Category: Online lesson Notes and Scheme of work

Teaching Kindergarten 2 Pupils to Read

Here are some steps to help Kindergarten 2 pupils start reading: Introduce Letters and Sounds Teach the alphabet. Use songs, charts, and flashcards. Example: “A” is for “Apple”. 🍎 Phonics Teach how letters sound. Example: “B” sounds like /b/. Show “B” with “Ball”. ⚽ Simple Words Start with short words. Example: “cat”, “dog”, “sun”. Show

Effective Strategies to Stop Examination Malpractice in Nigeria

Stopping examination malpractice in Nigeria requires a multifaceted approach involving various stakeholders. Here are some practical ways to address the issue: 1. Strengthen Security Measures Use Technology: Implement biometric systems and CCTV cameras to monitor examination centers. Strict Invigilation: Increase the number of invigilators and ensure they are well-trained to detect malpractice. 2. Reform Examination

From Typewriters to Tablets: Essential Tech Skills for Modern Education

From Typewriters to Tablets: Why Digital Skills are Essential for Today’s Students In today’s fast-paced digital world, mastering technology is no longer optional; it’s a necessity. Both students and teachers need a strong foundation in digital skills to succeed. This blog post explores the essential tech skills needed and where to learn them. 1. Basic

End-of-Year Awards to Motivate Students and Staff

Student Awards Best Overall Student For the student with the highest grades in all subjects. Most Improved Student For the student who has shown the most progress over the year. Best in Mathematics For the student with the highest score in Mathematics. Best in English For the student with the highest score in English. Best

Discover teaching ideas and how to create an engaging learning environment for students

Mastering Classroom Management: Tips and Strategies for Teachers Introduction to Classroom Management Classroom management is essential for creating a productive learning environment. It involves organizing students, materials, and the classroom space to maximize learning and minimize disruptions. Advantages of Appropriate Classroom Management Enhanced Learning: A well-managed classroom allows students to focus on their lessons without

How to Find Online Teaching Jobs Abroad While in Nigeria

How to Find Online Teaching Jobs Abroad While in Nigeria Are you a teacher in Nigeria looking to work online for schools in the UK or US? Here are ten ways you can find remote teaching jobs abroad while still in Nigeria: Freelance Platforms: Create profiles on Upwork and Freelancer to find tutoring and content

Engaging Activities to Consider for Making Children’s Day Fun

Children’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to make lasting memories with your kids. Here are some engaging activities to consider for making the day special: Creative Arts and Crafts: DIY Projects: Create simple DIY crafts like painting, making paper flowers, or creating custom T-shirts. Storybook Creation: Help them write and illustrate their own storybook. Outdoor

10 Fun Places for Kids in Lagos to Enjoy Children’s Day

Children’s Day is almost here, and it’s the perfect time to plan a fun and memorable outing for the kids. Lagos State offers a variety of exciting places where children can enjoy and learn. Here are ten fantastic spots to visit: 1. Lekki Conservation Centre Explore nature at the Lekki Conservation Centre. Walk through the

Discoveries at Igbo Ukwu: Ancient Treasures

The archaeological findings at Igbo Ukwu in Nigeria are significant for understanding the cultural and artistic achievements of the ancient Igbo civilization. Here are the main characteristics of the discovered objects: Bronze Works: The objects discovered were primarily made of bronze, including vessels like pots and bowls, as well as ornaments with pendants. Animal Patterns:
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