Category: Agricultural Science Primary 3

Simple Farm Tools or Instruments ( Pry 3 Second Term)

Agricultural Science   Major 3   Second Time period   WEEK 2 Subject:  Farm instruments   Subtitle: Easy farm instruments   Studying Targets: On the finish of this  lesson, pupils ought to be capable to: 1.Outline easy farm instruments checklist some examples of straightforward farm instruments INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: The instructor will educate the lesson with


  1st Term Examination AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE BASIC 3 NAME:________________________ __________ is one of the means in which weeds can be controlled (a)by phoning (b)by cultural means (c)by flying means Agriculture can be classified into __________ and __________ (a)crop science and forestry (b)book and animal science (c)mechanic and crop science ___________ are unwanted plants n a

Agricultural Science  Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 3

THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION 2021 CLASS: PRIMARY 3   SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE NAME:………………………………………………………     1.) ____________ are crops with swollen underground stems and roots (a) grain crops (b) tuber crops (c) fruit crops (d) food crops 2.) Grains are generally rich in ____________ (a) protein (b) carbohydrate (c) oil 3.) Examples of grains are


  CLASS: PRIMARY 1 SECOND TERM SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… ___________ is a mixture of gases (a) nose (b) air (c) water Land can be categorized into ________ (a) 5 (b) 2 (c) 3 Can we feel air (a) yes (b) no (c) none of the above How many types of soil do we have?

1st term Examination AGRICULTRAL SCIENCE Primary 2

CLASS: BASIC 2 Edu Delight Tutors 1st TERM EXAMINATION SUBJECT: AGRICULTRAL SCIENCE Carbohydrate provides the body with Energy b, Oil c. Fat Rice provides body with energy? (true/ false) Which of these does not belong to the group Rice b. Yam c. Beans is a source of protein Fish b, Rice c. Cocoyam Beans is


FIRST TERM EXAMINATION  CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Answer all Questions 1. The foods that give strength to man and animals are called ______ energy-giving foods (b) body-building food (c) protein foods 2. One of the following foods is not an energy-giving food (a) yam (b) beans (c) rice 3. Protein is also


SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE   Topic : DEFINITION AND TYPES OF SOIL Class : JSS 2 (BASIC 8) Term : FIRST TERM Week : WEEK 1 Instructional Materials : Soil Samples Previous Knowledge : Revision Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to mention types and uses of soil


FIRST TERM EXAMINATION  CLASS: PRIMARY 1                             SUBJECT: AGRIC  SCIENCE     NAME:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………   Crop plants are plants we ___________ (a) grow (b) sow  (c) buy Write five names of some crop plants.five common local plants. __________________, ________________, ___________________, ____________________, ____________________. Draw a crop plant and label.       Write out the

What is a balanced diet?

  CLASS: Basic 3 SUBJECT: Agricultural Science TOPIC: Assessment Test   Answer the following questions.   1. What is a balanced diet?   2. State two importance of a balanced diet (i) ______________________________________________   (ii)______________________________________________   3. List the six classes of food.   (i)_________________________________   (ii)_________________________________   (iii)_________________________________   (iv)_________________________________   (v)__________________________________   (vi)_________________________________

Questions on Balanced Diet

  Class: Basic 3 Subject: Agricultural Science Topic: Questions on Balanced Diet     Listen to the voice message and answer the following questions:   What is balanced diet?   List the composition of a balanced diet.   Which of the composition of a balanced diet gives energy?   The composition of a balanced diet
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