Category: Primary 6

Types of Triangles

    Class : Primary 6   Subject : Mathematics   Topic : Types of Triangles   Content   A triangle is a polygon with three sides and three interior angles.   The sun of the interior angles of a triangle is equal to 180 degrees   *Types of Triangle*   1. Equilateral Triangle: all


Pry six Akole:GBOLOHUN   KINI A NPE NI GBOLOHUN?Gbolohun ni akojopo oro ti eemile gbe jade lekan soso tabi gbolohun ni ipe de ti okun ti o si ni itunmo. Orisirisi gbolohun ni o wa ninu ede yoruba lara won ni awon wonyii. 1.gbolohun ibeere 2.gbolohun alaye 3.gbolohun ase 4.gbolohun onibo 5.gbolohun alakanpo.   GBOLOHUN

Internet means Computer International Network.

  CLASS: Primary 5 & 6 SUBJECT: Computer Study TOPIC: The Internet.   Internet means International Network.   The internet is the largest network of computers that communicate and share resources with one another. They are joined together (network) to deliver information.   To use the internet your computer must have the following:   a.)

Types of Farm Records

  Class : Primary 6 Subject : AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE Topic : Types of Farm Records TYPES OF FARM RECORDS There are different types of farm records a farmer should keep to run a successful farm business. They include: 1. Daily farm records 2. Records of farm implements and equipment 3. Record of agricultural inputs 4.

How to make an apron

  Subject : Home Economics Topic : How to make an apron CONTENT OF THE LESSON INTRODUCTION (APRON) Apron is a piece of clothing that chefs wear over the front of other clothes before they start cooking to prevent the cloth from getting dirty when they are cooking. Simple Apron can easily to make in

Civic Education Examination Third Term Primary 6

CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Part A: Objectives Choose the right answer from the given alternatives 1.) Honesty, hardwork and discipline are all examples of ____ (a) virtues (b) vices (c) immoral 2.) National honours are awards given to ______ some members of the society (a) honour (b) disgrace (c) disrespect 3.) Who

Civic Education Revision Third Term Primary 6

CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Part A: Objectives Read the following questions and pick the best answer from the given alternative 1.) The Nigeria National anthem has ____ stanzas (a) two (b) four (c) six (d) three   2.) The Presidential flag bearer for Action Congress (AC) in the 2007 general election is

Civic Education Revision Second Term Primary 6

CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Part A: Objectives Read the following questions and pick the best answer from the given alternative 1.) One of the problems of public opinion is that it may be ______ (a) true (b) popular (c) manipulated (d) supported by masses 2.) ____________ is a generally held belief about

Civic Education Revision First Term Primary 6

Subject : Civic Education Topic : Revision of first term Class : Primary 6  / Basic 6   Term : Third Term   Week : Week 8   Instructional Materials : Revison notes     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of most of the questions that are asked as Revison