Category: Second Term Examination

Primary 6 Second Term Examinations Mathematics

SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2020 CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Instructions: Answer the following questions Part A: Objectives 1.) What is the difference between 1¾ of ¼ and ½ (a) ½ (b) 3/7 (c) 3/8 (d) ¼ 2.) What percentage of N1.50 is left after giving out 105k (a) 95% (b) 55% (c) 45% (d)


    SECOND TERM EXAMINATION   CLASS: PRIMARY 3   SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS   NAME:……………………………………………………………………………………   ________ is having sores in between the toes (a) hand rot (b) foot rot (c) hair rot (d) teeth rot Cleaning the mouth involves cleaning of the teeth and _____ (a) nose (b) tongue (c) ear (d) lip It


SECOND TERM EXAMINATION   CLASS: PRIMARY   3     SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION   NAME:……………………………………………………………………………………   Answer all questions   Every Nigerian ______ pays some amount of money as tax to the government of the country (a) goat (b) friend (c) citizen (d) student Citizens of a country work together for the success of their ________

Primary 2 Second Term Examination Verbal Reasoning

Pick from the list provided Read lead rat saw not Example: net = ten 1. dear = ____________________ 2. ton = _____________________ 3. was = _____________________ 4. deal = __________________ 5. tar = ____________________ Make words from the following words? E.g ram – am Monkey – key 6. cat ________ (7) care _______ 8. string

Primary 2 CRS Second Term Examination

Primary 2 CRS Second Term Examination   1. ______ has power over natural forces (a) president (b) father (c) Jesus 2. who calms the storm and walk on the sea? (a) Peter (b) John (c) Jesus 3. Jesus came to ____us from our sins (a) save (b) sell (c) buy 4. Jesus _____ the storm

Primary 2 P H E Second Term Examination

1. Basket ball is a ____ game (a) tidy (b) team (c) tennis 2. Each team is made up of ___players (a) six (b) seven (c) five 3. ____ and ____ are skills in basket ball (a) bouncing/throwing (b) catching/kicking (c) rolling/picking 4. _____ is a way of giving the ball to a team mate.

Primary 1 Third Term Examinations Vocation

     SUBJECT: VOCATIONAL APTITUDE   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… __________ is a place where vehicle are repaired (a) office (b) school (c) mechanic workshop A tool is a device that make work easier (a) true (b) false (c) I don’t know ____________ is used for opening bottle crown (a) scissors (b) opener (c) rake _______________ is the person

French Second Term Examinations For Primary Schools

SUBJECT: FRENCH CLASS: GRADE 3 Choisis la bonne reponse. Happy new year is ___(a) bonne nouvelle (b) bonne-annee Merry Christmas is ___(a) Joyeux noel (b) joyeuse fete Happy birthday is ___(a) mon jour (b) bon-anniversaire Goodluck is ___(a) bonne chance (b) bon secours Happy holiday is ___(a) Bonne chose (b) bonne vacances Have a nice
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