Category: Social Studies Primary 5

Roles Played By Family Members In Marriage

Subject : Social Studies Class : Primary 4 / Basic 4 / Year 4 Term : First Term Week : Week 5 Topic : Roles played by Families Previous Knowledge : Pupils have previous knowledge of Marriage Customs and Practices  that was treated as a topic in the previous lesson   Behavioural Objectives : At

Marriage Customs and Practices

Subject : Social Studies   Term : First Term   Week : Week 4   Topic : Marriage Customs and Practices In Nigeria   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught Process of changing culture and differences  in their previous lesson Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be

Processes of Changing Culture and Differences

Subject : Social Studies Topic :  Processes of Changing Culture and Differences Class : Primary 5 Term :  First Term Week : Week 3 Previous Knowledge : Pupils have previous knowledge of Unity in Cultural Diversity that has been taught in their former lessons and classes Behavioural Objectives : Pupils should be able to Understand

Other People In The Family and How they relate to us

Subject : Social Studies Topic :  Othe People In The Family Class : Primary 5 Term :  First Term Week : Week 1 Previous Knowledge : Pupils have previous knowledge of topics that have been taught in their former lessons and classes Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be

Religious Intolerance Social Studies Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject : SOCIAL STUDIES Topic : Religious Intolerance  Class : PRIMARY 6 Term : FIRST TERM Week : WEEK 6 Instructional Materials : Online Materials Whiteboard/ chalkboard Interactive poster Interactive video   Reference Materials Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of

Pre Marital Sexual Relationship. Dangers of Pre-marital Sexual Activities

Subject : SOCIAL STUDIES Topic : Pre Marital Scxual Relationship  Class : PRIMARY 6 Term : FIRST TERM Week : WEEK 4 Instructional Materials : Online Materials Samples Packets of Drugs Whiteboard/ chalkboard Interactive poster Interactive video   Reference Materials Scheme of Work Online Information Textbooks Workbooks 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum Previous Knowledge :

Social Studies Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes

  Edu Delight Tutors Online Training Scheme Notes and Other Resources  Third Term Scheme Primary 5 Social Studies Third Term Housing – Meaning (Types) and Acquisition of Houses (Primary 5)  Features of Adequate Housing (Primary 5)  Population and Housing (Primary 5) Personal Hygiene and Physical Development (Primary 5) Physical Fitness and Population   Drug Abuse –

National Water Supply Social Studies Primary 5

NATIONAL WATER SUPPLY Edu Delight Tutors     Subject   :  Social Studies   Class  : Basic 5 / Primary 5  / Class 5   Term : Second   Term   Week  : Week 11   Topic  : NATIONAL WATER SUPPLY   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of  Land Transportation  that was taught  in
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