Category: Primary 5

Se Présenter et Présenter Quelqu’un (Introducing Yourself and Someone) French Language Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Title: Se Présenter et Présenter Quelqu’un (Introducing Yourself and Someone) Subject: French Language Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 5 Duration: 45 minutes Learning Objectives: Learn how to introduce yourself in French. Understand how to introduce someone else. Practice using the verb “aimer” (to like) with nouns. Master the use of personal pronouns “Il”

Leadership Meaning Identification and Types of Leaders Civic Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Title: Understanding Leadership Subject: Civic Education Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 5 Duration: 40 minutes Learning Objectives: Define the term “leadership.” Identify who a leader is. Mention the types of leadership. Analyze the types of leadership. Previous Lesson: In the previous lesson, students learned about “Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens.” Embedded Core Skills:

Belief in the lifeafter death(Yawmal-Qiyaamah) Recall the Articles of Faith and relate death to sleeping; discuss how man will be resurrected; relate death with resurrection and judgement Islamic Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Title: Belief in the Life after Death (Yawm al-Qiyaamah) Subject: Islamic Studies Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 5 Learning Objectives: Understand the concept of the Hereafter in Islam. Recall the Articles of Faith in Islam. Relate the idea of death to sleeping. Discuss how humans will be resurrected. Understand the connection between death,

First place the British occupied in Nigeria. Relate activities of the British Royal Niger Company of Royal Niger Company’s Charter on 31st December, 1899 The Founder of the Royal Niger History Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Title: British Rule In Nigeria – Part 2 Subject: History Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 5 Topic: British Rule In Nigeria 2: Early Areas, How They Came, Royal Niger Company, Charter Revocation, Royal Niger Founder Duration: 45 minutes Learning Objectives: 1. Know where the British first settled in Nigeria. 2. Understand how the

Roles played by Family members like providing useful advice, Unhealthy Marriage practices (consequences) Social Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Title: Roles Played by Family Members and Unhealthy Marriage Practices Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 5 Topic: Roles of Family Members and Consequences of Unhealthy Marriage Practices Duration: 45 minutes Learning Objectives: Understand the roles played by each family member in a household. Recognize the importance of providing useful advice

Post-planting activities; irrigation, mulching, thinning, supplying, application of manure/fertilizer and weeding Agricultural Science Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Post-planting activities; irrigation, mulching, thinning, supplying, application of manure/fertilizer and weeding. Subject: Agricultural Science Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 5 Topic: Post-Planting Activities Duration: 45 minutes Learning Objectives: Understand the importance of post-planting activities in agriculture. Learn the key post-planting activities such as irrigation, mulching, thinning, supplying, application of manure/fertilizer, and weeding. Recognize
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