Category: Physical Development

Physical Development Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes

Getting to Know Ourselves Physical Development Kindergarten First Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Keep exploring and learning about yourselves Physical Development Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2 Crab Walk (Gross Motor Skills) Physical Development Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3 Coordination and Balancing Physical Development Kindergarten Age 5 First

Neuro-Muscular Skill (Climbing) Physical Development Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Subject: Physical Development Class: Kindergarten Term: First Term Week: Week 7 Topic: Neuro-Muscular Skill (Climbing) Duration: 30 minutes Behavioural Objectives: Participate in kid’s climber activities in the school compound with adequate supervision from their instructors. Set Induction: Welcome, children! Today, we will learn about climbing. Climbing is a fun activity that helps make our muscles
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