
Computer Basics Quiz for Grade 2

Arrow keys are used to move the cursor Up ⬆️, Down ⬇️, Left ⬅️, and Right ➡️ The computer mouse is used for Clicking 🖱️, Moving 🖱️, and Dragging 🖱️ We can see and touch the Monitor 🖥️, Keyboard ⌨️, Mouse 🖱️, and CPU 💻 UPS is a source of (b) emergency power Does a

Features of Essential Parts of CPU eg Ports, Buttons, Identification and Functions Computer Studies ICT Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Class: Primary 2 Subject: Computer Studies ICT Topic: Features of Essential Parts of CPU Sub-topic: Understanding Ports, Buttons, Identification, and Functions Duration: 45 minutes Instructional Materials: Pictures of essential CPU parts A sample CPU for demonstration Flashcards with labels for CPU parts A whiteboard and markers A chart illustrating CPU features Entry Behaviour: Students have