Category: Civic Education


Ability To Trust and Believe In Oneself   Subject: Civic Education   Class: Nursery 2   WEEK : 3   Topic: Confidence    Sub-topic: Habits that build Confidence    Methods of Teaching  Role modelling Questions and Answers Explanation Discussion Recitation Imitation Story Telling Dramatization     Instructional Materials  Paper Mirror Pictures Online Resource Lego Poetry

Conflict Resolution

How to Find Solutions To Disagreements   Subject: Civic Education   Class: Nursery 2   WEEK : 2   Topic: Conflict Resolution    Sub-topic: Causes of Disagreement    Methods of Teaching  Role modelling Questions and Answers Explanation Discussion Recitation Imitation Story Telling Dramatization     Instructional Materials  Clay Pictures Online Resource Lego Punching bag Wooden

Civic Education Nursery 2 Third Term Scheme of Work

Early Childhood Care Education   Scheme of Work   Nursery 2   Civic Education Nursery 2 Third Term Scheme of Work   Age 4   Third Term Weeks Topics 1. Revision of second Term work on Civic Education Nursery 2 2. Conflict Resolution 3. Emotional Development : Confidence 4. Self Expression 5. Psychosocial Values :
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