Class 2 Health Education Week 1/2 Topic:- Care of our body Wash your body and hair every day. Comb your hair every day. Cut your finger nails. Brush your teeth before and after meals. Class 2 Health Education Week 2/2 Topic:- Care of our teeth Clean your teeth everyday with toothbrush and toothpaste or
These are the links to second Term examination questions for KG, Nursery and Primary school for 2019/2020 Academic Year Second Term Examinations KG 1 KG 2 Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Primary 1 Primary 2 Primary 3 Primary 4 Primary 5 Primary 6
SUBJECT: VOCATIONAL APTITUDE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… __________ is a place where vehicle are repaired (a) office (b) school (c) mechanic workshop A tool is a device that make work easier (a) true (b) false (c) I don’t know ____________ is used for opening bottle crown (a) scissors (b) opener (c) rake _______________ is the person
SUBJECT: FRENCH CLASS: GRADE 3 Choisis la bonne reponse. Happy new year is ___(a) bonne nouvelle (b) bonne-annee Merry Christmas is ___(a) Joyeux noel (b) joyeuse fete Happy birthday is ___(a) mon jour (b) bon-anniversaire Goodluck is ___(a) bonne chance (b) bon secours Happy holiday is ___(a) Bonne chose (b) bonne vacances Have a nice
SUBJECT: C.R.K CLASS: NURSERY 1 Who lied against Joseph? (a) Joseph’s brother (b) Joseph master’s wife Who made Joseph rule over his people? (a) Pharaoh (b) Moses There was no food any where except __(a) Egypt (b) Lagos Who was the wicked king ___ (a)teacher (b) Pharaoh Who was hidden in the basket (a) John
SUBJECT: CREATIVE ART CLASS: PRIMARY 1 1. Decorative artworks are for decorating ____(a) field (b) house 2. Foot mat and _____ are examples of decorative artworks (a) table mat (b) ice-cream 3. Folktale is about ____(a) drama (b) story 4. Primary colours are ________, ______ and _____colour (a) purple , green and orange (b) red,
Instructions : Answer the following questions There are two types of change which are temporary and…….. change. A) serious. B) bus. C) permanent. D) moving A series of fundamental changes that occur in the life span of any living organism is known as….. A) photosynthesis. B) metamorphosis. C) evaporation. D) transportation Burning of pieces of
Subject : Basic Science And Technology Class : Basic 5 SECOND Term Examination Answer the following questions The medical treatment that is given to an injured person before the arrival of the medical doctor is known as…. A) Safety B) First Aid treatment C) marathon d) accident Something with no unique colour will look….. A)
The process by which living organisms replicate or reproduce or give birth to young ones that resembles their parents is known as……………………(a) Circulation. B) Reproduction. C) Respiration. D) Locomotion ………………. Is another name for colour(A) HUE B) RAINBOW C) COMBINATION D) PAINTING The Kanji dam is the major source of…….. For Nigeria (A) crude oil.