Primary 4

Yoruba Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes

Yoruba Primary 4 First Term Week 1: Topic: Ami Ohun Focus: Ami ohun oke, ami ohun/isale, ami ohun aarin ati idanimo won. Examples: do, re, mi. Week 2: Topic: Apeko Focus: Oro Yoruba keekeekee- ke, lo, sun, ekun, ododo abbl. Apeko gbolohun kukuru. Week 3: Topic: Aroso Focus: Ijiroro ati Ariyanjiyan. Example: Ise oluko dara

Understanding Suratul-Fil: Recitation, Translation, and Significance Islamic Religious Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Islamic Religious Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3 Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: First Term Week: 3 Age: 9 years Topic: Suratul-Fil (Chapter of the Elephant) Sub-topic: A) Recitation of Suratul-Fil Sub-topic: B) Translation of Suratul-Fil Sub-topic: C) Reason for the Revelation of Suratul-Fil Sub-topic: D) Uses of Suratul-Fil

The Journey of Prophet Muhammad (SAW): From Revelation to Establishing the Ummah Islamic Religious Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Islamic Religious Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8 Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: First Term Week: 8 Age: 9 years Topic: The Prophet Muhammad (SAW): From Prophethood to the Establishment of Ummah in Madina Sub-topic: A) Qualities Before Prophethood Sub-topic: B) First Revelation Sub-topic: C) Content of the Revelation