for making cakes (a) Get all necessary materials and utensils ready and within reach (b) Prepare all ingredients i.e. sift


WEEK 1 CLASS: SS 2 SUBJECT: FOOD AND NUTRITION TOPIC: FLOUR MIXTURE CONTENT: (a) Types of flour in cookery – (i) whole wheat flour (ii) all-purpose flour (iii) instant blending flour etc. (b) All purpose flour. Sub-Topic 1: TYPES OF FLOUR IN COOKERY The term flour refers to the powder derived from ground cereals such

SS 1 Third Term Examination Food and Nutrition

THIRD TERM Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.    SUBJECT   FOOD & NUTRITION     CLASS: S. S. S ONE    DURATION 2HR     Objectives Cereals and beans should be kept in air-tight containers to (a) shorten the period of storage (b) darken the colour (c)


FOOD AND NUTRITION: SCHEME OF WORK NOTES SS 1 THIRD TERM WEEK TOPIC 1. Food study: main foods – cereal grains i. Types of cereal grains ii. Nutritive value of cereal grains iii. Processing of cereal grains.   2. Main foods iv. uses and choice of cereal grains v. Cooking methods vi. High/low extraction rate

Time and energy management in food preparation:

Time and energy management in food preparation: (i) Meaning of time and energy management (ii) Tasks that require time and energy management (iii) Importance of time and energy management (iv) Guidelines on time and energy management WEEK 9 DATE: ___________ SUBJECT: FOOD AND NUTRITION TOPIC: Time and energy management in food preparation Meaning of time

Labour saving devices

Labour saving devices: (i) use of labour saving devices (ii) importance of labour saving devices in the kitchen (iii) Operation of labour saving devices (iv) Factors to consider purchasing/selecting labour saving devices     WEEK 8 DATE: ___________ SUBJECT: FOOD AND NUTRITION TOPIC: Labour saving devices CONTENT:   (i) uses of labour saving devices importance of

Kitchen equipment and utensil

Kitchen equipment and utensil (a) Identification of different equipment for various tasks. (i) large equipment e.g. mechanical equipment (ii) small equipment (b). uses and care for kitchen equipment (c) storage of kitchen equipment     WEEK 6 DATE:___________ SUBJECT: FOOD AND NUTRITION TOPIC: Kitchen equipment and utensil CONTENT:  Identification of different equipment for various tasks:

Cooking method for fruits and vegetables

Fruits/Vegetables i. Types of vegetables ii. Nutritive value of vegetables iii. Factors affecting the choice of vegetables iv. Cooking method for fruits and vegetables v. Salads, garnishing desert     WEEK 5 DATE:___________ SUBJECT: FOOD AND NUTRITION TOPIC:  Fruits/vegetables CONTENT:  (i) Types of vegetables Nutritive value of vegetables Factors affecting the choice of vegetables Cooking
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