Category: Agricultural Science Primary 5


  Subject :  AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE Term : SECOND TERM Week: WEEK 2 Class : Primary 5 Topic : HOW TO RAISE CROPS Previous lesson:  The pupils have previous knowledge of Classification of farm animals based on their mode of breeding that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson   Behavioural objectives : At

Classification of farm animals based on their uses

  Subject :  AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE Term : 1ST TERM Week: WEEK 10 Class : Primary 5 Topic : Classification of farm animals based on their uses  Previous lesson:  The pupils have previous knowledge of Classification of farm animals based on their mode of breeding that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson  

Classification of farm animals based on their mode of breeding

  Subject :  AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE Term : 1ST TERM Week: WEEK 9 Class : Primary 5 Topic : Classification of farm animals based on their mode of breeding  Previous lesson:  The pupils have previous knowledge of CLASSIFICATION OF FARM ANIMALS BASED ON THE MODE OF FEEDING that was taught as a topic in the previous


  Subject :  AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE Term : 1ST TERM Week: WEEK 8 Class : Primary 5 Topic : Classification of farm animals based on their mode of feeding  Previous lesson:  The pupils have previous knowledge of Classification of crops according to their Uses and Types that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson

Classification of crops according to their Uses and Types

  Subject :  AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE Term : 1ST TERM Week: WEEK 7 Class : Primary 5 Topic : Classification according to life span Previous lesson:  The pupils have previous knowledge of Classification according to life span that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson   Behavioural objectives : At the end of the

Classification of Crops according to life span

Subject :  AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE Term : 1ST TERM Week: WEEK 6 Class : Primary 5 Topic : Classification according to life span Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Classification of crops and their uses Classification according to forms that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson   Behavioural objectives :

Agricultural Science Primary 5 Scheme of work With Lesson Notes

Agricultural Science First Term, Second Term and Third Term     Primary 5/ Basic 5     Agricultural Science     Primary 5     Agricultural Science Primary 5 First Term     Agricultural Science Primary 5 Second Term     Agricultural Science Primary 5 Third Term        Lagos State school Calendar for


THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 5   SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE NAME:………………………………  Pests can be categorized into _________ groups (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4 The type of farming where food crops are produced for family consumption is known as ___ (a) commercial farming (b) subsistence farming (c) tangua farming Which of the following is

1st Term Examination AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE Basic 5

Edu Delight Tutors Subuode Gbaga Gasline Shimawa Ogun State 1st Term Examination AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE Basic 5 Name:……………………… Agriculture simply means ______ (a)a people’s way of life (b)ability to vote and be voted for (c)the practice of growing crops and rearing animals for man’s food, shelter and medicine (d)the study of the earth Crops need all
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