Category: English Grammar

Comprehension Passage and Grammar Concepts for Grade 6 Students

Subject: English Studies Class: Primary 6 COMPREHENSION PASSAGE Read the paasage carefully and answer the questions that follow. One fine day at the beginning of the dry season, Joseph went for a walk towards his father’s farm. When he came to the farm, he saw three goats eating the corn. Mr. Bassey had a fence

Audit, broadcast, fade, documentary, feature, scene, anchor, illustration, animation theater. Vocabulary Development Building New Words English Grammar Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Class: Primary 6 Subject: English Grammar Topic: Vocabulary Development – Building New Words Sub-topic: Words in the Media Duration: 45 minutes Term: First Term Week: Week 8 Previous Knowledge: Students are familiar with basic vocabulary and reading skills. Set Induction: Begin the lesson by showing a short video clip from a documentary film and asking

Direct Speech : Meaning, Identification and Use of Quotation Marks to show Direct Speech Grammar English Grammar Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Class: Primary 6 Subject: English Grammar Term: First Term Week: 6 Topic: Direct Speech: Meaning, Identification, and Use of Quotation Marks to show Direct Speech Sub-topic: Understanding and Using Direct Speech Duration: 45 minutes Previous Knowledge: Students should have a basic understanding of sentence structure and the use of punctuation, including periods and quotation marks.

Use of Intonation to distinguish between commands; questions and statement Speech Work English Grammar Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: English Grammar Topic: Use of Intonation to Distinguish Commands, Questions, and Statements Duration: 40 minutes Term: First Term Week: 6 Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand and use intonation to distinguish between commands, questions, and statements in spoken English. Materials: Whiteboard and markers. Examples of sentences (statements,