LAGOS STATE EXAMINATION BOARD TEDAC UNIT List of Books from the Approved List for JSS III 2024/2025 Academic Session GROUP: DRAMA Book Title Author Publisher Year Harvest of Shame E.D. Omodgun Sumob 1997 A Miracle in Two Paragraphs A. Godetime Pen Digital 2022 Time and Tide Femi Adedina Gazelle Book 2018 GROUP: PROSE Book Title
Subject: Rhymes Class: Nursery 2 My head, my ………………………………. (a) shoulder (b) hand Baa baa black …………………… (a) sheep (b) cat Mr. ………………….. are you sweet? (a) apple (b) sugar Head and shoulder, kneels and ………………….. (a) toes (b) mouth Humpty Dumpty sat on a …………………… (a) wall (b) house
Subject: Physical Education Class: Nursery 1 Twisting of body is an exercise (a) Yes (b) No Is it good to play safe at school? (a) Yes (b) No Is it good to play with sharp objects? (a) Yes (b) No We should keep our environment clean (a) Yes (b) No We
Subject: Bible Knowledge Class: Nursery 1 Adam and Eve were made out of ……………… (a) stone (b) dust ………………….. created heaven and earth (a) Satan (b) God A church is a place of worship (a) Yes (b) No Jesus taught us to pray (a) Yes (b) No ………………led the people out of Egypt. (a) Moses
Subjec: Civic Education Class: Nursery 1 Should we share toys with friends? (a) Yes (b) No Is it good to play with our friends? (a) Yes (b) No Is it good to take care of our belongings? (a) Yes (b) No We …………………….. with one another (a) fight (b) play A child has
Subject: Social Habit Class: Nursery 1 Good children must be ………………… to their parents. (a) helpful (b) fighting Is it good to fight with one another at home? (a) Yes (b) No ……………… help their parents at home. (a) goats (b) children Children must ………………… their parents (a) hate (b) love We must ……………………. the
Exploring Basic Science for Nursery 1 Kids! 🌿🔬 Importance of Personal Hygiene Example: “We must wash our hands after rough play.” Uses of Water Example: “Water is used for bathing to keep us clean.” Plants and Growth Example: “Plants use water to grow healthy and strong.” Natural Elements Example: “We use the sun to dry
Subject: Letter Work Class: Nursery 1 Term: First Term Week: 10 (Second Term Examination) Topic: Letter Sounds and Pre-writing Skills Duration: 60 minutes Behavioural Objectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize and identify letter sounds /a/, /b/, /c/, and /d/. Students will show proficiency in tracing horizontal, vertical, slanting strokes, and curves. Students will
Subject: Nursery 1 Age 3 Letter Work Class: Nursery 1 Term: First Term Week: 9 Topic: Introduction to Letter Sound /e/ Sub-topic: Listening Skill and Pre-Writing Skills Duration: 45 minutes Behavioural Objectives: To listen and identify sound sequences. To recognize sound/word identification. To develop short-term auditory memory skills. To learn pre-writing skills by drawing curves
Subject: Letter Work Class: Nursery 1 (Age 3) Term: First Term Week: 8 Topic: Exploring Sounds and Letters /e/ and /f/ Duration: 30 minutes Behavioural Objectives: Students will identify sounds /e/ and /f/ and words starting with these sounds. Students will practice tracing and writing strokes related to the letters /e/ and /f/. Key Words: