Agricultural Science Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 8 Topic: Classification of Insect Pests: Piercing and Sucking Insect Pests, Burrowing and Boring Insect Pests Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Classify insect pests according to their mouth parts. Outline examples of insects in each group. Justify the
Plan Lesson Notes Social Studies Primary 5 Second Term Week 1 Leadership Week 2 Organization and cooperation Week 3 Resources Preservation (saving) Week 4 Causes of poor savings Week 5 Resources Development Week 6 Resources Distribution Week 7 Mid Term Test Social Studies Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 8 Employment Week 9 Wages
Social Studies Primary 5 – Second Term Week 14 – First Term Examination Exam Instructions For Teachers: Ensure all students are seated properly before distributing the question papers. Read out the instructions clearly and ensure students understand them. Do not allow any form of cheating, including talking, exchanging papers, or using unauthorized materials. Move around
Social Studies Primary 5 – Second Term Week 13 – Revision of All Topics Covered This revision will help students review all the topics taught during the term through different types of questions for better understanding. Part A: Review and Revision (20 FAQs with Answers) What is leadership?Leadership is the ability to guide and influence
Social Studies Primary 5 Second Term – Week 7 Mid-Term Test Topics Covered: Leadership Organization and Cooperation Resources Preservation Causes of Poor Savings Resources Development Resources Distribution Employment Wages and Income Communication Land Transportation National Water Supply Week 7 Mid-Term Assessment Part A: Objective Questions (Multiple Choice) Choose the correct answer for each question. Leadership
Physical and Health Education JSS 1 Second Term Lesson Notes – Week 3 Topic: Examples of Non-Contact Sports – Gymnastics and Swimming Lesson Details: Subject: Physical and Health Education Class: JSS 1 Term: Second Term Week: 3 Age: 10–12 years Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able
Debating Questions Guide for Lagos State Primary 5 Motion: “Farmers Are Better Than Doctors.” Below are five simple questions to guide debaters supporting or opposing the motion. For the Proposition (Supporting Farmers as Better Than Doctors): Can people survive without food, and who provides this essential need? How do farmers contribute to the economy and
Structure English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Examination Instructions: For Teachers: Preparation: Ensure the exam papers are ready and error-free. Set up the exam room with enough space for each student. Distribute exam papers and any necessary materials before the start time. During the Exam: Explain the exam instructions clearly to the students. Monitor the
Week 7 Mid-Term Assessment Subject: English Grammar Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 7 Age: 9 years Part A: Objective Questions Instructions: Choose the correct option (a, b, c, or d) to complete each sentence. The present perfect tense is formed using “has” or “have” + __. a. base form b. present participle c.
Week 11: Revision – English Grammar (Primary 5, First Term) General Information Subject: English Grammar Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 11 Age: 9 years Topic: Revision of All Topics Covered in the Term Duration: 60 minutes Part A: Review and Revision (20 Frequently Asked Questions with Answers) What is a tense in English