Category: Primary 6

Audit, broadcast, fade, documentary, feature, scene, anchor, illustration, animation theater. Vocabulary Development Building New Words English Grammar Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Class: Primary 6 Subject: English Grammar Topic: Vocabulary Development – Building New Words Sub-topic: Words in the Media Duration: 45 minutes Term: First Term Week: Week 8 Previous Knowledge: Students are familiar with basic vocabulary and reading skills. Set Induction: Begin the lesson by showing a short video clip from a documentary film and asking

Marking Guide Creative Art Primary 6 First Term Examination

Marking Guide Creative Art Primary 6 First Term Examination   (c) still life drawing (b) tree (c) creative (b) art (c) value (c) music (a) dancing (b) nature drawing (b) figure drawing (c) the bust Part B: Three primary colors: (a) Red (b) Blue (c) Yellow b) Red + Blue = Purple The rainbow has

Characteristics of Living Things MR NIGER D

The solar system consists of the sun, the planets, and the _________ Answer: (a) satellites _________ is also known as the dwarf planet Answer: (b) Pluto The third planet in the solar system is called the _________ Answer: (a) Earth The Earth rotates on its own axis once every ________ hours Answer: (c) twenty-four Environmental

A composition on My Teacher

Comprehension 1.) What interrupted Abdul’s sleep on the third night? Answer: The sound of thunder interrupted Abdul’s sleep on the third night. 2.) Abdul decided to lead his camel rather than riding it because: Answer: Abdul decided to lead his camel because the clouds had covered the moon, making it difficult to ride it. 3.)

Preservation of roots and tuber crops; carrot, cassava, yam, Irish potato, cocoyam, sweet potato etc. Agricultural Science Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Agricultural Science Topic: Preservation of Roots and Tuber Crops Duration: 1 hour Class: Primary 6 Term: First Term Week: 6 Previous Knowledge: Students should have a basic understanding of roots and tuber crops and their importance. Learning Objectives: Understand the importance of preserving roots and tuber crops. Learn various methods for preserving these crops.
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