Category: Primary 6

Paul met opposition at Phillippi

Subject : Christian Religious Studies Term : First Term Week: Week 10   Class : Basic 6 / Primary 6     Previous lesson : The pupils have previous knowledge of the previous topic which was The Epistles and The Names of The Epistles of Paul   Topic :   Paul met opposition at Phillippi  Paul

Paul’s early life

Subject : Christian Religious Studies   Term :First Term   Week: Week 1   Class : Basic 6 / Primary 6     Previous lesson : The pupils have previous knowledge of various bible stories in their previous classes   Topic : Paul’s early life , birth, nationality and religion   Behavioural objectives : At

The letters of Paul popularly called The Epistles

Subject : Christian Religious Studies Term : First Term Week: Week 8   Class : Basic 6 / Primary 6     Previous lesson : The pupils have previous knowledge of the previous topic as it relates to the implication of Lydia’s conversion   Topic : The Letters Of Paul Known As The Epistles  

Paul in Europe. The significance of Lydia’s conversion.

Subject : Christian Religious Studies Term : First Term Week: Week 7   Class : Basic 6 / Primary 6     Previous lesson : The pupils have previous knowledge of the previous topic as it relates to The Conversion of Lydia   Topic : The implication and significance of Lydia’s Conversion   Behavioural objectives

Paul in Europe. The Conversion of Lydia.

Subject : Christian Religious Studies Term :First Term Week: Week 6   Class : Basic 6 / Primary 6     Previous lesson : The pupils have previous knowledge of the THE first missionary of Paul   Topic : Paul in Europe   Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson,  pupils should be

Paul’s Second Missionary Journey

Subject : Christian Religious Studies [ez-toc] Term :First Term Week: Week 5   Class : Basic 6 / Primary 6     Previous lesson : The pupils have previous knowledge of the THE first missionary of Paul   Topic : Paul’s second missionary journey   Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson,  pupils

The importance of Paul’s conversion

Subject : Christian Religious Studies   Term :First Term   Week: Week 3   Class : Basic 6 / Primary 6     Previous lesson : The pupils have previous knowledge of Saul’s repentance, baptism and conversion     Topic : The importance of Paul’s conversion   Behavioural objectives : At the end of the